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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Machine Chose One of It's Own for Newest Sun City Anthem Board Replacement in Addition to Previous Board Member Who Received 40% of Removal Election Votes

Newest Appointed Member of
The Sun City Anthem Board of Directors
Patricia Carrell
Just Another Member of "The Machine"

Image result for machine politics

This is not the first time the name of Patricia Carrell has appeared on Anthem Opinions. 

As a matter of fact, we first made our readers aware of her on October 14, 2017 during the Removal Election.

Now that she has been appointed to the Sun City Anthem Board within 24 hours of the resignation of Gary Lee, perhaps it might be time to revisit that article entitled:

Sun City Anthem
Lifestyle Committee Chairman
Patricia Carrell
Joins List of Sending
Unethical Biased Emails 

To do so, let's go back in time for a moment to the tumultuous Removal election a year ago and the antics that took place when the Removal petitions were being collected...over 800 unit owner signatures in a mere 6 week period that placed Rex Weddle, Thomas Nissen, and Aletta Waterhouse on the Recall ballot.

Bob Burch escaped the election due to improper CPA firm counting, and Association General Manager, Sandra Seddon, had 836 individuals sign a "no confidence" statement of her actions in managing Sun City Anthem.

How did the Sun City Anthem Board react to those petitions?

It began with an eblast sent by Association Treasurer, Forrest Quinn, when the removal petitions were being gathered.

Formal complaints were filed with the Ombudsman's office that charged him with influencing the election.

Those charges were subsequently dismissed by the Ombudsman due to the the eblast being published prior to the submission of the signed petitions, not the validity of the complaint

Are you confused by that logic? 

We were as well !

And then...

Subsequent emails were sent by a Sun City Anthem employee to Club Presidents asking them to forward it to their members in order to influence their vote.

That email somehow made it to Patricia Carrell, the then Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Community Lifestyle Committee...and now...our newest "rent a member" of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, who in turn decided to take matters into her own hands !

Let's go back to that  October, 2017 article and examine a portion of its contents !
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"Next up..the Lifestyle Committee...again..this time from Chairman, Patricia Carrell

She has now joined them in sending such emails (although in the guise of a "private resident"), yet makes sure it's known she has been associated with official committees.

Stated Carrell in her email:

"I will vote a strong NO on the recall ballot for the following reasons.
First, I have known and worked with all three of these individuals for several years, starting before they were elected to the Board of Directors. I worked with Tom Nissan, Rex Weddle and Aletta Waterhouse when we were all serving on various standing committees. 

I have only the highest regard and respect for these community servants.
I know them to be people of integrity, intelligence and commitment to the good of SCA.  While some may disagree with some of the decisions they have made as BOD members, I believe they were exercising prudent judgment and had the good of the entire SCA community in mind.

Second, the charges against them have been vague and misleading.  Claims about secret BOD executive sessions, mismanagement of the relationship with the Foundation Assisting Seniors (FAS), not acting in a timely manner with respect to the restaurant space, violations of NRS and CC&Rs, are without substance. 

Third, some of the changes that have come about through the
transition to self-management have uncovered legal requirements and insurance issues which the Association should have been following all along, but were not when we were under external management.  

Self-management has brought these failures to light.  As a result, management has instituted requirements that were previously not enforced and have caused some to over react and blame self-management, and hence the BOD. This has led the proponents of the recall to claim mismanagement of clubs and their activities with arbitrary and capricious changes.  The changes regarding business licenses and insurance requirements for clubs are definitely not arbitrary and capricious changes.
Finally, forcing a community to hold expensive and unnecessary recall elections is not the way to effect change in community leadership.

If anyone is so unhappy with the leadership of these BOD members, they can run for the BOD themselves and/or at the very least vote them out of office at the next regularly scheduled BOD elections."

Does that sound like a broken record or what ???

Well now, in the minds of ETHICAL individuals, Patricia Carrell's "extracurricular  activity" was nothing more than a further attempt by a member of an Official Sun City Anthem committee, to continue the corrupt "machine" she was appointed by, and has been an active part of for years.

Looking at Carrell, she has been known to be rude and intrusive to many who attend Lifestyle Committee meetings, demonstrating total loyalty to those who were responsible for her appointment...

...previous Lifestyle Committee Chairman Rex Weddle and Aletta Waterhouse ...

...while making life miserable on a number of clubs demanding they march to her whims.
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Of course, despite that obvious interference, coupled with...

...a group of individuals (primarily consisting of former Sun City Anthem Board members) who sent all owners a letter telling them to vote against removing them...

...a denial of any opportunity to retort the original Quinn elblast...

...and the infamous ballot that was carefully disguised in an  envelope that in no way indicated Sun City Anthem Business was included causing many to discard it as junk mail...

of those who cast ballots

...believed Rex Weddle, Thomas Nissen, and Aletta Waterhouse should have been removed from the Board.

Since then....

Waterhouse subsequently ran for reelection, and was defeated.

Nissen retired at the conclusion of his term, but somehow remained on a Restaurant Selection Committee, producing a "deal" that would provide a restaurant operator, G2G, to obtain a sweetheart arrangement that provided FREE rent, FREE utilities, FREE usage of all Sun City Anthem equipment...

...even going to far as having Sun City Anthem provide FREE laundry service for table linens..

...a deal that was so ridiculous that on two occasions, G2G, a $70 million company, stated it walked away, but NOW are back in the mix due to a Board withholding information from owners that they were still in negotiation with them following a previous statement THE DEAL WAS DEAD.

In other words, BOTH PARTIES WERE LESS THAN HONEST with the Sun City Anthem community, and yet while still in negotiation, made an attempt to blame a blogger for the collapse...WHICH OBVIOUSLY NEVER TOOK PLACE.

Then there was a Darcy Spears Channel 13 report exposing the outrageous incomes paid Sun City Anthem Management ($1 million for 5 people) was broadcast to the entire Las Vegas valley...

...and now, a staunch member of "The Machine", Patricia Carrell,  has been added to the Sun City Anthem Board along with one (Aletta Waterhouse) who was cast aside by the voters a few months ago.

That means that as of today, there have been THREE "rent a member" Board members in the past year and a half (Jim Coleman being the first, before eventually being elected in his own right earlier in 2018).

The saddest aspect of the Carrell appointment ?


She holds a B.S. Degree in German and Mathematics and a PhD in Linguistics....

...the "perfect background" needed to govern the financial affairs of NOTHING.

She brings yet another "public employee" mentality to the mix, joining "The Librarian", Aletta Waterhouse.

This is what is now representing YOU, the owners of Sun City Anthem; which in our opinion, is more than convincing proof that a MACHINE not only exists in Sun City Anthem, but THRIVES as result of repopulating itself at EVERY OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE TO IT

This could only happen due to the lack of concern and apathy of the voters (residents) and a small group of individuals (control freaks) who have capitalized on that apathy.

It is time that we seek individuals to run for the Board in the next election to stop this abuse...

...and we hope that some honest, caring individuals will step forward and allow Sun City Anthem to clean its swamp !

Have an opinion?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Phillip Opinions

    YOU, Mr. Richard Arendt, MUST run for the Board and bring with you others for other board seats!!
    1. From Robert Opinions

      This  Thursday, August 23rd at 1:30pm in the Delaware Room of Anthem Center, the Board of Directors will hold its next “open to all” meeting and I feel it is in the best interests of all Sun City Anthem homeowners to attend as most likely items of controversy are likely to be addressed.

      With the current muggings and various break-ins reported in this publication, Anthem Opinions will probably be discussed and any one with and ideas involving our security, would be welcomed and hopefully be acted upon if deemed of value.

      Another issue, which I consider a crime, as it holds the majority of our homeowners hostage, is the restaurant that the HOA is determined to shove down our throats, which would cost us about $250.000 per year taken from our dues as a subsidy to be paid to a $70,000,000 in annual sales company.

      The company, G2G, is known largely for owning a huge number of Denny’s franchises.

      In addition to rent free space, the HOA will pay their utilities, janitorial and linen service, and who knows what else.

      (Allow me to correct the rent statement  as the proposal is a requirement to pay a token fee on sales exceeding a figure being a challenge to even a prime traffic location open 24/7)

      The HOA would further agree to pay for all repairs and deferred maintenance, as well as provide restaurant equipment to the satisfaction of G2G.

      This gives us nothing except possibly unlimited liability.

      Judging by what has been released for our ears, as all negotiations have been behind closed doors by the HOA, it is very obvious that our board is what is referred to in real estate negotiations as a ‘rollover” as they give in to whatever is asked.

      You may notice that the board managed to fill vacancies in virtually no time.

      Could it be so they could steamroll us by maintaining a quorum?

      Since the board is counting on complacency or disinterest in where our dues are being blown to get this through (for all we know, they may already have a lease in effect via back room dealings)

      But attendance would possible put a new light on this issue.

      And asking questions is the best way to find out answers as none, other than those required by law, nothing  is volunteered.

      Remember, unless you are excited on showing off the facilities to guests by taking them to Denny’s, eating there could be the most expensive hamburger you ever had.
      1. Robert, this is the intelligence and common sense that should run our association. 

        I also want to thank Phillip Rosen for the "vote of confidence, but perhaps we may be able to find good, honest, and unbiased individuals out there after all.

        I do know, that from the "old school" there are three individuals I certainly would like to see on the SCA Board, all of which are FEARLESS to criticism and would never cave to the whims of "a machine".

        Barry Goldstein

        Forrest Fetherolf

        Jim Mayfied

        It certainly sounds like Robert Latchford would be a vital ingredient to "drain the SCA Swamp".
        1. Remember - the only people that hate you for telling the truth, are the ones that are living a lie.


  1. From Phillip Opinions

    YOU, Mr. Richard Arendt, MUST run for the Board and bring with you others for other board seats!!

  2. From Robert Opinions

    This  Thursday, August 23rd at 1:30pm in the Delaware Room of Anthem Center, the Board of Directors will hold its next “open to all” meeting and I feel it is in the best interests of all Sun City Anthem homeowners to attend as most likely items of controversy are likely to be addressed.

    With the current muggings and various break-ins reported in this publication, Anthem Opinions will probably be discussed and any one with and ideas involving our security, would be welcomed and hopefully be acted upon if deemed of value.

    Another issue, which I consider a crime, as it holds the majority of our homeowners hostage, is the restaurant that the HOA is determined to shove down our throats, which would cost us about $250.000 per year taken from our dues as a subsidy to be paid to a $70,000,000 in annual sales company.

    The company, G2G, is known largely for owning a huge number of Denny’s franchises.

    In addition to rent free space, the HOA will pay their utilities, janitorial and linen service, and who knows what else.

    (Allow me to correct the rent statement  as the proposal is a requirement to pay a token fee on sales exceeding a figure being a challenge to even a prime traffic location open 24/7)

    The HOA would further agree to pay for all repairs and deferred maintenance, as well as provide restaurant equipment to the satisfaction of G2G.

    This gives us nothing except possibly unlimited liability.

    Judging by what has been released for our ears, as all negotiations have been behind closed doors by the HOA, it is very obvious that our board is what is referred to in real estate negotiations as a ‘rollover” as they give in to whatever is asked.

    You may notice that the board managed to fill vacancies in virtually no time.

    Could it be so they could steamroll us by maintaining a quorum?

    Since the board is counting on complacency or disinterest in where our dues are being blown to get this through (for all we know, they may already have a lease in effect via back room dealings)

    But attendance would possible put a new light on this issue.

    And asking questions is the best way to find out answers as none, other than those required by law, nothing  is volunteered.

    Remember, unless you are excited on showing off the facilities to guests by taking them to Denny’s, eating there could be the most expensive hamburger you ever had.

  3. This is the intelligence and common sense that should run our association.

    I also want to thank Phillip Rosen for the "vote of confidence, but perhaps we may be able to find good, honest, and unbiased individuals out there after all.

    I do know, that from the "old school" there are three individuals I certainly would like to see on the SCA Board, all of which are FEARLESS to criticism and would never cave to the whims of "a machine".

    Barry Goldstein

    Forrest Fetherolf

    Jim Mayfied

    It certainly sounds like Robert Latchford would be a vital ingredient to "drain the SCA Swamp".

  4. Remember - the only people that hate you for telling the truth, are the ones that are living a lie
