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Saturday, November 24, 2018

Mary Lee Post

Another Restaurant Decision?
 You Have to be Kidding.

An Opinion by a Recent Former Resident.
Mary Lee Duley

Mary Lee Duley lived in Sun City Anthem from 2006 until her relocation in 2017 to Texas.  She still follows events here in SCA and now has a basis for comparison to other communities. What follows are her comments on the current state of affairs at SCA stimulated with the question of having a restaurant again after multiple failures.

Mary Lee says, “Here’s some info you can digest anyway you desire”.

Let me start with the so-called opinion poll with one question. Yes or No.  Opinion poll? What is the difference when the board reverses a formal vote and a lawsuit is filed when the vote said no? Does that mean a formal vote is also just an opinion poll?  How inconsistent. Now they want an opinion on a restaurant operation that has a history of failure even when heavily subsidized by the board with your money?

What have I learned since relocation?  Actually I knew this but have just reconfirmed my thoughts. The reason that my new association out here in Texas is outstanding is that they have intelligent people on the BOD that do NOT make decisions affecting our community unless the ideas are discussed and the community grants consent for the project or rules.  It is a small country club atmosphere, with a very active and supportive community, and no oversized egos trying to take over. The covenants and restrictions are very specific and they are followed to the T…no exceptions.  

We moved to SCA in 2006 and I attended every meeting until Dan Troia, former president of the board, cut off my microphone at the podium. This was done at the meeting when they changed the name (stupidly, in my opinion) from Security Patrol to Community Patrol. He cut me off at the microphone midway thru my comments. I finished talking and walked out the door.  I then began to build my database of residents as I felt it would be a more “informative” way to communicate. While living at Sun City Anthem, I started writing my opinions on issues that concerned me and obviously concerned many others.  I first sent my comments to a few friends but that quickly spread to others that must have felt as I did and wanted to hear my opinion of association issues.  I created a mailing list of hundreds of residents just to read my emails.  I never solicited anyone to join my email information but it continued to grow over the years as more controversy occurred in Sun City Anthem.  My husband and I moved out of SCA in 2017 to another community.  At the time of my move, my emails were being distributed to a few hundred people.  My distribution was all by word of mouth.

The SAME good ole boy network seems to be running SCA currently and has been since I moved there and their minions are still in place. How sad for all.  David, the owner of Anthem Journal, has negated qualified and smart residents that considered and/or tried to run with his lies, distortions, etc. over the years and, SADLY, it doesn’t seem that man will never change. It amazes me that the BOD, the GM, and whoever “GIVE HIM SO MUCH POWER”.  You can’t fix stupid, I guess.  We have friends in SCA and I read other blogs regularly so am aware of most that is going on and chat with a few friends about it.  It’s the same ole baloney, they FEEL nothing can be done, tired of meetings where decisions were made prior to meetings and said “why bother”.  Heartbreaking. No doubt the Anthem Journal blog owner will, AT LAST, be able to offer criticism of me without receiving a response as I am no longer a resident of SCA and it’s water off a duck’s back.    

What is different at my current community?
At my current community, we are fully informed of everything relating to Barton Creek Lakeside Country Club in Spicewood, Texas and the main Barton Creek Country Club in Bee Cave, Texas, BEFORE it is even up for a vote. The board members have “qualified” backgrounds:  CPA, Construction Company owner, Business Owner, Lawyers with expertise in property management, and other qualified residents. Their experience is invaluable.   How very different and what a refreshing change, no high blood pressure here. Previously I could not attend a meeting there at SCA and watch the board members “talk to each other while residents were at the podium” (how rude), one even dozed off, two were writing something and I doubt if it related to the question being asked. The bottom line is that we have QUALIFIED board members here with appropriate backgrounds for the position that they hold (accountants, attorneys, business owners, restaurant owners, contractor company owners). They do extensive research before making a decision, which is unlike the SCA board (that has flown by the seat of their pants at least beginning in 2006 YTD).  SCA has always been an apathetic community as folks retire to ENJOY and HAVE FUN with all of the amenities (a restaurant is not an amenity). A restaurant that is open to the public is a profit making business, and I have elaborated on this for years at the podium, as did Rana Goodman and others but to no avail!  Gaming, given ALL the casinos and small pubs that offer it with cheap food, would be ridiculous at Anthem Center. It would change the ambience, and the same ole fools would be occupying a video poker machine during all hours. What can I say?  

Since I left SCA a year ago, it seems that nothing has changed for the better.  The same people (board members) are spending foolishly the residents’ money.

I have heard and read that most of the major financial decisions have nothing to do with the residents but are in the hands of the community manager and the high priced connected lawyer.  I followed the fiasco with the recall election where unidentified ballots were sent out and the board blamed the bloggers for inciting the issue. And the cost that appeared to be ordered by the manager with the encouragement of the new lawyer cost the community big dollars.  What is different at our current home is that our board is qualified to direct operations and the manager follows the lead of the board.  Not the reverse as what we see at SCA.  

We are extremely happy to be in a normal environment with good amenities and not watch our dollars being wasted by those that do not have the common sense to think of the community when decisions are made.  My best wishes to all at Sun City Anthem. 

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