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Friday, March 29, 2019

"Machine" Committee Member Criticizes New Tradition Team....Until...Truth Proves Just Example of Dirty Politics

Lifestyle Committee Member
Wears Egg on Face
Demonstrating Hatred of New Tradition Team

Image result for cartoon egg on face

Proving the theory that...

"The Mind Can Absorb, What the A _ _ Can Endure"...

Image result for cartoon yawn moving

...  "Machine" Lifestyle Committee Member Robert Goldfried, recently joined the "I hate the New Tradition Team Club" and authored an epistle that thank God, none of his former legal clients, weren't subject to a fee.

...but in the long, drawn out and BORING  process of his denigration of "The  New Tradition Team", he obviously needed a conclusion to convince those capable of reading his email...

...and of course published by the "Machine" Mouthpiece...

...that voting for such villains would cause the earth to quake and destruction would rain from the skies !

He ended his treatise with these words:  

" Providing further evidence of their lockstep behavior, and disrespect for the process, the bloc of five didn’t attend yesterday’s Board meeting. Five other candidates were present at the meeting. But not the bloc of five. Is that the kind if behavior we can expect if they get elected?"

Well now, those horrible individuals did not attend that all important Board session; however,  what they did attend instead was...

...a fundraiser sponsored by...

Image result for the foundation assisting seniors

... something The New Tradition pledged:

"Work to Restore the Relationship with the Foundation Assisting Seniors"

While you, Bobby Boy chose to  listen to more reasons  why your "machine" dumped more of our dough !

Still believe The Machine is the way to go, folks?  

Vote:  New Tradition Team

Ballot Positions

They keep their promises !

  1. From Rana Opinions

    At coffees we ask that conversations stay confidential ?????

    Just more lies.
  2. From Elizabeth Opinions

    I NEVER said that.

    I even say we recognize that not everyone in the room may agree with the views of our candidates and that’s okay- that you are all there to answer questions.

    I DO say that the 5 candidates cannot answer questions about things that THEY have not been privy to / such as unreleased contracts or executive session discussions...

    How is any of that keeping things secret?

    In fact, I’ve seen folks that don’t support our team taking notes and they will are not stopped from doing that.

    We recognize the dirty tactics that the Berman group employs, unlike what our team does.
    1. Liz,

      The New Tradition Team has always held their head high and refuse to employ gutter tactics.

      They want people to understand that we are all neighbors and their highest priority is "people".

      Winning an election is secondary to losing one's integrity.

      Hopefully with their election, a "new tradition" will be referred to in the same manner as a presidential campaign that took place 200+ years ago:

      "An Era of Good Feeling"


  1. From Rana Opinions

    At coffees we ask that conversations stay confidential ?????

    Just more lies.

  2. From Elizabeth Opinions

    I NEVER said that.

    I even say we recognize that not everyone in the room may agree with the views of our candidates and that’s okay- that you are all there to answer questions.

    I DO say that the 5 candidates cannot answer questions about things that THEY have not been privy to / such as unreleased contracts or executive session discussions...

    How is any of that keeping things secret?

    In fact, I’ve seen folks that don’t support our team taking notes and they will are not stopped from doing that.

    We recognize the dirty tactics that the Berman group employs, unlike what our team does.

  3. Liz,

    The New Tradition Team has always held their head high and refuse to employ gutter tactics.

    They want people to understand that we are all neighbors and their highest priority is "people".

    Winning a election is secondary to losing one's integrity.

    Hopefully with their election, a "new tradition" will be referred to in the same manner as a presidential campaign that took place 200+ years ago:

    "An Era of Good Feeling"
