Information Pages

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

New Tradition Team Candidate Flyers Suddenly Disappear...Twice

Winning is Everything
No Matter How you Do It !
Corrupt Individuals

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For two consecutive days, massive amounts of "New Tradition Team" flyers have "mysteriously" disappeared  from racks in Anthem Center.

The problem was first called to the attention of  a member of SCA management, who in turn, reported the matter to the C.O.O. including  a request regarding the availability of security footage.

Security cameras are EVERYWHERE in Anthem Center.

At approximately 1:31pm  on Friday,  March 1, 2019,  an email was sent to the Election Committee Chairperson, Carol Siebel, by candidate Barry Goldstein, also reporting the matter to her.

Ms. Siebel never responded to the Goldstein email.

On Saturday, March 2, 2019, candidate, Rana Goodman, was told by the SCA executive assistant to the C.O.O. that the video showed a man removing Goodman flyers from the Anthem Center candidate display; that the video was unable to identify the individual as a result of a lack of clarity.

It is well known that Sun City Anthem has spent THOUSANDS of Your Dollars on expensive surveillance equipment that includes the latest in digital capability.

...and the clarity of the individual involved was not identifiable?

Then, on Sunday morning, the flyers for the same two candidates disappeared from the same racks once again.

Anthem Opinions was subsequently informed that, while in attendance at the Candidate forum, a member of SCA management was confronted by a New Tradition Team candidate about the second time the "disappearances" occurred

Following that discussion, that member of Sun City Management QUICKLY EXITED the meeting with the C.O.O.

Two New Tradition Team candidates were then promised that they would be contacted the next day in order to view the video surveillance recording.

Two days have now passed and at 9:00pm on March 5, 2019, the following email was sent to Barry Goldstein from Election Chairperson Carol Siebel:

"I just wanted to get back to you regarding your disappearing fliers before another day passes. After looking into this issue and reviewing our Election and Voting Manual, it has been determined that this is not an Election Committee responsibility.  Your future contact should be Candace Karrow. I regret that you have had this problem and hope that it is resolved to you satisfaction.

I will continue to do all I can to ensure that all future issues are handled in a timely manner and refer you to the appropriate parties when issues arise that are not covered by our Election and Voting Manual."

Notice one glaring omission?


This my dear readers, is a perfect example of:

Image result for kicking the can down the road

...or trying to figure out...

Image result for who's on first

What in the world is going on here?  

Can anyone possibly accept this response from an Election Committee and expect impartiality?

And where are you in this matter, Ms. Seddon ?

Just answer this very simple question because they and the entire community demand an answer from you !

Do they get to see the footage or not?

We don't know the answer to any of this, but this thing is starting to smell as bad as dead fish !

Image result for cartoon dead fish moving

In the meantime while this calamity persists, we are alerting our readers and all members of the Sun City Anthem community to this unfortunate situation and asking them to PLEASE keep your eyes peeled at the candidate racks for any suspicious activity...


...if you see ANY PERSON who removes large quantities of candidate flyersINCLUDING ANY MEMBERS OF SUN CITY ANTHEM STAFF, we ask you to use your I-Phones and photograph any person who is involved in such activity.

Image result for cartoon flashing camera moving

Any and all evidence will be immediately turned over the the Henderson Police Department and a formal complaint will be filed with the Ombudsman.

We believe any and all candidates should have the ability to view that surveillance footage.

Flyers and miscellaneous campaign materials are quite expensive and such activity must be condemned and/or PROSECUTED if theft occurs.

What has become of our community?

Is this what how our elective system has evolved?

We are pleading to all honest and upright citizens of Sun City Anthem:

Please do not condone any such activity. It's not what we are as a senior community.

At the same time, we all know that CORRUPTION has no conscience. 

Thank you. 

Got a comment?

Send it to us at:

From Valerie Opinions

This is just another of Sandy’s lack of help to our owners.

She is supposed to work for US, and she has ignored the issue with the disappearing candidate flyers just as she has done in other situations.

Can she not step down from her throne to take care of situations where owners have been wronged?
  1. From Robert Opinions

    This proves the old adage:

    "You can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer out of the trash"
  2. From Elizabeth Opinions

    I’m guessing those candidates’ flyers went to the same place my question did on Sunday. I saw Wes opening and then putting aside various questions. I also felt some of them were hand-picked for specific candidates. That was not a random “question-and-answer” period at all.I had asked, whatever candidate would get the question: “do they feel it is financially prudent that Sun City Anthem  has spent money on medical equipment that previously and to this date can be  provided to Sun City Anthem residents  free of charge from Foundation Assisting Seniors?” I would add at this time that  a contribution to the Foundation is a tax deductible charitable contribution to  a nonprofit organization. I don’t know where funds would go if donated to Sun City but I know it’s not a charity. 
    1. From Richard Opinions

      DAB posts the question: What are they afraid of?

      The real question is:

      What is DAB so afraid of?

      Next scary thing is when he posts in the third person.

      Then DAB will become what we all fear most: PPH

      SCA’s own “Pathetic Paranoid from Hell”.

    2. Richard,

      We are in a campaign to bring integrity to Sun City Anthem, something many residents have realized for years has been missing, but whose voices and actions have remained silent....until now.

      I can assure you and our many readers, that voice is now louder than ever before, and the actions are multiplying each day.

      The issue of the missing campaign flyers is such a disgraceful act; one I would think any caring person would show concern for and attempt to solve, no matter which side of a political fence a person favors.

      Have we come to lose a sense of fair play as we age?

      Should something like this concern not just this election, but all in the future as well ?

      Obviously, that matter is of no concern to that blogger or even his favored candidates, otherwise they might have addressed the issue of fairness themselves.

      Instead, all have remained silent and appear to accept that issue as "part of doing business" in Sun City Anthem.

      That in itself, should say something about a person's qualifications; not a degree obtained 50 years ago, but a sense of internal fortitude and integrity that you won't find in a textbook, but rather in a person's actions.

      I have said again and again, this election is about the COMMUNITY, it's rules, regulations, fair play, financial strength and good will toward one's neighbor, not about "him" vs "me".

      And because of that belief, I find him and his antics not only childish, but insignificant in the scheme of things.

      Let's be concerned about our futures instead.

      Wouldn't all of you rather discuss that instead of "Him" vs 'Me", neither of which are running for any office?

      I know I certainly would !
      1. From Mary Lee Duley...former Sun City Anthem Opinions


        I am happy to see experienced residents step up  to the plate and attempt to make changes that have been needed for years.

        The secrecy and lack of transparency has been a problem since we moved there in 2006.  It’s been the “same group” (or friends of friends)  making decisions that have not (in my opinion) benefited the entire community.

        To read about the latest poor decision of fining residents because they chose to make tasteful and expensive improvements to their landscaping was shocking.

        Friends keep me apprised of things via email and when we visit, which is often.

        Perhaps it’s time for the current CC&R’S to be reviewed and changes considered.

        We moved to Barton Creek Lakeside Country Club in Spicewood, Texas and it’s a beautifully run community where the Board of Directors listens to residents and does NOT  make decisions without resident input.

        How refreshing!

        Close friends live in Sun City Georgetown, which is also run well,  beautifully maintained, no wasted dollars on things that are not necessary, and a great SCA community like Anthem could be.

        The residents called the New Tradition Team are already facing so much negativity from the same old source.

        It was our hope, after leaving SCA, that residents would be able to see through the ‘distorted information” and will talk to EACH candidate (or email them if out or state) and get THEIR  opinions directly, not listen to or read the blogs.

        This is an incredible opportunity for SCA residents to turn the community reputation around and gain back the respect lost.

        I find it alarming and disgusting that the New Tradition Team is being referred to as Dick Arendt’s candidates.

        What a SLAP IN THE FACE to these incredibly talented and professional candidates, who have a MIND OF THEIR OWN.



        Sadly, some things never seem to change.

        I am forwarding this email to friends and residents that I have had the opportunity to meet while living in SCA and am hopeful the community and Election is able to move forward in a POSITIVE WAY by all candidates and their supporters.

        Nastiness and distorted comments help no one.

        Good Luck.
        1. From Valerie Opinions

          In response to the new resident questioning the cost of the recall.

          Very crafty!.

          It was a set up and a manipulation. 

          No attorney was required to get in the middle of this and incur costs. 

          It was an insidious ploy on the part of the Board and the manager.

          Why send the information to owners without identification on the envelope?

          This was carefully crafted so people were left in the dark about the contents thinking the envelope contained junk mail and would be discarded.No attorney needed to be involved and proper identification of what as in the envelope was all that was needed. 

          Over and over our rights are being abused by the "machine" and the manager who treats those that pay her salary like non-entities. 

          We are being controlled by Sandy and the Board, and this must stop in order to bring back the wonderful spirit of SCA. 

          For those of us who have lived here a long time this is no longer a wonderful community like it used to be. 

          We are being taken advantage of, and this has to stop.

          Our rating as a retirement community has fallen. 

          What will it take to bring back a community tat we are proud of?
        2. How true, Valerie.

          It will take a a community to care enough to open their eyes and look at things as they ARE, not as CORRUPT individuals want them to see it.

          I defy any person to come forward and prove that the $85,000 recall election expense was the fault of recall supporters.

          The Board  authorized the action and they signed the check to pay for it, and you would have to be a fool to believe the entire thing wasn't orchestrated in a manner that brought out just how devious and corrupt our community has been operated.

          I'll believe it was the fault of the recall supporters, the day any resident can sign an association check.


  1. From Valerie Opinions

    This is just another of Sandy’s lack of help to our owners.  

    She is supposed to work for US, and she has ignored the issue with the disappearing candidate flyers just as she has done in other situations.  

    Can she not step down from her throne to take care of situations where owners have been wronged?

  2. From Robert Opinions

    This proves the old adage:

    "You can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can't take the trailer out of the trash"

  3. From Elizabeth Opinions

    I’m guessing those candidates’ flyers went to the same place my question did on Sunday. I saw Wes opening and then putting aside various questions. I also felt some of them were hand-picked for specific candidates. That was not a random “question-and-answer” period at all.I had asked, whatever candidate would get the question: “do they feel it is financially prudent that Sun City Anthem  has spent money on medical equipment that previously and to this date can be  provided to Sun City Anthem residents  free of charge from Foundation Assisting Seniors?” I would add at this time that  a contribution to the Foundation is a tax deductible charitable contribution to  a nonprofit organization. I don’t know where funds would go if donated to Sun City but I know it’s not a charity. 

  4. From Richard Opinions 

    DAB posts the question: What are they afraid of?

    The real question is:

    What is DAB so afraid of?

    Next scary thing is when he posts in the third person.

    Then DAB will become what we all fear most: PPH

    SCA’s own “Pathetic Paranoid from Hell”.


  5. Richard,

    We are in a campaign to bring integrity to Sun City Anthem, something many residents have realized for years has been missing, but whose voices and actions have remained silent....until now.

    I can assure you and our many readers, that voice is now louder than ever before, and the actions are multiplying each day.

    The issue of the missing campaign flyers is such a disgraceful act; one I would think any caring person would show concern for and attempt to solve, no matter which side of a political fence a person favors.

    Have we come to lose a sense of fair play as we age?

    Should something like this concern not just this election, but all in the future as well ?

    Obviously, that matter is of no concern to that blogger or even his favored candidates, otherwise they might have addressed the issue of fairness themselves.

    Instead, all have remained silent and appear to accept that issue as "part of doing business" in Sun City Anthem.

    That in itself, should say something about a person's qualifications; not a degree obtained 50 years ago, but a sense of internal fortitude and integrity that you won't find in a textbook, but rather in a person's actions.

    I have said again and again, this election is about the COMMUNITY, it's rules, regulations, fair play, financial strength and good will toward one's neighbor, not about "him" vs "me".  

    And because of that belief, I find him and his antics not only childish, but insignificant in the scheme of things.

    Let's be concerned about our futures instead.

    Wouldn't all of you rather discuss that instead of "Him" vs 'Me", neither of which are running for any office?

    I know I certainly would !

  6. From Mary Lee Duley...former Sun City Anthem Opinions


    I am happy to see experienced residents step up  to the plate and attempt to make changes that have been needed for years.

    The secrecy and lack of transparency has been a problem since we moved there in 2006.  It’s been the “same group” (or friends of friends)  making decisions that have not (in my opinion) benefited the entire community.  

    To read about the latest poor decision of fining residents because they chose to make tasteful and expensive improvements to their landscaping was shocking.

    Friends keep me apprised of things via email and when we visit, which is often.

    Perhaps it’s time for the current CC&R’S to be reviewed and changes considered.  

    We moved to Barton Creek Lakeside Country Club in Spicewood, Texas and it’s a beautifully run community where the Board of Directors listens to residents and does NOT  make decisions without resident input.  

    How refreshing!  

    Close friends live in Sun City Georgetown, which is also run well,  beautifully maintained, no wasted dollars on things that are not necessary, and a great SCA community like Anthem could be.   

    The residents called the New Tradition Team are already facing so much negativity from the same old source.  

    It was our hope, after leaving SCA, that residents would be able to search through the ‘distorted information” and will talk to EACH candidate (or email them if out or state) and get THEIR  opinions directly, not listen to or read the blogs.

    This is an incredible opportunity for SCA residents to turn the community reputation around and gain back the respect lost.  

    I find it alarming and disgusting that the New Tradition Team is being referred to as Dick Arendt’s candidates.

    What a SLAP IN THE FACE to these incredibly talented and professional candidates, who have a MIND OF THEIR OWN.  



    Sadly, some things never seem to change.  

    I am forwarding this email to friends and residents that I have had the opportunity to meet while living in SCA and am hopeful the community and Election is able to move forward in a POSITIVE WAY by all candidates and their supporters.
    Nastiness and distorted comments help no one.

    Good Luck.

  7. From Valerie Opinions

    In response to the new resident questioning the cost of the recall.

    Very crafty!. 

    It was a set up and a manipulation. 

    No attorney was required to get in the middle of this and incur costs. 

    It was an insidious ploy on the part of the Board and the manager. 

    Why send the information to owners without identification on the envelope? 

    This was carefully crafted so people were left in the dark about the contents thinking the envelope contained junk mail and would be discarded.No attorney needed to be involved and proper identification of what as in the envelope was all that was needed. 

    Over and over our rights are being abused by the "machine" and the manager who treats those that pay her salary like non-entities. 

    We are being controlled by Sandy and the Board, and this must stop in order to bring back the wonderful spirit of SCA. 

    For those of us who have lived here a long time this is no longer a wonderful community like it used to be. 

    We are being taken advantage of, and this has to stop. 

    Our rating as a retirement community has fallen. 

    What will it take to bring back a community tat we are proud of?

  8. How true, Valerie.

    It will take a a community to care enough to open their eyes and look at things as they ARE, not as CORRUPT individuals want them to see it.

    I defy any person to come forward and prove that the $85,000 recall election expense was the fault of recall supporters. 

    The Board  authorized the action and they signed the check to pay for it, and you would have to be a fool to believe the entire thing wasn't orchestrated in a manner that brought out just how devious and corrupt our community has been operated.

    I'll believe it was the fault of the recall supporters, the day any resident can sign an association check.
