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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Let Us Entertain You: Welcoming August...with...A Smile

God's Way of Answering the Dreaded Phone Call:

Image result for cartoon telephone ringing moving

"We're Coming to Vegas...Can We Stay with You?"

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What a Year..and..We Still Have Five Months to Go!

2019 will certainly go down as one as one of the strangest here !

...and I'm starting to believe in a new way to interpret the saying:

"The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways"

We started the year off with a snow storm in February and followed that up with one of coolest winters and springs on record.

The result:  We didn't get our annual "call(s)":

"We're Coming to Vegas...Can We Stay with You?"

Waiting for summer the "monsoons" came a bit early, and then earlier this month, our living room lounge chairs began to vibrate, the lighting fixtures began to sway, and the "earth shook" !

The result:  We continued not to get "the call(s)":

"We're Coming to Vegas...Can We Stay with You?"

Enough excitement?  Not a chance !

Next our phones rang off the hook when rumor had it (I admit to spreading it), the Russians were poisoning our beloved casino and home landscapes, as grasshoppers by the zillions began to invade !

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When that took place, our standard response was...

 "Would you like us to send you some...they taste great when dipped in chocolate" ! 

That one really stopped "the call(s)" and I have to admit...

It further broke my heart (cough cough) !

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Image result for kermit and piggy drinking

Well now, it started to get warm, the pools were ready for swimming, and we knew "the call(s)" would shortly commence.  It would now be just a matter of time !

But alas, having heard our prayer, God, in his infinite wisdom, as if He was reenacting Moses sending one plague after another, saved us once again !

Now...I'm convinced the "I'm coming to Vegas. Can I stay with you"? calls will certainly be held to a minimum !

Why ?

...due to national news uncovering yet another "terror threat"....

Green Stink Bugs !
Image result for green stink bug cartoon

Thank you, God...for bringing even more meaning to the words"...

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Unfortunately, we also realize...

 Image result for the lord works in mysterious ways saying

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