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Monday, July 8, 2019

Revere Golf Courses...A Godsend to Sun City Anthem and Every Anthem Community....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Revere Golf Courses
A Godsend to Sun City Anthem

Image result for revere putting green

After listening to argument after argument, it's time the residents of Sun City Anthem realized that without the Lexington and Concord golf courses and the corresponding Buckman's restaurant, property values wouldn't be worth... Image result for squat word

Those of us who purchased property alongside those two magnificent golf courses ( I am one of them) would never have purchased anything in the community had they not existed...

...and those of you who did not purchase golf course view property, your homes would never have been worth what they are today without them as well !

So...'s time we thanked them, rather than criticize them, for their unselfish contribution to Sun City Anthem over our community's 20 year history.

They have had to endure the worst recession in years watching other organizations fall into bankruptcy, and our supporting them now is DESERVED in more ways than allowing a few additional revenue measures on their golf courses.

Since its inception, Sun City Anthem has been enhanced by Buckman's Grill ...

...driving down Hampton Road...

Image result for buckman's restaurant henderson nv

Image result for buckman's restaurant henderson nv

and Revere's Lexington and Concord courses.....

 Related image

Related image

Image result for revere putting green owners and prospective buyers view the Sun City Anthem community.

...a scene that is worth ....

Image result for millions of dollars cartoon

Millions $$$

What would have resulted if Sun City Anthem had gone the way of the Lake Las Vegas community during  the recessionary period ? 

Remember this ?  

This was Lake Las Vegas in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

 Related image

Image result for lake las vegas golf course during recession'

And we can't forget an integral part of Revere...Buckman's Grill ...

...that has been, in our opinion, taken for granted for years.

While the Sun City Anthem community " political machine" has squandered thousands of association dollars in attempts to create one restaurant after another to compete with our Buckman's neighbor, largely for the sake of some delicate conceited egos who believe a private restaurant is a "mustor who actually believe one "increases property values"...

...yet does little other than increase association costs that would undoubtedly lead to UNENDING dues increases to support it...

...and takes up much needed space that is NOW, more than ever, in demand by residents...

...after all is said and done, despite that "unofficial unneighborly attitude" of the past toward Revere, who has cost us NOTHING and ENHANCES our entire community...

Some still wish to find fault with an organization that has been a Sun City Anthem pioneering unpaid godsend,  yet should be looked upon as the #1 asset to the Sun City Anthem and surrounding Anthem communities ever constructed within our borders.

Whatever they desire to increase their revenue, must be allowed...

...or a death knell for property values will sound should they no longer exist.

For those who find fault with additional Revere funding opportunities, our advice to you is simply:

Look at Revere for the cost-free silent asset they have always been...

...and for once, appreciate everything they have always been for the community.

Giving them endless opportunity is saying....

Image result for the one's for the gipper

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  1. From Hollis Opinions

    Dick,I agree with your article.

    I don't know the details... but didn't the Silverstone course go bankrupt, and cause humongous difficulties for homeowners?

    Maybe some people need to be reminded of what can happen when a course is abandoned and/or turned into condos.
  2. Hollis, I believe that to be the case.

    Perhaps one of our readers might assist us in getting us some details of the Silverstone closing. I know it was devastating to that community.

    That CAN happen to the Anthem communities if Revere is not SUPPORTED and allowed to operate in a manner that allows them to be profitable, and it's time a Sun City Anthem Board opened their eyes as to THE NECESSITY of making sure they remain so...

    ...for the long-term success of our community.

    It is time to recognize that for Revere to  maintain its luxury presence, SCA residents must support them, not only in terms of a golf course, but a restaurant.

    Buckman's has been a mainstay for years and with this latest plea by Revere, it's time we looked at them for our community dining option rather than create additional competitive burdens that will affect their survival.

    Did you read the LUDICROUS restaurant report by the EXPENSIVE WASTEFUL expense paid to a professional consultant?

    $371,000 for a start-up cost ?

    (It used to be $250,00..which was still INSANE.)

    Saying that a break even would take place with an average of 206 patrons a day ???

    ...paying $16.00 for lunch and $18.00 for dinner PLUS TIP ??? only from 11:00am to 9:00pm ???

    ...having numerous full-time employees providing them FULL BENEFITS ???

    Paying a restaurant manager $140,000 a year ???

    That was laughable.

    The best part of the report was blaming the community blogs for past failures by stating a boycott was called when in fact THAT WAS A TOTAL LIE.  We defy ANY PERSON to state WHERE or WHEN such a statement was ever made by any blog.

    Where they got that information that was included in the report shouldn't surprise anyone.

    Likely former Board members who have always looked to others for blame rather than recognize their own INCOMPETENCE when it came to restaurant decisions.

    But...that's the past, and let's hope that circumstances may finally have arisen that will force this Board to recognize REALITY and the importance of Revere to the community, and actively seeking to make Buckman's the "unofficial" Anthem restaurant...

    ...leaving the unoccupied Anthem Center restaurant space to be re-purposed to satisfy the growing needs of residents for their miscellaneous activities.

    Where before we referred to it as COMMON SENSE and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, now should be looked at as SURVIVAL OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY VALUES...

    ...if Revere is not a part of the decision.
    1. From Jerry Opinions

      I  couldn't agree more.

      Although I am not a golfer, I truly enjoy the beauty of the course.

      And, I am a frequent user of Buckman's including last night.

      What a great asset for our community. 
      1. From Rich Opinions

        There is no doubt that area golf courses are in a crisis.

        Fewer folks are out at the links and we have seen a number of them close.

        This has created a real crisis for the homeowners surrounding them.

        As we have seen with the ongoing bickering at Lake Las Vegas, many years have gone by with no resolution. The area looks blighted and there is no doubt that it has taken an economic hit.

        I believe that most folks are unaware of the benefits that these courses offer our area.

        Not only do they offer an opportunity for exercise, their overall beauty adds to all of our neighborhoods.

        Of course the real cost can not be calculated should they fail.

        The current backlash by some property owners to halt the courses from trying to improve their bottom line shows their uneducated views.

        Yes there would be some inconvenience when events are being held on the course areas, but it is a pittance compared to the courses closing.

        Imagine all the greenery gone, replaced with weed covered stretches, water features dried up and turned into cracked depressions.

        Just look at Lake Las Vegas and it is what has become of these areas we all take for granted.

        There is not a one of us which want this to happen.

        It’s time to support these courses in their efforts to stay in business. They have not cost the association a dime for their operations and their demise will surely end up costing us more than the view or a few days or evenings of inconvenience.

        Unlike the proposed restarting of the defunct restaurant which, if reopened, will cost all of us our hard earned dollars, the courses cost us nothing, but bring us all value even if we do not use them.

        As for me I support their efforts to stay in business and flourish for many years to come.

        Of course the alternative is Lake Las Vegas in our future.

        So if you are one of the few who think a few hours of disturbance is worth the risk of losing this valuable asset, perhaps it is time for you to reevaluate your priorities.
        1. From Lloyd Opinions

          Revere golf course and Buckman's restaurant have been great for us homeowners who appreciate all that they do for our community.

          Let them have what they desire to keep them happy and keep our property values high.

          To the people who are against Revere, you could move to a development that does not have this beautiful golf course and great restaurant.
          1. From Robert Opinions

            Dick, you sure nailed it with your editorial about the positive effects the REVERE Golf Courses have on our property values.

            First, golf course areas are usually sold at a premium, and looking out the back or side, you see a nicely designed and maintained system of rolling fairways with an open feel, sure beats the possibility of a neighbor’s backyard loaded with junk.

            Secondly, commanding a higher price because of this, it will enhance the values of all homes of similar size in the area.

            Even though if not on the course, the real estate comps show a greater value.

            Our Revere courses are very picturesque, and with the clubhouse/restaurant, especially with the reasonable homeowners dues, buying here is a great value.

            Buckman’s seems to do a fine job with tasty food and beverages at a fair price, both for residents, golfers, and the like, but have a considerable catering business with sizable meeting rooms to accommodate large groups like weddings, graduations, business events, Bad Mitzvahs, and do a fine job.

            However, during the last decade or so, this valley overbuilt golf courses, resulting in some having to close, most lowering green fees, and all feeling a revenue crunch.

            It seems our courses are no longer booked up as they were about 15 years and lowered their rates considerably.

            Therefore, it seems vital that, not being able to count on golf as their only revenue, they may come to a point where closing the courses may be a option, unless the restaurant and catering can bring in fairly reliable revenue.

            They do face a few possible roadblocks.

            First, a few whiners living adjacent to the parking lot were trying to sabotage efforts to hold more evening events outdoor events because of noise or whatever,Why did they ever move there?

            However, the city of Henderson granted them a year permit with some restrictions.

            And the same “we need our own restaurant” crowd has emerged.

            The old board, partly voted out, as a last act of defiance, blew I believe $10,000 of our dues money on hiring a Restaurant Consulting Group to investigate if and what kind of eating place could survive the Anthem Center location.They finally drew the conclusion that a “gastro pub” (beer pub) would work, but only if it was self-managed and if we spent $371,000 for capitol improvements.

            Their business model states then the restaurant could possibly show a operating loss of $125,000 per year.

            They also said that loss could be offset by charging ‘rent’ of $13,780 month amounting to 11% off gross sales on a triple new lease which is way too high, and we would never see the money as it would be taken out of one pocket to another

            (self management with Queen Bee Seddon in charge)

            The  biggest worry is that this operation would steal enough business from Buckman’s to entice the golf course to close due to lost revenue.

            If the golf facility closed down, I would estimate after a few months the weeds would turn to seed; landscaping would all die off. The fairways would look like a blight stricken area from the mid-western dust bowl.

            Our home values would plummet and become unsalable.

            Not everyone is aware on the potential economic harm we could possible face, so tell your neighbors, the latest hash house proposal could be failure #6 with greater consequences.
            1. I'm not a golfer but I relish having the two golf courses in our community for all the reasons already mentioned in other comments.

              I live in the middle of Foothills Village and when Revere hosts a noisy event, even that doesn't bother me - although the fireworks have taken me by surprise a couple of times making me think the British finally overran 7 Hills and are now working to overtake SCA – I reached for my musket and was ready to defend this section of the colony.

              My point is if (and that's assuming IF) Revere sends the HOA a Notice of Intent concerning loud noise events, why doesn't the HOA notify us residents through their e-blast emails? Is that a hard process for Revere and our dear HOA to set up – or do either one of them give a damn? At least we won't be taken by surprise when they shoot off fireworks.


  1. From Hollis Opinions

    Dick,I agree with your article. 

    I don't know the details... but didn't the Silverstone course go bankrupt, and cause humongous difficulties for homeowners?

    Maybe some people need to be reminded of what can happen when a course is abandoned and/or turned into condos.

  2. Hollis, I believe that to be the case.

    Perhaps one of our readers might assist us in getting us some details of the Silverstone closing. I know it was devastating to that community.

    That CAN happen to the Anthem communities if Revere is not SUPPORTED and allowed to operate in a manner that allows them to be profitable, and it's time a Sun City Anthem Board opened their eyes as to THE NECESSITY of making sure they remain so...

    ...for the long-term success of our community.

    It is time to recognize that for Revere maintain its luxury presence, SCA residents must support them, not only in terms of a golf course, but a restaurant.

    Buckman's has been a mainstay for years and with this latest plea by Revere, it's time we looked at them for our community dining option rather than create additional competitive burdens that will affect their survival.

    Did you read the LUDICROUS restaurant report by the EXPENSIVE WASTEFUL expense paid to a professional consultant? 

    $371,000 for a start-up cost ?

    (It used to be $250,00..which was still INSANE.)

    Saying that a break even would take place with an average of 206 patrons a day ???

    ...paying $16.00 for lunch and $18.00 for dinner PLUS TIP ??? only from 11:00am to 9:00pm ???

    ...having numerous full-time employees providing them FULL BENEFITS ???

    Paying a restaurant manager $140,000 a year ???

    That was laughable.

    The best part of the report was blaming the community blogs for past failures by stating a boycott was called when in fact THAT WAS A TOTAL LIE.  We defy ANY PERSON to state WHERE or WHEN such a statement was ever made by any blog.  

    Where they got that information that was included in the report shouldn't surprise anyone. 

    Likely former Board members who have always looked to others for blame rather than recognize their own INCOMPETENCE when it came to restaurant decisions. 

    But...that's the past, and let's hope that circumstances may finally have arisen that will force this Board to recognize REALITY and the importance of Revere to the community, and actively seeking to make Buckman's the "unofficial" Anthem restaurant...

    ...leaving the unoccupied Anthem Center restaurant space to be re-purposed to satisfy the growing needs of residents for their miscellaneous activities.

    Where before we referred to is as COMMON SENSE and FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY, now should be looked at as SURVIVAL OF COMMUNITY PROPERTY VALUES...

    ...if Revere is not a part of the decision.

  3. From Jerry Opinions

    I  couldn't agree more.  

    Although I am not a golfer, I truly enjoy the beauty of the course.

    And, I am a frequent user of Buckman's. including last night.

    What a great asset for our community. 

  4. From Rich Opinions

    There is no doubt that area golf courses are in a crisis.

    Fewer folks are out at the links and we have seen a number of them close.

    This has created a real crisis for the homeowners surrounding them.

    As we have seen with the ongoing bickering at Lake Las Vegas, many years have gone by with no resolution. The area looks blighted and there is no doubt that it has taken an economic hit. 

    I believe that most folks are unaware of the benefits that these courses offer our area.

    Not only do they offer an opportunity for exercise, their overall beauty adds to all of our neighborhoods.

    Of course the real cost can not be calculated should they fail. 

    The current backlash by some property owners to halt the courses from trying to improve their bottom line shows their uneducated views.

    Yes there would be some inconvenience when events are being held on the course areas, but it is a pittance compared to the courses closing.

    Imagine all the greenery gone, replaced with weed covered stretches, water features dried up and turned into cracked depressions.

    Just look at Lake Las Vegas and it is what has become of these areas we all take for granted.

    There is not a one of us which want this to happen.

    It’s time to support these courses in their efforts to stay in business. They have not cost the association a dime for their operations and their demise will surely end up costing us more than the view or a few days or evenings of inconvenience. 

    Unlike the proposed restarting of the defunct restaurant which, if reopened, will cost all of us our hard earned dollars, the courses cost us nothing, but bring us all value even if we do not use them. 

    As for me I support their efforts to stay in business and flourish for many years to come.

    Of course the alternative is Lake Las Vegas in our future.

    So if you are one of the few who think a few hours of disturbance is worth the risk of losing this valuable asset, perhaps it is time for you to reevaluate your priorities.

  5. From Lloyd Opinions

    Revere golf course and Buckman's restaurant have been great for us homeowners who appreciate all that they do for our community.

    Let them have what they desire to keep them happy and keep our property values high.

    To the people who are against Revere, you could move to a development that does not have this beautiful golf course and great restaurant.

  6. From Robert Opinions

    Dick, you sure nailed it with your editorial about the positive effects the REVERE Golf Courses have on our property values.

    First, golf course areas are usually sold at a premium, and looking out the back or side, you see a nicely designed and maintained system of rolling fairways with an open feel sure beats the possibility of a neighbor’s backyard loaded with junk.

    Secondly, commanding a higher price because of this, it will enhance the values of all homes of similar size in the area.

    Even though if not on the course, the real estate comps show a greater value. 

    Our Revere courses are very picturesque, and with the clubhouse/restaurant, especially with the reasonable homeowners dues. buying here is a great value.

    Buckman’s seems to do a fine job with tasty food and beverages at a fair price, both for residents, golfers, and the like, but have a considerable catering business, with sizable meeting rooms to accommodate large groups like weddings, graduations, business events, Bad Mitzvahs, and do a fine job.

    However, during the last decade or so, this valley overbuilt golf courses, resulting in some having to close, most lowering green fees, and all feeling a revenue crunch.

    It seems our courses are no longer booked up as they were about 15 years and lowered their rates considerably.

    Therefore, it seems vital that, not being able to count on golf as their only revenue, they may come to a point where closing the courses may be a option, unless the restaurant and catering can bring in fairly reliable revenue.

    They do face a few possible roadblocks.

    First, a few whiners living adjacent to the parking lot were trying to sabotage efforts to hold more evening events outdoor events because of noise or whatever,Why did they ever move there?

    However, the city of Henderson granted them a year permit with some restrictions.

    And the same “we need our own restaurant” crowd has emerged.

    The old board, partly voted out, as a last act of defiance, blew I believe $10,000 of our dues money on hiring a Restaurant Consulting Group to investigate if and what kind of eating place could survive the Anthem Center location.They finally drew the conclusion that a “gastro pub” (beer pub) would work, but only if it was self-managed and if we spent $371,000 for capitol improvements. 

    Their business model states then the restaurant could possibly show a operating loss of $125,000 per year.

    They also said that loss could be offset by charging ‘rent’ of $13,780 month amounting to 11% off gross sales on a triple new lease which is way too high, and we would never see the money as it would be taken out of one pocket to another

    (self management with Queen Bee Seddon in charge)

    The  biggest worry is that this operation would steal enough business from Buckman’s to entice the golf course to close due to lost revenue.

    If the golf facility closed down, I would estimate after a few months the weeds would turn to seed; landscaping would all die off. The fairways would look like a blight stricken area from the midwestern dust bowl.

    Our home values would plummet and become unsalable.

    Not everyone is aware on the potential economic harm we could possible face, so tell your neighbors, the latest hash house proposal could be failure #6 with greater consequences.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.
