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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Sadness in Anthem Communities

Fiery Plane Crash at Executive Airport
2 Dead...4 Injured

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  1. I just happened to be looking out my back window and saw the plane go down and my wife, Marla, was on a lounge chair outside.

    We witnessed the crash itself.

    The fireball was so bad (about 25-40 feet in diameter), that I couldn't believe anyone could survive. 

    At first (being dark) I wasn't sure what exploded, but I was pretty sure it was either a plane, helicopter, or tanker of some kind.

    It took about 7-9 minutes for the first responders to get there and then the ambulances from Anthem and the Airport came in droves.

    Both Volunteer and Executive Airport roads are now open to traffic.

    I hope the survivors do well, and the individual who was injured as a result of trying to help the victims, is a real hero.

  2. From Forrest Opinions

    Saw it on the news last night, both occupants killed and a witness with smoke inhalation.

    Most likely... mechanical issue upon takeoff and tried to get back to the airport. The point of crash is not in the area of normal departure taking off to the south but could be taking off north.

    It is very difficult flying at night due to visibility and estimating distance.

    If the pilot had time and experience he might have been able to land on the street.The most critical flight time is takeoff due to the low elevation and slow air speed...both don't allow pilot much time to react. 

    I was taught that in an emergency landing...

    ...accept the fact you have to put it down sooner or later, and pick the spot that will cause the least amount of injury.

    I had to do exactly the flying an ultralight in Rosemond CA.

    I lost power on take off and tried to land in an open pasture but was of 10' short landing in a huge bush...

    Hurt the plane but not me.

    Was very lucky because I kept my cool knowing I had to land and picked the spot of least resistance.

  3. Thank you, Marty Winger (a pilot for many years), for sharing this report from the Aviation Safety Network regarding the Henderson plane tragedy.

  4. Having been a witness to the plane crash, I was contacted by Cynthia Maldanado of Channel 13 news. 

    I was asked to do an on camera interview that will be broadcast today, Sunday, September 15th on the 5:00pm, 6:00pm and likely the 11:00pm news.

  5. From Elizabeth Opinions

    We watched- u came across very well - just scary how close that airport is and how often planes fly over and near residential communities.  

    Just told Bill the day before that I'm just waiting for the day a flight has issues and crashes into some homes/SCA or Inspirada most likely. 

  6. From Bill Opinions 

    We watched you last night.  

    As they say, you have a face for blogs or radio.  

    All kidding aside, you looked and sounded great.  

  7. It would have been something that I wished never had happened, but as with all tragedies, let's hope something positive can result.

  8. Channel 13 posted the TV report on their website.

    If you wish to view it, merely click on this link:
