Information Pages

Sunday, December 1, 2019

An Anthem Opinions Statement: Who We Are and What We Stand For (Part One of Two)

An Anthem Opinions Statement
Who Are We and What Do We Stand For !
(Part One of Two)

Image result for let's clarify a few things"

As we wind down the final chapter of the second decade of the 21st century, Anthem Opinions has become the #1 read independent blog in the Anthem Communities.

We make that statement not to boast, but instead, to merely say "thanks", because without you, our readers, that could never have been accomplished.

The purpose of this article is to clarify who we are, what we do, and why we do it !

First and foremost, our mission as demonstrated on our Welcome Page, states:

"a community communication device that will provide you information, ask your opinions, and hopefully entertain you."

...and we do our best to accomplish that objective.

When many of us arrived in Sun City Anthem, the idea of "fun" in our opinion included NUMEROUS ACTIVITIES that were not a part of our association.

As a result, our mission was simple: Enjoy a new retirement lifestyle!

Why did many of us come to Las Vegas?

Likely for one, if not all, of these reasons:

1The Weather
2Low Taxes
3Fabulous Entertainment
4. Gambling
5Reasonably priced dining
6. A stress free lifestyle in our final days

We chose a community whose location was hoped to allow us to accomplish much of the above.

It also meant that all interests of participants and nonparticipants in community affairs should be included in financial decisions by governance and management, not solely one element or the other.

Anthem Opinions is a proud member of the "independent" group...likely the greatest number of evidenced by the small numbers that participate in the many activities available, and our interests are rarely represented.

Therein lies the differences !

Anthem Opinions is NOT a complaining blog, but it is complained about by  some who find it impossible to survive in an environment that is not organized and so many cases, "can't handle the truth" when it comes to opening up their eyes to their surroundings.

Our contribution to community service to you is this "independent" publication, and the hours it takes to compose and publish it without seeking personal recognition OF ANY KIND.

Those hours also include recruiting others to assist us in bringing "fun" and other items to your attention that include:

Local & Strip Weekly Entertainment

Local Free Dennis Bono Show Weekly Guest Lists

Home Improvement and Tips Advice

Latest Valley Dining Specials...Specials that cost you only the price of the food...not a ridiculous cost to you for merely the opportunity to attend  a restaurant !

History & Holiday articles


Personal Safety

Sports News

Local News that has a direct affect on your life

and finally...

Nevada Know How to tell you what is going on politically that will affect your lifestyle and pocketbook

At the same time, in order to enjoy the above, it's hoped that when one goes home at night, all will be well; people will care for one another; and since we all pay assessments to enjoy this neighborhood, one would hope that those who choose to involve themselves in committees or run for Board positions, will do so with the good of the community homeowners in mind....and with competence and intelligence to fulfill their duties.

It's the last part that causes Anthem Opinions to examine certain issues...

"the good of the community"

To accomplish that final piece of the retirement puzzle requires proper competent governance, competent resident friendly managementcompetent resident oriented legal advice, and competent frugal spending.

Note the one word that is included in all cases:


We are at times are criticized for being "troublemakers", that we "rock the boat" when we infrequently enter the world of Sun City Anthem policies and leadership...


...when those occasions arise, in the overwhelming number of cases, we bring concerning information to you for one reason:

You deserve it !  You need to know the inner workings of an association that you chose to contribute your retirement income to preserve.

The paradox is that those who criticize the loudest are those whose secretive ways have all to often resulted in harm to Sun City Anthem.

The TRUTH embarrasses them, and rather than respond to valid questions by many; they all too often, either ignore themmake excuses, or criticize the individual for even asking the questions !

In our opinion, that is WRONG !

And sadly, in so many cases, the owners have allowed them to consider that "appropriate" behavior.


Tomorrow in Part Two, we will continue !

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Arendt,

    I agree with your 6 reasons all of us "old farts" are here.
    Further, I agree competence is essential in all aspects of life;
    Yes, there have been lapses in competence and common sense in this community as I see it as a new resident.
    The one comment previously some unnamed "other" blogger blindly follows the management of SCA (Sandy S.)....I don't know if that is true at this point.....but I would suggest this gentleman identifies himself so there are no hidden agendas or anonymous postings suggesting negative thoughts.
    Finally...I hope there is a 3rd installment that provides the resolution to this situation.

    1. The Weather
    2. Low Taxes
    3. Fabulous Entertainment
    4. Gambling
    5. Reasonably priced dining
    6. A stress free lifestyle in our final days
    requires proper competent governance, competent resident friendly management, competent resident oriented legal advice, and competent frugal spending.

    Thanks for all of your time and effort in assuring that alternative points of view are presented, as opposed to blindly parroting the management party line.

    Peter Brown
