Information Pages

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Former New Tradition Team Sun City Anthem Candidate Sadly Succumbs to Cancer

Former New Tradition Team Candidate
Bill Odelson
Loses Battle with Cancer

Image result for bill odelson

It is with the deepest sadness that we have been informed of the passing of a GOOD MAN...a WONDERFUL UNSELFISH MAN, a GIVING HONEST MAN, and a true gentleman,  Bill Odelson.

Bill represented The New Tradition Team candidates in the 2019 Sun City Anthem Board of Directors election, and in his relatively short time in Sun City Anthem, "stepped up" for one reason... make Sun City Anthem a better place through his vast years of successful business experience.

Image result for bill odelson

He loved playing tennis as a member of the Sun City Anthem Tennis Club, (was great at it), and when not working...yes, he worked full-time while running for a Board position, was also involved with the association Horse Racing Club.

A Drill Sargent training those who would see Viet Nam combat, he was also a member of the Veterans Club.

But Bill was special...and what made him so ....

...he was a "team player"; a man who believed all people had a good side to them, and that kindness and competence went hand in hand.

I got to know Bill fairly well when he decided to run for the Sun City Anthem Board, and always looked at him as the "calming force of reason" when it came to The New Tradition Team.

Those who got to know him realized that there wasn't a selfish bone in his body!

And....those types don't exist very often!

Our condolences go out to his wife, Susan, who supported him in every way.

Bill Odelson will be missed by those who were fortunate to know him.

Sun City Anthem lost a VERY GOOD MAN.

Image result for bill odelson

Did you know Bill?  Want to share your thoughts?

Send them to us at:

  • From Matt Opinions

    Marilyn and I are deeply saddened about Bill's passing.

    It is hard to understand.
  • From Marty Opinions

    Bill was a dear friend and in so many ways a prince among men.

    I appreciate this moving tribute to his blessed memory.
  • From Former Sun City Anthem Board Director Jim Opinions

    Prayers are with Bill and his family.
    1. From Liz & Bill Opinions

      We are saddened by this awful news. Our sincere condolences to Susan and the family. 
      1. From Rana Goodman...Sun City Anthem Board Opinions


        Thank you for posting the lovely tribute to Bill O.

        He was, as you said, one of the nicest men I have ever met.

        After the election, he never hesitated, even after his learning of his illness, to tell both Karen Hadrick and myself, who ran with him for a board seat, to call on him if we ever needed help with anything.

        Dan and I send our heartfelt condolences to his wife Susan.

        She too is a warm, lovely lady we are glad to call a friend.
      2. From Barry & Sherry Opinions

        Bill was a positive influence and an asset to the people in our community.

        He will be missed by all who knew him.

        Our thoughts and prayers are with Susan and family.

    1. From Matt Opinions

      Marilyn and I are deeply saddened about Bill's passing. 

      It is hard to understand.

    2. From Marty Opinions

      Bill was a dear friend and in so many ways a prince among men. 

      I appreciate this moving tribute to his blessed memory.

    3. From Former Sun City Anthem Board Director Jim Opinions

      Prayers are with Bill and his family.

    4. From Liz & Bill Opinions

      We are saddened by this awful news. Our sincere condolences to Susan and the family. 

    5. From Rana Goodman...Sun City Anthem Board Opinions


      Thank you for posting the lovely tribute to Bill O.

      He was, as you said, one of the nicest men I have ever met.

      After the election, he never hesitated, even after his learning of his illness, to tell both Karen Hadrick and myself, who ran with him for a board seat, to call on him if we ever needed help with anything.

      Dan and I send our heartfelt condolences to his wife Susan.

      She too is a warm, lovely lady we are glad to call a friend.

    6. From Barry & Sherry Opinions

      Bill was a positive influence and an asset to the people in our community.

      He will be missed by all who knew him.

      Our thoughts and prayers are with Susan and family.
