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Monday, January 20, 2020

Sun City Anthem Restaurant Plan...Simply Stated...A RESIDENT RIP-OFF

Sun City Anthem Restaurant Business Plan
A Flight to Neverland

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  1. From Art Opinions  

    I read the entire report also.

    A few things stuck out to me.

    Hiring a part time bookkeeper to do the books, what’s wrong with our current finance department, too busy?

    $10,000 for marketing, to whom?

    Even though they state in one of the slides, probably to SCA residents, but we will let outsiders in?

    A projection of losses for years, until they can get enough people to eat there.

    Captive catering if your club has a food event in Anthem Center. Shades of Vic’s lousy food!

    I’d like to see their Italian catering, or Chinese catering or Jewish catering, when those clubs have to go to outside caterers!

    Same old, same old, all over again!

    They are projecting a minimum of $30 per person for the club captive catering, with a gross profit of 30%, estimated.

    Where is some room for the clubs to make a few bucks on an event?

    Right now, with tax and service included, your clubs get a better deal at Buckmans, without each home kicking in a projected $42 additional per year, at minimum.

    Finally, no gambling(machines).

    While some argue against it, that would give you an annual income to overcome the loss from the restaurant, particularly one with a small captive audience and and even smaller chance of non residents gaming.

    Just look at Willows at McDonald Ranch.

    I will admit, I’m not a restaurant honcho, but I understand numbers!

    This is a bad deal for residents!

  2. From Bill Opinions

    If a majority of the residents want a restaurant, let them have it - especially since we will never (unfortunately) get enough residents to vote on converting the space to sorely needed usable additional gallery real estate.

    However, personally, I do not want to subsidize the restaurant, although the published Board Book comments try to convince us that this is just another amenity.


    It’s not like the pool or the courts or any other "amenity”.

    There is no dedicated staff at high salaries to maintain those other amenities.

    If a restaurant is so important, in spite of the proximity of Buckman’s  Grille, New Day Cafe, Rounders, and the numerous other restaurants in the Albertsons and Von’s shopping centers, then let the Board and management lease the space to an independent operator for $1.00 a year and handover the headaches.

    Let someone else get the liquor license and all the residents who are so anxious for a $7.00 hamburger with fries patronize the place without asking the rest of us to supplement their suppers.

  3. I wonder how much money needs to be squandered away before the Board becomes party to a "Class Action Lawsuit" - for their failure to provide reasonable and appropriate financial fiduciary oversight that protects the SCA residents?

  4. From Valerie Opinions

    The restaurant issue is again being forced  down our throat.  We don’t NEED a restaurant. 

    Let people order out and have food delivered if they don’t want to cook! 

    Use the restaurant area for income generating entities instead of a useless amenity. 

    What is wrong with the people here that want to cost us unnecessary money? 

    How many times do restaurants have to fail before people understand that none is going to work? 

    It’s insanity that keeps happening repeatedly.  W

    hen will people learn to give up on a dead horse?

  5. When, Valerie?

    When owners will pay attention to what's going on and elect directors with common sense and a sense of fiduciary responsibility rather than personal agenda.

  6. From Marty Opinions

    Thank you Dick for your great response to our “restaurant.” 

    Offering this now when we see all the changes along St Rose, along with the nearby locations makes the Anthem restaurant meaningless, particularly because of the costs for the service and other costs if you never go, but still will pay as a homeowner. 

    I for one will not pay $15 or $16 for a lunch.  I’d be surprised that many will. 

    It’s a loser right in the beginning with to many bases that need to be covered with add-on expenses to boot. 

    I hope merely writing the existing board members helps, but we know some of them hardly understand what their job is and that is to always consider the homeowners.

  7. From Claire Henry...former Sun City Anthem Opinions

    Well, I read the restaurant issue is still around.

    Sometimes nothing changes. We changed. We sold and moved from Silverstone Ranch.

    Much better in Skye Canyon.

    Silverstone Ranch $ is in deep trouble. Bad board out!

    Some good business people now on the Board, again.

    Took 3 years.Hopefully your issues will resolve sooner than later, good luck.  

  8. In the past 24 hours since this article was published, it was viewed 2,359 times.

    Not a single reader or comment objected to the contents.

    The obvious conclusion is that this proposal sponsored and favored by Board members Candace Karrow, David Weil, Arthur Schuetz, and James Coleman is UNACCEPTABLE to the Sun City Anthem community.

    The projected costs constitute an outrageous burden on the owners of the community, and we strongly advise each of them to take this view seriously as they consider this proposal.

    Scheduled "bull sessions" disguised as "work shops" are a waste of time and energy as only a fraction of the community would attend; however, this matter, should it be accepted, will be a major topic for Karrow, Coleman, and Scheutz should they choose to run for reelection to the Sun City Anthem Board.

  9. From Matt Opinions

    The Board will not allow questions about the restaurant but instead is going to have workshops. 

    What will the workshops accomplish since the board will do whatever they have already decided, whatever that is. 

    The Board did not listen to the finance committee and they sure will not listen to workshops.
