Information Pages

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Do You Oppose The Current Sun City Anthem Self-Managed Restaurant Proposal ? Take our Survey Today

Do You, as a Sun City Anthem owner, Oppose 
a Self-Managed Restaurant?

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

1 comment:

  1. It appears that the local "machine mouth" has once again reared his deceptive pen and in his typical devious manner, has tried to get residents to avoid completing the SURVEY. 

    Obviously concerned by the increasing numbers of those who have indicated they DO NOT WANT A SELF-MANAGED RESTAURANT, along with his reasoning to go forward with such a venture on the basis of an insulting reason, "Let's try it" (wasting thousands of association funds....

    Anthem Opinions made an attempt to make a REAL survey available to readers, unlike the "machine version" that boasts of a simple "yes" or "no", which the minds of any intelligent person, is a "fix" to obtain a result his deceptive "machine" intended to receive, Anthem Opinions clearly stated is was a...  

    No Self-Managed Restaurant" survey.

    Unlike the "machine" version, it stated a number of reasons that we fully believed, was not in the best interests of the Sun City Anthem community, and was a reproduction of the same survey initiated by many of the members of the Asian community.

    So, to cast is as a "fake", clearly insulted the Asian community by doing so.

    If one believed its contents, one simply cast a ballot in opposition.   

    If one did not, one simply ignored it.

    It was a SURVEY specifically geared to those who opposed the restaurant.

    It was that simple. has been quite successful in obtaining the REAL opinions of the community. 

    Unlike the "machine" original "fix" which cost the residents of Sun City Anthem thousands of dollars and left out vital information prior to asking them to cast a vote, the Anthem Opinions version cost the community NOTHING.

    We "used" an organization "Move On" to produce the FREE survey, an organization that has liberal beliefs and enrolled the individual in its communications; however what the "deceptive mouth" failed to state in his typical "half truths" was the bottom of the Anthem Opinions article.

    It read as follows:


    Below the vote, you will see that agree to subscribe to obtain certain civil and political information, along with an opportunity to unsubscribe at any time.  We suggest you cast your vote, and then within a short time, unsubscribe to avoid receiving any other information you do not wish to receive.  Your vote, however, will still be tabulated.

    In addition, he stated a further miscommunication. 

    There is no requirement to subscribe to Anthem Opinions in order to complete the survey.

    Note, NOTHING appeared in either of his two deceptive pieces to further his quest of Sun City Anthem losing thousands of dollars.....nothing new in his case, as he has never "hyped" anything in terms of a restaurant that has ever NOT LOST huge amounts of funds.

    Then again, what's new !
