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Monday, February 3, 2020

Lack of Experienced Marketing.....Costs of Wages & Benefits....Potential Investor Harm....Increased Rents,,,.Existing & Planned Competition...All of Which Will Condemn a Self-Managed Restaurant

Sorry Mr. Weil
Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
(Part Two of Three)

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Great articles. 

    You have such a good way of articulating what is going on. 

    I commend you. 

    I wrote my opinion (which I am sure won't make any difference). 

    I know they are having workshops but with the parking lot taking 3 months to pave, not sure many will want to deal with that.  It is going to be a complete clusterXXXX. 

    I have never heard of paving taking such a long time.  Scary for those that come up to exercise, play cards, mah, or whatever.  It will be a mess.

  2. From Ray Opinions 

    This  is a follow up on my prior comment.

    The message is the  same, but the  approach to solving the problem has changed.

    The principle still remains-fairness to everyone.   

    If you  want a restaurant one should responsible for any financial  setback; if you didn’t want a restaurant you have no financial responsibility.

    Instead  of taking the address of the person wanting the restaurant and assessing a financial requirement on that address, how about designating the restaurant as a ”club”? 

    We have lots of “clubs” here at SCA where members pay dues to join.

    Due’s money could be put on reserve to resolve a financial setback, or return it if the restaurant has no debt.

    In other words, to eat there you must have paid your dues. 

    Thank you

  3. My further comment after last night's restaurant meeting:

  4. You've already dumped $50,000 on a consultant from Colorado that's an expert in Las Vegas !

    Now there's even another thought of dropping another $100,000 to do it again?

    Thus - the tried and true Corporate ploy: keep taking surveys until you get the results you want (of course - with OUR money)

  5. From Valerie Opinions 

    This was an excellent article about the restaurant!!!

    I have an idea.....if people that want a restaurant at SCA want a restaurant, let them all pool their money where their mouth is and assume the losses with their own pocketbooks!

    Your information about all the future restaurants is even more reason not to embark on this ridiculous idea another time. 

    Don’t people understand the business and financial risks associated with another restaurant? 

    Maybe there should be a meeting outlining the REAL information associated with this terrible idea. 

    Would the manager (that is our EMPLOYEE) allow the rational side of the restaurant idea?

    The owners have gotten a one-sided picture of whey we should have another restaurant.  

    Because of all the growth in this area it doesn’t make good economic sense and will only cost us money. 

  6. Valerie,

    After attending the restaurant meeting last night, the only ones commenting about the restaurant with restaurant experience, held the same opinion....

    DON'T DO IT.

  7. From Robert Opinions

    So our Board would like to create a SCA run restaurant when they and their staff don’t seem to be able handle more than the present day to day issues?

    Just who is the mastermind who’s named on the licenses required to run such an enterprise ?

    Who is proposed to be the General Manager? And @ what salary & benefits? 

    Who pays income taxes, SS taxes, unemployment and disability taxes etc??? 

    Can a nonprofit deduct rental and depreciation from a profit making entity??? 

    Does a nonprofit jeopardize it’s tax status by involving in a for profit restaurant business???

    We need answers before voting on the NEED!!!

    Has all this homework been BEFORE proposing such a relationship??? 

    I want the Board to publish proof of accountability before thinking of involving the SCA, HOA in such an endeavor.

    In the future do we really need a restaurant which only seems to be profitable unless video poker machines and a gambling permit to operate are required?


    As well as violations of the liquor license...

    I’m just NOT wild about saffron OR a restaurant…BUT, are not vehemently objectionable!Just need answers before committing  $$$$…

  8. Robert,

    All of us who went there last night to obtain answers to many of your concerns.

    None of your questions were answered with any credibility.

    This is the blind leading the blind providing vague answers, saying we have to "try it", with 4 Board members, Weil, Karrow, Scheutz, and the absent Coleman, in favor of the deal and deciding the fate of the community.

    The other 3, Goodman, Hadrick, and Quinn oppose the proposal.

    4 people...each and every one...100% machine---will make the decision.

    When it was asked if another survey would be mailed providing information in greater detail, it was just more hemming and hawing from the 4. It was obvious that they cared little to having others learn the other side of the deal.

    The meeting presented 100$ guess work, wanting 100% of your money.

    I N S A N I T Y combined with I R R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y at its finest !
