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Monday, March 16, 2020

Board Candidate Nelson Orth Chastises Berman Article Regarding Self-Managed Restaurant Support

Sun City Anthem Board Candidate
Tells Berman Blog
"Stop Lying About My Restaurant Position"

Image result for don't lie

On Sunday, March 15, 2020 an article was published by David's Anthem Journal and brought the wrath of Sun City Anthem Board candidate, Nelson Orth.

Berman, in his usual manner of "twisting" words that were clearly intended to DECEIVE an unsuspecting community, in his article covering the 2020 Sun City Anthem Board election, made the following statement that was eblasted to his readers:

"I am pleased to note that all six candidates generally support the concept of a self-managed restaurant".

This did not sit well with Mr. Orth who immediately upon receiving notice of that statement, contacted Mr. Berman and a number of exchanges between them took place.

Mr. Orth asked that we share that information with Anthem Opinions readers in order to clarify his restaurant position.

Accordingly, this is the email exchange that took place between the two:

From Nelson Berman


I just read the article you just posted. Let me be absolutely clear on 
my position on a self-managed restaurant. 

I DO NOT support a self-managed restaurant, primarily due to the financial uncertainties, and the commitment to provide up front money of approximately $300,000 without knowing all of the financial implications.

I am requesting, in the strongest words possible, that you provide an 
accurate assessment of my position on a self-managed restaurant. 

I provided my poster in good faith. I expect you to do the same when it 
comes to this issue.

From David Orth

Nelson, my understanding is that you said you "could" support the self-management restaurant if specific concerns you have regarding some aspects important to you are addressed to your satisfaction.

Your phrase above,  "without knowing all the financial implications," says to ME that if you did know all the financial implications and they were satisfactory to you, then you might support it if that continues to be the prevailing consensus of the community.

I have not heard you say absolutely that you are opposed to a self-management under all circumstances, because it is YOU who are saying you need more information first. But if you want me to make a correction which says that you don't need answers to your concerns because you are opposed anyway and nothing you could learn would change your mind, I would be happy to make that correction.

At this point, though I won't endorse you, I am trying to give you a measure of protection so you can fight the good fight.

In the meantime, keep in mind that you are free to respond on the blog with any comments you wish to the article, and I will not edit or censor them. If your computer problems at the moment are such that you don't know how to do this, I would be happy to receive comments from you and post them under your name if you want me to do so.

From Nelson Berman


Of course, if circumstances change, I could support a self-managed restaurant. But those circumstances are nowhere on the horizon. 

I, and every other candidate, must, and I emphasize the word must, deal with the facts available. 

The facts, at this time, do not permit me to endorse a self-managed restaurant. 

With your article you have managed to have my supporters doubt my credibility. 

And now I must go to great lengths to reassure them that my position on a self-managed has not changed, and will not change unless massive changes are made to the facts available.

So, again, I am requesting you modify, IMMEDIATELY, your article to accurately reflect my position.

Berman then did modify his article to read as follows:

"Nelson Orth's position is that he does not"

...but also added...

" the case of the other candidates, their support generally comes with conditions, some of which specific candidates believe must be addressed before a commitment to a self-managed restaurant can be made"

However, we are unaware of any eblast he made to he readers that indicated any change was made to his original article or any comment apologizing to Mr. Orth for the misstatement...

...which would have been the proper thing to do.

Mr. Orth also sent us the following correspondence to add to this article:
Just so there is no misunderstanding on my position with respect to a self-managed restaurant, I invite all SCA homeowners to view the two minute speeches of all six candidates which is currently being shown on the SCA-TV Community Channel. All candidate speeches can be viewed on the web by clicking this link...

The first four sentences of my speech are as follows:

"My name is Nelson Orth and I am on Ballot Position #2 as a candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors. 

I believe those who are elected to this new board will depend on their restaurant position. 

Make no mistake, I am adamantly opposed to the current self-funding plan

I would  however, be open to exploring a restaurant option that either did not use association funds, or one using some minimal amount over a short period of time with an outside vendor, assuming that organization's financials would meet acceptable standards."

My speech was recorded on March 4. 

My position has been steadfast. 

It remains, in my opinion, the position that represents the best interests of SCA homeowners.

Nelson Orth


This guy (D. Berman) doesn't know how to take "NO" for an answer! Of course he has always been this way countless times as we have experienced.
If he see's the slightest room for what he wants people to see, he twists the words for his means to his end.

Fortunately as the opposite that we homeowners have also seen, is that other people like Mr. Orth have given us to common sense and proof we can and should seek better resources for the well being for this community.

1 comment:

  1. OMG...

    This guy (D. Berman) doesn't know how to take "NO" for an answer! Of course he has always been this way countless times as we have experienced.
    If he see's the slightest room for what he wants people to see he twists the words for his means to his end.

    Fortunately as the opposite that we homeowners have also seen is that other people like Mr. Orth have given us to common sense and proof we can, and should seek better resources for the well being for this community.
