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Monday, March 30, 2020

Former Sun City Antherm VEEP and Finance Committee Charman Gives Thumbs Up to Orth, Pope & Anderson

Former Sun City Anthem Vice President
and Finance Committee Chairman

Ballot Positions

Jim Mayfield

The single issue that SCA homeowners should consider when deciding for whom to vote in this year’s board election is whether they want SCA board members who represent the best interests of a broad majority of homeowners or board members who represent their entrenched, selfish minority interests?

You might think that answering this question is a no-brainer. But for years, a small group of self-selected insiders have used tactics designed to distract and divide homeowners in their attempts to convince a majority of homeowners to vote against our best interest. Their efforts have been successful. Their control of SCA governance has resulted in
  • A reserve fund with a deficit of over $1.5 million, and growing
  • An over compensated management group
  • Multiple restaurant failures
  • Legal and accounting professionals controlled by management instead of the SCA Board
  • The destruction of volunteer standing committees designed to protect us
  • The loss of transparency by hiding information from homeowners, and
  • An unwelcoming, indeed hostile, atmosphere that discourages highly qualified in our community from serving on the board and the standing committees.
In 2020, SCA homeowners have the opportunity to regain control of the SCA governance process by electing board members who will represent our best interests, not the narrow self-interests of the few. I urge you to vote for the following candidates so that SCA can return to governance that represents the vast majority of SCA homeowners






  1. From James Opinions

    Sandy Seddon's report sent to SCA residents today that she does not have any plans for the SCA 2020 election ballots to be counted if social distancing restrictions are still in-place on May 1, is a GROSS dereliction of her responsibilities. 

    I am sure a majority of the current Board will support her, unless there is a public outcry.

    There in NOTHING in the Governor's restrictions that prevent legally mandated governing processes by governing bodies. 

    A plan should be developed and announced to SCA homeowners of the contingency plan for counting the ballots and certifying the election on May 1. 

    A plan is not difficult to develop unless the real objective is to suppress the election results and leave the current "management friendly" SCA Board in-place.

    Basics of the plan could include:

    1. Separating the the counting stations in the SCA Anthem Ballroom by extended distances.

    2.  Providing masks and gloves to all persons who must participate in the counting.

    3. Limiting public observers to ALL Board members, except Ms. Karrow, who is running in the election.

    4.Use SCA to live broadcast and record the counting and certification. 

    (SCA has spent a lot of money on SCA TV; now is the time for it to be used--no excuses.)


    The responsibility to develop and publish a plan is the responsibility of Ms. Seddon and approved by the Board, absent the dictatorial influence of Ms. Karrow who frequently uses her perceived  "CEO" powers to promote her own agenda and suppress the equal rights of all board members.

    Waiting to the last minute to develop and publish a plan and claiming enough time wasn't available to develop one, is not satisfactory and is an unacceptable suppression of homeowners legal rights to democratic governance.

  2. Yes i am totally agreed with this article and i just want say that this article is very nice and very informative article.I will make sure to be reading your blog more. You made a good point but I can't help but wonder, what about the other side? !!!!!!Thanks Aplikasi Saham
