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Saturday, March 28, 2020

Machine Mailer Endorses Candidate with History of Bankruptcy...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Anthem Opinions Sends our Thanks
to the

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Did you get this in Saturday's mail?  

It was from The Machine.

(Just Click on the above to enlarge it)

We did too, but after reading it closely, we came to this conclusion:

Woman Hand Writing Timing Is Everything With Black Marker On ...

Did you notice the bottom rectangle that listed 11 former members of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors  who sent this to the entire Sun City Anthem Community, and in doing so, identified themselves as follows:

David Berman
Jerry Gardberg
Celeste Bove
Mike Carey
Jim Long
Bella Meese
Jean Capillupo
Tom Nissen
Rex Weddle
Bob Burch
Pat Caroll

...spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars in printing and postage, endorsing the following individuals:

Candice Karrow
Steve Anderson
Paul Perlstein
Wendy Linow

We believe that doing do was a belief they saw themselves in these candidates, and in that respect, we fully agree.

Remember, these were those who led you through the years, and have now come forth and endorsed an individual who declared Chapter 7 bankrupcy (Wendy Linow) a mere two and a half years ago!

And...we checked out the return address on the mailer too. 

Clark County Records showed it was sent from the Capillupo-Nady Family Trust a.ka. Jean Capillupo, the same one who, as a former President of Sun City Anthem, authorized two $20,000 loans to a former restaurant tenant without proper vetting....and...both defaulted....leaving you and I to pay the bill.

PARCEL NO.191-13-213-048

NV 89052-8561



As you can see, Anthem Opinions appreciates and thanks The Machine for their recognizing such financial prowess...

...further proving our point as to their incompetence and lack of success in financial decision making.

With the exception of Steve Anderson...

All have proven that...

Water Always Seeks Its Own Level - Journey In Principles

We urge our readers to read through this charade, recognize them for being the "political hacks" they are, and urge our community to END THE DESTRUCTIVE AND CONTROLLING MACHINE each evidently are proud of belonging to...

...while the rest of us have been paying through the nose for their mistakes.

Though we do agree that choosing Steve Anderson for a position on the Sun CIty Anthem Board is a positive step, it's time for REAL CHANGE, change that we believe can only be accomplished by electing, Nelson Orth (2), Richard Pope (3), in addition to Steve Anderson (4).


If you demand honesty in community governance, the only way to accomplish it is change, and that change can only take place by voting....


We have no recommendation for a fourth candidate because none have impressed us in any way.

We have to acknowledge those who support a MACHINE, the latest members of the Berman Hall of Shame for their excellent manner in  "classy" educational commenting....further evidence of the social upbringing each must have had to obtain their "15 minutes of fame".

That man is got to sick in the head, vicious, he is poison. 
Posted by: Marie Carter | March 28, 2020 at 02:46 PM

Kudos for you, not to respond.
You never hesitate to publish opinions that differ from yours.
Your fellow blogger goes insane if anyone disagrees with him.
He's both arrogant and insecure.
I've been told by a very reliable source that he is constantly monitoring your blog.
First the past 6 months, I've been cognizant that he launches an attack on you first..

Posted by: Linda Greenblatt | March 28, 2020 at 03:47 PM

David, Please don't change your way of communication with us. 
I enjoy reading your posts. 
I turned him off a long time ago. 
Don't know don't care not intrested what it has to say. 
It must be going stir crazy.

Posted by: Arnold Hinden | March 28, 2020 at 04:41 PM 

  1. From John Opinions

    I am sure you have seen the flyer sent by the restaurant crew asking for people to vote for them, at the same time the ballots arrived.

    Don't know who paid for the piece, but I am afraid it will be used to confuse people to vote for them, since it appears there will no meeting to talk to the candidates.

    My question is will Nelson Orth or Richard Pope send out a mailer, or how will they overcome not having a meeting for people to support them?

    I know you have been very supportive, and have a good following of SCA residents that hopefully won't be swayed my what's looks like an official mailing piece, but will it be enough?

    You also haven't said anything about Stephen Anderson, and my apologies if you have and I have missed it.

    I hope your blog will be large enough to stop the restaurant crew, and the tens of thousands that they have cost us already
  2. From Virginia Opinions

    Hi Dick - I assume you are still recommending Pope and Orth for the Board?

    Yes, I agree that vote for only 2 seats and let the other votes be diluted between the others.

    Berman is really pushing Karrow….it is so disgusting.

    Thanks, Virginia
  3. John & Virginia,

    After looking carefully at Steve Anderson, we feel he, along with Nelson Orth and Richard Pope. would make excellent Board members. 

    We will have a very positive look at Steve Anderson in the next day or two, but as far as looking at Karrow, Linow, and Perstein, NONE HAVE ANY IMPRESSIVE CREDENTIALS.

    Linow's bankruptcy makes her a ridiculous choice; the only individuals who seem to share a "fondness" for Candace Karrow are the MACHINE; and Perstein....well...he lives in a world all his own.

    I realize that there are 4 seats to be filled, but as far as the fourth, we'll leave that up to the community to choose THE BEST from THE WORST.

    Personally, I will be voting for 2-3-4 only.
  1. From B. Opinions

    I think they picked Anderson as their 4th pick only because Berman advised against Richard or Nelson.

    Berman opposed Anderson when he ran a few years ago.

    I wonder why he is now ok with him now, but wasn't then?
  2. From Bill Opinions

    Maybe some dissension in their ranks because I notice No Aletta Waterhouse.

    Someone explain the humor- David but not Roz?

    Maybe her fiasco with the Liberty Center kept her name off?

    Then again,let me hear Bella Meese’s  explanation for the Hillary buses, and Jim Long's for overriding the ARC and Community standards.

    What a bunch of fools- - Court Jesters all. 
  1. Why do we often seem to forget some of the other "remarkable achievements" that occurred during the reigns of the above "Machine 11" ?

    a. 5 Failed restaurants...even accepting a bank robber and his wife as one of them and another who was caught walking out the back door with Sun City Anthem equipment.

    b. A Liberty Center accepted on an "as is" basis....costing residents thousands of dollars.

    c. An IRS settlement costing us $100,000 plus accounting and legal fees due to incorrectly filing a wrong Income Tax return.

    d. Withholding the contents of a C.O.O. contract not deemed to be confidential by the Nevada Real Estate Division,a document still not available on an official SCA website, yet threatening possible criminal punishment to anyone disclosing it.

    e. Citing hundreds or residents for the most ridiculous reasons as to how homes were decorated.

    f. Being elected to the HOA Hall of Shame on Channel 13 on TWO occasions.

    Yes siree, they are the best references to endorse anyone, aren't they?

    Actions speak louder than words.
Both this year and in 2016 when I ran, I had broad support and had endorsements both from Anthem Opinions and David's Anthem Journal. His endorsement was posted on March 30, 2016.

  1. To Steve Anderson...from Anthem Opinions 

    Steve, before you play both sides of the fence, let me remind you and our readers that a number of us walked the streets, knocking on doors, and putting us signs to support you in 2016.

    None of that took place on the part of David Berman and his Machine.

    Berman many have supported you verbally, but in NO OTHER WAY !.

    But...your support from "The Machine" quickly dissipated following an article written by David Berman telling his readers om April 16, 2016 and I quote:

    Dick Arendt: A Liar, But Is He Also Demented?

    On April 18, 2016, you commented  on that blog as follows, and I again quote, your addressing Mr. Berman>

    "You deplore the fact that Mr. Arendt “expends an inordinate amount of time on his blog engaged in name-calling…” and that “…in my opinion, he drags the process down to an unacceptable level.” This is certainly your right to believe this and write about it, but what does little to further any modeling of sticking to the facts, you then engage in calling Mr. Arendt a liar and demented among other things. You are then doing what you deplore and accuse him of doing. For those people who know Mr. Arendt he is neither a liar or comes even close to being demented. That is derogatory and not necessary for a thorough discussion of the issues. Further as I have read Mr. Arendt’s articles he is to me an “equal opportunity” person in taking issue equally with men and women that he is in disagreement with."

    There after, because you defended me, THE MACHINE did you in !


  1. We have to acknowledge those who support a MACHINE, the lastest members of the Berman Hall of Shame for their excellent manner in  "classy" educational commenting....further evidence of the social upbringing each must have had to obtain their "15 minutes of fame".

    That man is got to sick in the head, vicious, he is poison. Posted by: Marie Carter | March 28, 2020 at 02:46 PM

    Kudos for you, not to respond.

    You never hesitate to publish opinions that differ from yours.

    Your fellow blogger goes insane if anyone disagrees with him.

    He's both arrogant and insecure.

    I've been told by a very reliable source that he is constantly monitoring your blog.

    First the past 6 months, I've been cognizant that he launches an attack on you first..P

    osted by: Linda Greenblatt | March 28, 2020 at 03:47 PM

    David, Please don't change your way of communication with us.

    I enjoy reading your posts.

    I turned him off a long time ago.

    Don't know don't care not intrested what it has to say. 

    It must be going stir crazy.

    Posted by: Arnold Hinden | March 28, 2020 at 04:41 PM 

  2. From John Opinions

    I am sure you have seen the flyer sent by the restaurant crew asking for people to vote for them, at the same time the ballots arrived.

    Don't know who paid for the piece, but I am afraid it will be used to confuse people to vote for them, since it appears there will no meeting to talk to the candidates.

    My question is will Nelson Orth or Richard Pope send out a mailer, or how will they overcome not having a meeting for people to support them?

    I know you have been very supportive, and have a good following of SCA residents that hopefully won't be swayed my what's looks like an official mailing piece, but will it be enough?

    You also haven't said anything about Stephen Anderson, and my apologies if you have and I have missed it.

    I hope your blog will be large enough to stop the restaurant crew, and the tens of thousands that they have cost us already!

  3. From Virginia Opinions

    Hi Dick - I assume you are still recommending Pope and Orth for the Board?  

    Yes, I agree that vote for only 2 seats and let the other votes be diluted between the others. 

    Berman is really pushing Karrow….it is so disgusting.  

    Thanks Virginia

  4. John & Virginia,

    After looking carefully at Steve Anderson, we feel he, along with Nelson Orth and Richard Pope. would make excellent Board members.

    We will have a very positive look at Steve Anderson in the next day or two, but as far as looking at Karrow, Linow, and Perstein, NONE HAVE ANY IMPRESSIVE CREDENTIALS.

    Linow's bankruptcy makes her a ridiculous choice; the only individuals who seem to share a "fondness" for Candace Karrow are the MACHINE; and Perstein....well...he lives in a world all his own.

    I realize that there are 4 seats to be filled, but as far as the fourth, we'll leave that up to the community to choice THE BEST from THE WORST.

    Personally, I will be voting for 2-3-4 only.

  5. From B. Opinions

    I think they picked Anderson as their 4th pick only because Berman advised against Richard or Nelson. 

    Berman opposed Anderson when he ran a few years ago. 

    I wonder why he is now ok with him now, but wasn't then?

    1. Both this year and in 2016 when I ran, I had broad support and had endorsements both from Anthem Opinions and David's Anthem Journal. His endorsement was posted on March 30, 2016.

  6. From Bill Opinions

    Maybe some dissension in their ranks because I notice No Aletta Waterhouse.

    Someone explain the humor- David but not Roz?

    Maybe her fiasco with the Liberty Center kept her name off?

    Then again,let me hear Bella Meese’s  explanation for the Hillary buses, and Jim Long's for overriding the ARC and Community standards.

    What a bunch of fools- - Court Jesters all. 

  7. Why do we often seem to forget some of the other "remarkable achievements" that occurred during the reigns of the above "Machine 11" ?

    a. 5 Failed restaurants...even accepting a bank robber and  his wife as one of them and another who was caught walking out the back door with Sun City Anthem equipment.

    b. A Liberty Center accepted on an "as is" basis....costing residents thousands of dollars.

    c. An IRS settlement costing us $100,000 plus accounting and legal fees due to incorrectly filing a wrong Income Tax return.

    d. Withholding the contents of a C.O.O. contract not deemed to be confidential by the Nevada Real Estate Division,a document still not available on an official SCA website, yet threatening possible criminal punishment to anyone disclosing it.

    e. Citing hundreds or residents for the most ridiculous reasons as to how homes were decorated.

    f. Being elected to the HOA Hall of Shame on Channel 13 on TWO occasions.

    Yes siree, they are the best references to endorse anyone, aren't they?

    Actions speak louder than words.

  8. To Steve Anderson...from Anthem Opinions 

    Steve, before you play both sides of the fence, let me renind you and our readers that a number of us walked the streets, knocking on doors, and putting us signs to support you.

    None of that took place on the part of David Berman.

    Berman many have supported you verbally, but in NO OTHER WAY.

    But...your support from "The Machine" quickly dissipated following an article written by David Berman telling his readers om April 16, 2016 and I quote:

    Dick Arendt: A Liar, But Is He Also Demented?

    On April 16, 2016, you commented  on that blog as follows, and I again quote: "

    You deplore the fact that Mr. Arendt “expends an inordinate amount of time on his blog engaged in name-calling…” and that “…in my opinion, he drags the process down to an unacceptable level.” This is certainly your right to believe this and write about it, but what does little to further any modeling of sticking to the facts, you then engage in calling Mr. Arendt a liar and demented among other things. You are then doing what you deplore and accuse him of doing. For those people who know Mr. Arendt he is neither a liar or comes even close to being demented. That is derogatory and not necessary for a thorough discussion of the issues. Further as I have read Mr. Arendt’s articles he is to me an “equal opportunity” person in taking issue equally with men and women that he is in disagreement with."

    There after, because you defended me, THE MACHINE did you in !

    We both know that!
