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Friday, March 13, 2020

Sun City Anthem President: An Embarrassment to Good Governance

Sun City Anthem President
A Sad Example of Lack of Leadership & Respect Toward Residents

Candace Karrow
Sun City Anthem President

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  1. From Tony Opinions

    Great move on your sharing with us your interaction with Sandy & Candy-

    (However, I personally believe closing shop for a while is a safe bet, given the uncertainty of the coronavirus animal.

    Now is NOT the time to get all sweaty in the gym with a bunch of old farts like me.)

    My beef is the vituperative exchange within our community where Angelina & I moved to enjoy our golden years.

    When will it end, Dick ?     

    When will we kick out the MACHINE?

    I & many others are looking forward to your selections for the NEW BOARD.

    Nice going, keep up the great work for all of us SCA residents,



  2. When I received the demeaning emails from Candace Karrow after asking honest questions to Sandra Seddon, especially since she sent both of responses to to the entire Board and members of management

    (why it was sent to some not in any way involved with decision making)

    ..THROUGH PERSONAL EMAIL, yet signed as SCA PRESIDENT,  could only be determined to be an unnecessary act of defaming a resident.

    I felt I had to reprint EVERYTHING in order for a community to look at the person who really exists...or should I say...the problem she represents.And yet, another blogger actually stated I attacked her!

    Karrow has acted in this manner again and again, and her actions have earned her a bad reputation for dealing with just about any person with whom she disagrees.

    Years ago, she resigned from the Finance Committee after she attempted to get a number of fellow members to resign when she didn't get her way.

    She demeans residents at will, acts like a dictator toward fellow Board members, and treats members of the community as her servants rather than her constituents.

    The only way to explain her is two words:


  3. I'm sorry, but I can't resist this comment.

    I find it rather ironic that the federal government, on a bipartisan basis, is in the process of passing massive legislation to solve a problem Anthem Opinions fist identified and questioned, namely FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS, as a part of the coronavirus problem.

    Our question to Seddon asked WHO WAS PAYING FOR WHAT; that such an inquiry was considered "political" by an association president without compassion for humanity, and considered an attack by a another blogger.

    Obviously, this was just another reason for an incompetent and demeaning Board President, four others on that same Board, and a blogger, to find fault and criticize an individual for considering something none of them were smart enough to think of themselves.

    Oh well, that's the MACHINE.
