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Sunday, April 26, 2020

While Some Majors Corporations Continue to "Die"...with One Major Hotel Planning to Reopen

MGM Properties Tanking
Treasure Island Planning to Reopen

Would your company survive a recession? (Free Webinar. UK) | Greg ...

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  "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

1 comment:

  1. From Marcia Opinions

    Wynn Las Vegas Program 1

    Employee & Guest Health The health and safety of our employees and guests is our number one priority.

    Thermal Cameras.

    Points of entry will be limited to allow our security team to conduct noninvasive temperature checks utilizing thermal cameras. Anyone displaying a temperature over 100.0°F 1 will be taken to a private area for a secondary temporal temperature screening. Employees or guests confirmed to have a temperature over 100.0°F will not be allowed entry to the property and will be directed towards appropriate medical care.

    Physical Distancing.

    Guests will be advised to practice physical distancing by standing at least six feet away from other groups of people not traveling with them while standing in lines, using elevators or moving around the property.

    Restaurant tables, slot machines and other physical layouts will be arranged to ensure appropriate distancing. Employees will be reminded not to touch their faces and to practice physical distancing by standing at least six feet away from guests and other employees whenever possible.

    All resort outlets will comply with, or exceed, local or state mandated occupancy limits. Hand Sanitizer. Hand sanitizer dispensers, touchless whenever possible, will be placed at key guest and employee entrances and contact areas such as driveways, reception areas, hotel lobbies, the casino floor, restaurant entrances, meeting and convention spaces, elevator landings, pools, salons and exercise areas.

    Hand lotion will be provided in guest rooms and throughout the back of house (in touchless dispensers) for employees.

    Front of the House Signage.

    There will be health and hygiene reminders throughout the property including the proper way to wear, handle and dispose of masks. Table game electronic signs will also be used for messaging and communication.

    Back of the House Signage.

    Signage will be posted throughout the property reminding employees of the proper way to wear, handle and dispose masks, use gloves (in positions deemed appropriate by medical experts), wash hands, sneeze and to avoid touching their faces.

    Employee & Guest Health Concerns.

    Our employees have been given clear instructions on how to respond swiftly and report all presumed cases of COVID-19 on property to the Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD). We will be ready to provide support to our guests.

    Employees are instructed to stay home if they do not feel well and are instructed to contact a manager if they notice a coworker or guest with a cough, shortness of breath, or other known symptoms of COVID-19.

    Employees and guests who are exhibiting any of the symptoms of COVID-19 while at the property are instructed to immediately notify their manager (employees) or hotel security (guests).

    Case Notification.

    If we are alerted to a presumptive case of COVID-19 at the resort, we will work with the SNHD to follow the appropriate actions recommended by it.
