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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Did the Latest Sun City Anthem Elbast to Residents Go Too Far ?

Former Sun City Anthem Finance Chairman
Criticizes Management's Fear Tactics

American Handgunner Don't Fall Victim to Email Fear Tactics ...

Bernard Horton
Former Chairman
Sun City Anthem Finance Committee


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  1. From Hal Opinions

    So to those that choose to not Shelter in place, that choice  is solely up to you.

    But who you infect as a result of your choice is not a choice they get to make.

    While I fully support all of your enlightenment and efforts regarding our current board, our elections and the restaurant proposal to name a few. I was quite surprised and even a bit repulsed regarding some of your recent articles regarding our SCA rights, freedoms of choice and our NV government.

    For me, the principles of let the greatest among you serve and placing the needs of another over one self are actually “Not Niceties” but essentials to life for today and tomorrow.

  2. Mr. Sack,You are fully entitled to your opinion as am I. 

    Repulsed is a bit strong, though.

    As I have said repeatedly, if you choose to remain in doors, do so, but I choose to live my life as I choose. 

    That is my right. 

    If you choose not to interact with human beings your problem is solved by just staying home.   

    That it me is not life.  

    I do not believe your forced opinions are more important than those of others.  

    This entire situation has caused the fall of the entire economy and that will, if it continues, result not in recession, but depression.   

    It is very easy for those seniors who receive their monthly social security checks, pensions, etc. to take your point of view , but if the American economy fails, those measures will also be drastically affected adversely, or do you believe the US government has the ability to print money at will without affecting its standing in the world?  

    As of May 3, 2020, there were 4,411 individuals in Clark County who tested positive, and 1,003 were hospitalized. 223 deaths were reported and of that number, 168 were over age 65.

    With a Clark County population exceeding 2,300,000, that represents .0073% probability of death, a statistic that is very low. 

    Cautious, yes, but to many an overreaction that is not worth the destruction of the American economy.

    Sir, when you see young families looking out for their personal survival while you sit in a nice home with such subsidies they do not have, and you wish to sacrifice them for your personal safety, that makes me consider your actions questionable as well, but I will not judge you.

    I accept your view, but simply disagree with it.

    I would ask this of you and those who do believe the world should be shutdown:

    Would you please consider those unfortunate individuals in our society who have provided you the lifestyle you have through their employment, and donate the entire amount of your stimulus check you likely received and did not need, to those families who are in desperate need? 
