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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

UNLV Sends "Hey Reb" On His Way

"Hey Reb" Statue
Removed from UNLV
Athletic Teams Will Have Name Change

UNLV Removes 'Hey Reb' Statue, Mascot Under Review | News Break

UNLV removes Hey Reb! statue following student protests

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  1. From Cary Opinions

    Is Franklin Roosevelt next?

    He interned Japanese in Concentration Camps for two and a half years and actively delayed Jewish escape to America during the Halocaust. Racist!

  2. From John Opinions

    This whole movement is sickening.

    Perhaps it's time for law abiding citizens to start protesting to get the attention of the nit-wits making these stupid decisions.

  3. From Margaret Opinions

    None of this history removing movement makes sense to me.

  4. e just received information that the statue of Arthur Ashe was defaced in Richmond, Virginia with "White Lives Matter" graffiti . 

    When will all who deface historical monuments be charged with breaking the law?

  5. From Rana Opinions

    Great article, it is a shame that many segments of history are being erased from sight because they may link to the old unpleasantness of the south, slavery, etc. to the black community.

    When referring to WWII and the evil actions of the Nazis the idea has always been, NEVER FORGET because history has a way of repeating itself.

    Children and the youth of America should be allowed to see reminders of the past so that they too WILL NEVER FORGET.

  6. It follows; liberal educators doing things that make themselves feel good. Same old story too, they change the narrative of the story to fit their agenda where in this case they made the character something from the south rather than it being from the 1849 miner as originally selected.

  7. From Liz & Bill Opinions

    There is an argument going on now about removing statues and changing names of military bases.

    There’s so much back-and-forth it makes our head hurt. 

    The fact is, we say go ahead and take down every statue in the country and change the name of every military base.

    Better yet, just give them numbers so nobody can be insulted. 

    While they are at it, every mascot should be removed from every team and the team name should just be the city or state that they come from.

    Also change the names of cities and states that might be offensive to ethnic groups including but not limited Native Americans and African-Americans. 

    However, will anything in the communities change? 

    We don’t think it will make one bit of difference. 

    Because if you don’t get an education or vocational training and get a job and try and pull yourself up by your bootstraps and have a mother and father raising the children in the home, nothings going to change.

    In fact, there  were name changes  many years ago - every big city and many smaller ones have an MLK Boulevard, a street to honor a man who got himself a doctorate n divinity and advocated for peaceful protest.

    Sadly, what you find in the areas around MLK Boulevard in most of the municipalities that have one are blight, crime and poverty. 

    So there was a name change and what did it do? 

    We could advocate for the removal of names like Edison, Ford, Kennedy and Roosevelt (to name but a few) from buildings and streets in the United States because they were blatant anti-Semites.

    Sadly, it won’t change the fact that there will still be anti-Semites eager to knock over an old Jew in the street or burn or shoot up a synagogue. 

    One can follow the teachings of Jessie Jackson, Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton etc. or: 

    ...listen to and follow the examples of men like Shelby Steele, Robert Woodson, Charles Payne, Herman Cain, and Burgess Owens. 

    In this great USA we ALL have a choice.
