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Sunday, August 30, 2020

Racism...A Subject Plaguing Our Community ??? ....Part One of a Four Part Series

It's Time You've Been Made Aware
an Association Matter that Concerns all Property Owners
(Part One of Four)

Open Your Eyes

Click on our Information Page:
"Nevada Know How...Archives Page Nine"


  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    I believe you acted appropriately!

    I have my own list of my friends and acquaintances as my own contacts, not through any official lists!!!

    Official Letterhead stationary should only be used for official business.

  2. Correct. The use of official letterhead in any organization represents the organization as a whole. Since Sun City as a whole is not a political organization, political opinions should not be written on Sun City letterhead.

  3. Sorry, I replied too quickly. I agree with what I previously minor difference: the letterhead was a Sun City organization...representing that one club. There are political clubs here in which members can express their own opinions, but using the clubs letterhead stationary represents the opinion & tone of the 'entire club' on ALL statements w/in the letter. This is very dangerous grounds and can easily cause divisions within the individual club and Sun City as a whole. Clubs letterhead 'letters' should be for official business only. Letters of personal opinion need to be written on non-letterhead stationery.
