Information Pages

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Anthem Opinions is Moving On to a New Chapter

To all our wonderful and loyal readers:

After 8 years of publishing Anthem Opinions with in excess of 2,400 subscribers averaging in excess of 50,000+ views each month, now totaling over 3,520,000 visits since inception in November, 2012, I'm tired !

Attempting to publish 2 articles per day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks each year,  can be a tedious task that has taken so much of my private life, that it's time to share more of that time with my understanding, patient, and loving wife, Marla.

In addition, as each day passes, between declining health and over the 15 year period I have been a resident of Sun City Anthem, when I look in a mirror, I no longer see myself or my dear dad, but now, my grandfather.

We all have our lives to live, and in mine, I have had my fair share of triumphs and defeats, but what I have never compromised is a promise that I made my father the day I graduated from college some 50 years ago..

...never bringing shame to the one thing he was able to pass on to me... name !

He made me promise that while he may not have been able to leave me riches, he did leave me a sense of right and wrong, that those who are less fortunate than you, deserve the same respect they would give you.

I've tried so hard to keep that promise and all too often, placed the concerns of others, over dear wife.

I have always told the truth, no matter the consequence.

The "underdog" and the "uninformed" have always had my heart and devotion and will always be a part of my personality; however, the time has finally come to admit...

I can no longer "fight the fight".

However, before I leave, I want to do so with a warning and advice to those members of the Sun City Anthem community.

Our community is in deep need of reform, and there are elements within it that, if not closely examined, will inevitably create severe financial issues, impair property values, and reduce the overall morale of its occupants.

On Thursday, October 22, 2020, my dear friend, Rana Goodman, is scheduled to be removed as the President of of Sun City Anthem Board of Directors due to what I will refer to as a literal "coup" under the most embarrassing, hurtful, and cruel circumstances due to lies, deception, and cowardice on the part of certain individuals as well as those on the current Sun City Anthem Board, once referred to as a "New Deal", but now can more properly be referred to as "the resurgence of the machine."

They have been sadly influenced by an element of our community who wish not only to destroy her personally; but by doing so, will have destroyed the community spirit as well.

They will have "sold out" a decent human being to protect those from entering the ugliness of racism in our community.

I want to conclude this soon to be "good-bye" by asking a favor of all of you.

I ask you to simply write a short "thank you" to Rana for her years of service not only to our community, but the entire state in which we live.

...and...if you believe this was wrong in which the remaining Board members will act, include a statement as to your belief that this should not take place.

Send this to Sandy Seddon, C.E.O. with a copy to Elyssa Rammos, the Sun City Anthem Community Association Manager, asking them to read your message to the Board DURING THE INITIAL RESIDENT COMMENT PERIOD for it to become permanent record as to your feeling about this Board mockery.

The  addresses are as follows:

Remember Rana Goodman as the individual who fought to change all guardianship laws in Nevada to PROTECT you, the seniors of our community.

Then remember those who plan to make every attempt to destroy her....especially if any choose to remain on the Sun City Anthem Board.

I'll say a final  good-bye on October 31st.

And now....

Our Announcement

I am very proud to announce that effective November 1, 2020The Vegas Voice has purchased all rights, title, ownership and control of Anthem Opinions.

Dan Roberts, publisher of The Vegas Voice will maintain day-to-day operations of Anthem Opinions.

Dan has assured me that just like his publication, he will continue to inform SCA residents of what is going on (or not going on) in our community, and you will still be able to access this publication in the same manner in which you have in the past. 

As of November 1, 2020, we will be known as:

Anthem Opinions
A Vegas Voice Publication.

And just like the publication did in its state and national award winning Guardianship investigation, it promises to go after the "bad guys and gals" that would harm SCA.

The information that Anthem Opinions has uncovered in the past and present, has shared with you, and investigated over the years, will continue with this new ownership.  

We send our warmest regards to Dan Roberts, and we hope you will continue to visit Anthem Opinions offering the many venues that will be continued.

Congratulations to Dan and The Vegas Voice.  If you wish to contact him, please feel free to do so.

Dan Roberts
The Vegas Voice

  • I am sorry to see you leave as I have learned information from your sight. I am also very sorry to hear about Rana, I did not know that.
    The future does not seems very bright and I am worried about the direction of our community.
    I wish you well.

  • Dick,
    We will miss your approach and integrity!
    However, I am happy you have made this decision for you and Marla.
    I am disgusted at your statement as to our Board President..Rana Goodman.
    I am hoping she fights this with legal representation.
    Sadly, it does not surprise me that this SCA Board would act in this manner. I have said from the beginning of this Boards term, Ms. Goodman is in a difficult
    Position because this Board will not support her.
    Anyways, I wish good health and happy years to come with Marla.

    Peter Brown

  • From Mary Lee Opinions

    Dear Dick:

    The negatives in SCA now outweigh the positives, sadly, and I’m at a loss to understand the existing board’s decision!

    Shameful and inexcusable not strong enough words to describe how I feel.  

    Sadly, the existing board's behavior should not surprise me as several neighbors and friends have sold their homes and several more will be selling and moving due to the current environment where nastiness is prevailing.   

    It is with a heavy heart that I hear that what is happening to what was Once a great retirement community.  

    You and Rana have integrity, honesty, experience, and love for SCA and have done an AMAZING JOB for Sun City Anthem and ALL residents, past and current, have benefited for so many years.

    My personal thanks for all you did and accomplished while I lived in SCA for thirteen years.  

    Few people understand the time and effort given to provide Anthem Opinions to the residents of SCA, and your postings.

    Frankly, I’m happy we sold the house and moved and the current environment is not the type we would desire to live in.  

    There has NEVER been any Racial issues in SCA until now and it seems that the distortions, lies, and deception outweigh the truth!!  

    How sad for the entire community, as your efforts and Rana’s will be a tremendous loss to Sun City Anthem.  

    Best of luck in all of your personal endeavors, please stay in touch dearest friend.

  • From Barbara Opinions

    Wow, what a shock! 

    I am so sorry to see you go, but thank you for all you have done. 

    I look forward to getting your news every day it comes out. 

    It has been informative and you should be proud of all the work and effort you have put in to keep the residents of Sun City informed. 

    I wish you and yours only health and happiness in whatever you do in the coming years. 

    I hope life brings us all only good things and the world gets better next year. 

    Can't wait to see 2020 gone.

  • From Tien H. Opinions

    Hello:  I just send an e-mail to Sandy and Elyssa to express my outrage.

  • From Valerie Opinions

    You sold out.  Berman wins!

  • Only if you let him, Valerie.

    1. From John Opinions


      Thank you for your years of fighting waste and corruption in Anthem.

      You are an example of fairness and honesty in direct contrast to another blogger in Anthem.

      I know from personal experience that David Berman is a liar and has committed legal fraud.

      He continues to spew his lies and I when I questioned his self- proclaimed integrity,I was blocked from commenting on his blog on any subject.

      I am certain that Dan Roberts will continue to fight for the fair minded residents of Sun City Anthem,  

      We wish you well and again,thank you for your years of service to our community.

    2. From Barry Opinions

      You are entitled to have a life.   Did Valerie Lapin volunteer to take up the cause?

    3. From Robert Opinions

      Dear Mr Arendt,It has been my pleasure to read your blog.

      Congratulations on being sold to Vegas Voice…Looking forward to your comments via “The Voice” in the future…

      Good Luck.

      So, please share with me the allegations of misconduct by Rana Goodman

      Is it her association with Vegas Voice or some real  issue???  I thoroughly agree!! She did a great job as President…

      So!!! Give her a chance!!!

  • From Dan Opinions

    Note this email sent from David Berman to Wendy Linow, Board Secretary, then ask yourself, if Linow and Berman have been involved in the entire matter? 

    From: David Berman
    Date: Thu, Oct 8,2020, 12:29 AMS
    ubject: FYI
    To: Wendy Linow

    Dear Wendy:I had a meeting Wednesday morning with the attorney who handled my successful defamation lawsuit against a SCA resident.

    Here is what is probably going to happen next.

    I will be publishing a series of articles about Dan Roberts and his past.

    Because everything in the articles will be absolutely true, including legal documents and court records, they will not be defamatory in any way.

    Both an internal SCA complaint and an Ombudsman Intervention Affidavit will be prepared and submitted, alleging that Rana Goodman, because she is a director and president of the Board, violated a specific provision of our governing documents by allowing use of her blog to attack members of the community.

    In addition, in light of Rana’s apology letter to Jim Coleman in which she acknowledges making certain errors and apologizes for them, a specific provision of the Settlement Agreement is being examined to determine if allowing the use of her blog to attack the agreement and the work of the Community Lifestyle Committee has resulted in abrogation of the Settlement Agreement as the lawyer may determine.After the Association incurred thousands of dollars in expenses to resolve the AAHC dispute, I lament the fact that more expenses may be inevitable.

    This didn’t have to happen.

    Dan Roberts could have published the exact same attacks on a blog other than Rana’s blog, and he would have been within his free-speech rights to do so.

    But because his articles are being published on a blog owned or controlled by a director, specifically the Board President, therein lies the problem and the brewing crisis.

    I have done my homework regarding Rana’s variety of health issues, and I could think of no better outcome than for her to leave the Board for health reasons, especially since she is in the latter stages of her term.

    Such an outcome would also bolster the plans I had, but have temporarily put on hold due to my anger over this matter, to aggressively support her worthy campaign against a “bad” judge running for reelection despite his culpability in the guardianship abuses that Rana has worked so hard to overcome.

    I was eager to reach my 4,000 readers with that message, but now I am hesitating because a dog or other pet can only be kicked so many times before it becomes less loving.

    I write from the heart, and I am not telling you what to do with this message.

    Use your own judgment, but I felt I needed to tell someone what is going on as the result of Mr. Roberts’ out-of-the-blue commentaries that now threaten to tear apart the matter that I thought all the involved parties had finally put behind us for the good of our beloved community.

    This is a time to think of SUN CITY ANTHEM, not our petty personal grievances.


  • Wow,

    Thanks Dan Roberts for PROVING the involvement of David Berman coordinating efforts with Wendy Linow. 
    Incidentally, this "successful suit" filed against an 80 year old man resulted in a $1,000 NUISANCE SETTLEMENT.

    Yes, a "great" victory, wasn't it?
    1. From Clara Opinions

      Bolster his plan?  

      What exactly is he planning to do?  

      How dirty can he be forcing Rana to step down and uses health as excuse!  

      Like he said, Rana is already in late stage of her term, why can’t he spare her?  

      I bet the next election for the BOD will be a blood bath.!

    2. Clara, I don't think anyone in their right mind would run for the BOD knowing this is the type of underhanded treatment that one gets from an individual who would sacrifice his community, to destroy one person...except one, and the Dan Roberts forwarded email pretty much proves how subversive this enemy of the community is, and always has been.

      What's worse is that there really are some out there who will still believe him despite the proof of his cunning and disturbing tactics...


      They deserve each other.

    1. So really sad to read about your departure, but truly understand you need a life, and a break. Best of wishes to a better, more relaxing future too in the new year even though its a bit early, but I'm sure we all look forward to a better one.

      I'm sure after a while not looking at the blog everyday you'll miss all the emails from ALL those wonderful and rational people you see everyday especially from me as well as I always looked forward to them.

      As to our pariah and friends, I guess we can't have a perfect world so we deal with them as best as possible knowing they crop up like the evils of daily life wants to make us continually aware of them.

      GOD Bless!

    2. From Patsy Opinions 

      Dear Dick and Dan:

      First, Dick. 

      I am sorry to see you leaving Anthem Opinions behind; however you could not leave it in better hands then Dan Roberts. 

      As we all get older we must make decisions that effect the rest of our lives. 

      You and Marla have given us many years of service, information, and good humor and it is time you both deserve to relax and enjoy yourselves. 

      I hope that many happy years are ahead of you together.


      Rana was one of the first persons I met when I moved to SCA 17 years ago. 

      She has been a steadfast friend and always there for me when I needed her especially when my Mom passed away earlier this year. 

      She was the first one through the door that terrible day. 

      She has also been there for all of her friends and strangers. 

      I know she has paid for attorney fees for friends and strangers (who are now friends) especially when the Guardianship fight was going on. 

      Guardianship is an ongoing fight and the two of you are still fighting for justice. 

      And, frankly for one, you and Rana are the best things to happen for each other. 

      I have personally seen the love and respect you have for each other and it makes me realize that genuine love can come to people even at our age.

      I am absolutely appalled at what the BOD and the troll are attempting to do to her and will be sending emails to Seddon and Rammos immediately after I send this to you.   

      I have always loved living in SCA except for dealing with the corrupt BODs and the troll for that entire time. 

      I wish I could take my introduction to him back.

      Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the BOD meeting Thursday as for some reason my computer cannot communicate with the SCA website and I cannot make a reservation.

      Rana Goodman is the best thing that has ever happened to our community.  She works tirelessly for everyone despite race, nationality or creed. 

      She has proved this time and time again. 

      And to see individuals trying to destroy her for whatever their selfish misguided reasons is despicable.

      I know that you will bring Anthem Opinions to greater heights and go on fighting the good fight as you always have. 

      It is an honor to know you and your entire family.

    1. From Tony & Angelina Opinions 

      Hi Dick,

      We are SORRY to see you feel it is time for you to move on.

      Angelina & I have enjoyed your wit, common sense & looking out for all of us vs the MACHINE which I remember equating to the Chicago  Machine where I grew up.

      We will miss you, you did a hell of a job in many times a thankless world ( read Berman etc ).

      Passing the blog on to Dan Roberts was a brilliant move on your part & we feel that he will continue in the footsteps you carved here in Sun City Anthem based on his comments in the magazine he puts out.

      Please clarify for us what's the story with Rana being "REMOVED" ? ? ? ?

      We have NO idea where that came from & your clarification would give us a clue as to WTF is going on here.

      Again, you did a fantastic job fighting for us against the MACHINE

      All the best Dick.

    1. From Linda Opinions 

      I finally got the HOA salary and contract info...after starting my “quest” in June.

      Absolutely disgusted that there is every roadblock to transparency in our HOA.

      No one really wants transparency; that was clear.  

      Too many people are drinking the Koolaide in the very worst way. 

      You inspired just an average resident without any affiliation to any club, group, etc.  

      Best wishes as you retire from your blog.

    1. Thank you for your years of sacrifice for our enrichment. Now it will be time for you and Marla to enrich your retirement years. Dan will carry on flawlessly. Could not be a better scenario for everyone.
      Our best to you and your pills,
      Liz and Bill Breier

    2. From Virginia & Ralph Opinions

      Dear Dick,

      Thank you for all you've done to help our "good causes" in this SCA community.  

      Unfortunately you have been maligned and not appreciated for all your hard work.  

      I can understand why and how you are tired of all the bickering that has happened.  

      Unfortunately, yours is not the blog that should be "gone".  

      Thank you again for all your efforts.


    1. I am sorry to see you leave as I have learned information from your sight. I am also very sorry to hear about Rana, I did not know that.
      The future does not seems very bright and I am worried about the direction of our community.
      I wish you well.

    2. Dick,
      We will miss your approach and integrity!
      However, I am happy you have made this decision for you and Marla.
      I am disgusted at your statement as to our Board President..Rana Goodman.
      I am hoping she fights this with legal representation.
      Sadly, it does not surprise me that this SCA Board would act in this manner. I have said from the beginning of this Boards term, Ms. Goodman is in a difficult
      Position because this Board will not support her.
      Anyways, I wish good health and happy years to come with Marla.

      Peter Brown

    3. From Mary Lee Opinions

      Dear Dick:

      The negatives in SCA now outweigh the positives, sadly, and I’m at a loss to understand the existing board’s decision!

      Shameful and inexcusable not strong enough words to describe how I feel.  

      Sadly, the existing board's behavior should not surprise me as several neighbors and friends have sold their homes and several more will be selling and moving due to the current environment where nastiness is prevailing.   

      It is with a heavy heart that I hear that what is happening to what was Once a great retirement community.  

      You and Rana have integrity, honesty, experience, and love for SCA and have done an AMAZING JOB for Sun City Anthem and ALL residents, past and current, have benefited for so many years.

      My personal thanks for all you did and accomplished while I lived in SCA for thirteen years.  

      Few people understand the time and effort given to provide Anthem Opinions to the residents of SCA, and your postings.

      Frankly, I’m happy we sold the house and moved and the current environment is not the type we would desire to live in.  

      There has NEVER been any Racial issues in SCA until now and it seems that the distortions, lies, and deception outweigh the truth!!  

      How sad for the entire community, as your efforts and Rana’s will be a tremendous loss to Sun City Anthem.  

      Best of luck in all of your personal endeavors, please stay in touch dearest friend.

    4. From Barbara Opinions

      Wow, what a shock! 

      I am so sorry to see you go, but thank you for all you have done. 

      I look forward to getting your news every day it comes out. 

      It has been informative and you should be proud of all the work and effort you have put in to keep the residents of Sun City informed. 

      I wish you and yours only health and happiness in whatever you do in the coming years. 

      I hope life brings us all only good things and the world gets better next year. 

      Can't wait to see 2020 gone.

    5. From Tien H. Opinions

      Hello:  I just send an e-mail to Sandy and Elyssa to express my outrage.

    6. From Valerie Opinions

      You sold out.  Berman wins!

    7. From John Opinions


      Thank you for your years of fighting waste and corruption in Anthem.

      You are an example of fairness and honesty in direct contrast to another blogger in Anthem.

      I know from personal experience that David Berman is a liar and has committed legal fraud.

      He continues to spew his lies and I when I questioned his self- proclaimed integrity,I was blocked from commenting on his blog on any subject.

      I am certain that Dan Roberts will continue to fight for the fair minded residents of Sun City Anthem,  

      We wish you well and again,thank you for your years of service to our community.

    8. From Barry Opinions

      You are entitled to have a life. Did Valerie Lapin volunteer to take up the cause?

    9. From Robert Opinions

      Dear Mr Arendt,It has been my pleasure to read your blog.

      Congratulations on being sold to Vegas Voice…Looking forward to your comments via “The Voice” in the future…

      Good Luck.

      So, please share with me the allegations of misconduct by Rana Goodman

      Is it her association with Vegas Voice or some real  issue???  I thoroughly agree!! She did a great job as President…

      So!!! Give her a chance!!!

    10. From Dan Opinions

      Note this email sent from David Berman to Wendy Linow, Board Secretary, then ask yourself, if Linow and Berman have been involved in the entire matter? 

      From: David Berman
      Date: Thu, Oct 8,2020, 12:29 AMS
      ubject: FYI
      To: Wendy Linow

      Dear Wendy:I had a meeting Wednesday morning with the attorney who handled my successful defamation lawsuit against a SCA resident.

      Here is what is probably going to happen next.

      I will be publishing a series of articles about Dan Roberts and his past.

      Because everything in the articles will be absolutely true, including legal documents and court records, they will not be defamatory in any way.

      Both an internal SCA complaint and an Ombudsman Intervention Affidavit will be prepared and submitted, alleging that Rana Goodman, because she is a director and president of the Board, violated a specific provision of our governing documents by allowing use of her blog to attack members of the community.

      In addition, in light of Rana’s apology letter to Jim Coleman in which she acknowledges making certain errors and apologizes for them, a specific provision of the Settlement Agreement is being examined to determine if allowing the use of her blog to attack the agreement and the work of the Community Lifestyle Committee has resulted in abrogation of the Settlement Agreement as the lawyer may determine.After the Association incurred thousands of dollars in expenses to resolve the AAHC dispute, I lament the fact that more expenses may be inevitable.

      This didn’t have to happen.

      Dan Roberts could have published the exact same attacks on a blog other than Rana’s blog, and he would have been within his free-speech rights to do so.

      But because his articles are being published on a blog owned or controlled by a director, specifically the Board President, therein lies the problem and the brewing crisis.

      I have done my homework regarding Rana’s variety of health issues, and I could think of no better outcome than for her to leave the Board for health reasons, especially since she is in the latter stages of her term.

      Such an outcome would also bolster the plans I had, but have temporarily put on hold due to my anger over this matter, to aggressively support her worthy campaign against a “bad” judge running for reelection despite his culpability in the guardianship abuses that Rana has worked so hard to overcome.

      I was eager to reach my 4,000 readers with that message, but now I am hesitating because a dog or other pet can only be kicked so many times before it becomes less loving.

      I write from the heart, and I am not telling you what to do with this message.

      Use your own judgment, but I felt I needed to tell someone what is going on as the result of Mr. Roberts’ out-of-the-blue commentaries that now threaten to tear apart the matter that I thought all the involved parties had finally put behind us for the good of our beloved community.

      This is a time to think of SUN CITY ANTHEM, not our petty personal grievances.


    11. Wow,

      Thanks Dan Roberts for PROVING the involvement of David Berman coordinating efforts with Wendy Linow.

      Incidentally, this "successful suit" filed against an 80 year old man resulted in a $1,000 NUISANCE SETTLEMENT.

      Yes, a "great" victory, wasn't it?

    12. From Clara Opinions

      Bolster his plan?  

      What exactly is he planning to do?  

      How dirty can he be forcing Rana to step down and uses health as excuse!  

      Like he said, Rana is already in late stage of her term, why can’t he spare her?  

      I bet the next election for the BOD will be a blood bath.!

    13. Clara, I don't think anyone in their right mind would run for the BOD knowing this is the type of underhanded treatment that one gets from an individual who would sacrifice his community, to destroy one person...except one, and the Dan Roberts forwarded email pretty much proves how subversive this enemy of the community is, and always has been.

      What's worse is that there really are some out there who will still believe him despite the proof of his cunning and disturbing tactics...


      They deserve each other.

    14. So really sad to read about your departure, but truly understand you need a life, and a break. Best of wishes to a better, more relaxing future too in the new year even though its a bit early, but I'm sure we all look forward to a better one.

      I'm sure after a while not looking at the blog everyday you'll miss all the emails from ALL those wonderful and rational people you see everyday especially from me as well as I always looked forward to them.

      As to our pariah and friends, I guess we can't have a perfect world so we deal with them as best as possible knowing they crop up like the evils of daily life wants to make us continually aware of them.

      GOD Bless!

    15. From Patsy Opinions 

      Dear Dick and Dan:

      First, Dick. 

      I am sorry to see you leaving Anthem Opinions behind; however you could not leave it in better hands then Dan Roberts. 

      As we all get older we must make decisions that effect the rest of our lives. 

      You and Marla have given us many years of service, information, and good humor and it is time you both deserve to relax and enjoy yourselves. 

      I hope that many happy years are ahead of you together.


      Rana was one of the first persons I met when I moved to SCA 17 years ago. 

      She has been a steadfast friend and always there for me when I needed her especially when my Mom passed away earlier this year. 

      She was the first one through the door that terrible day. 

      She has also been there for all of her friends and strangers. 

      I know she has paid for attorney fees for friends and strangers (who are now friends) especially when the Guardianship fight was going on. 

      Guardianship is an ongoing fight and the two of you are still fighting for justice. 

      And, frankly for one, you and Rana are the best things to happen for each other. 

      I have personally seen the love and respect you have for each other and it makes me realize that genuine love can come to people even at our age.

      I am absolutely appalled at what the BOD and the troll are attempting to do to her and will be sending emails to Seddon and Rammos immediately after I send this to you.   

      I have always loved living in SCA except for dealing with the corrupt BODs and the troll for that entire time. 

      I wish I could take my introduction to him back.

      Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend the BOD meeting Thursday as for some reason my computer cannot communicate with the SCA website and I cannot make a reservation.

      Rana Goodman is the best thing that has ever happened to our community.  She works tirelessly for everyone despite race, nationality or creed. 

      She has proved this time and time again. 

      And to see individuals trying to destroy her for whatever their selfish misguided reasons is despicable.

      I know that you will bring Anthem Opinions to greater heights and go on fighting the good fight as you always have. 

      It is an honor to know you and your entire family.

    16. From Tony & Angelina Opinions 

      Hi Dick,

      We are SORRY to see you feel it is time for you to move on.

      Angelina & I have enjoyed your wit, common sense & looking out for all of us vs the MACHINE which I remember equating to the Chicago  Machine where I grew up.

      We will miss you, you did a hell of a job in many times a thankless world ( read Berman etc ).

      Passing the blog on to Dan Roberts was a brilliant move on your part & we feel that he will continue in the footsteps you carved here in Sun City Anthem based on his comments in the magazine he puts out.

      Please clarify for us what's the story with Rana being "REMOVED" ? ? ? ?

      We have NO idea where that came from & your clarification would give us a clue as to WTF is going on here.

      Again, you did a fantastic job fighting for us against the MACHINE

      All the best Dick.

    17. From Linda Opinions 

      I finally got the HOA salary and contract info...after starting my “quest” in June.

      Absolutely disgusted that there is every roadblock to transparency in our HOA.

      No one really wants transparency; that was clear.  

      Too many people are drinking the Koolaide in the very worst way. 

      You inspired just an average resident without any affiliation to any club, group, etc.  

      Best wishes as you retire from your blog.

    18. Thank you for your years of sacrifice for our enrichment. Now it will be time for you and Marla to enrich your retirement years. Dan will carry on flawlessly. Could not be a better scenario for everyone.
      Our best to you and your pills,
      Liz and Bill Breier

    19. From Virginia & Ralph Opinions

      Dear Dick,

      Thank you for all you've done to help our "good causes" in this SCA community.  

      Unfortunately you have been maligned and not appreciated for all your hard work.  

      I can understand why and how you are tired of all the bickering that has happened.  

      Unfortunately, yours is not the blog that should be "gone".  

      Thank you again for all your efforts.

    20. I have waited to see how this horrendous situation plays out against Rana Goodman and Richard Arendt, both who have told the truth even if others cannot.

      See if you can recognize the following individual(s):
      1. Manipulative and Conning
      2. Grandiose Sense of Self
      3. Pathological Lying
      4. Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
      5. Shallow Emotions
      6. Need For Stimulation, Living On The Edge
      7. Callousness/Lack of Empathy
      8. Poor Behavioral Controls/Impulsive Nature-Rage and Abuse
      9. Irresponsibility/Unreliability/Not Concerned About Wrecking
      10. Does Not Perceive That Anything Is Wrong With Them
      11. Unable to Feel Remorse Or Guilt
      12. Extreme Narcissism And Grandiose

      If you recognize this individual who has caused these problems and targets people who disagree with him and attempts to make them his victim, then you have described David Berman. What I am posting are just some of the many traits of a Sociopath. They cannot be cured. I rest my case.
