Information Pages

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Foundation Assisting Seniors Robbed over Thanksgiving holiday....They are now in DIRE need of your support.

 The Foundation Assisting Seniors Needs Your Help More then Ever !

Senior Assistance | The Foundation Assisting Seniors | United States

A week ago we asked that you consider a donation to the Foundation Assisting Seniors due to their inability to hold many fund raising events during the pandemic. 

This morning, while returning medical equipment, we were informed that during the Thanksgiving holiday, the building that houses the Foundation was broken into and the safe was stolen that included gift cards totaling approximately $2,000. 

It is hard to comprehend that a season designed to provide "peace on earth and goodwill toward men" would include taking items from a charitable organization; but that is the sad world we live in today. 

As a result, it is more then important that you PLEASE consider any donation possible to the this marvelous giving organization. 

There are three methods in which funds my be donated: 

1. Mail your contribution.

2. Drop if off at their office located at: 

2518 Anthem Village Drive  Suite 102

Henderson, NV 89052

 3. Use the GoFundMe link by clicking here:  

 For further information, please feel free to contact the Foundation at:

(702) 242-4200

Here is the Foundation website for your convenience.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1607490378/RO=10/ 

...and don't forget...they always need volunteers.

Please tell your friends and neighbors of this crisis situation and ask them to consider their support as well.

They are a very special group of individuals. 

The Foundation thanks you in advance for any assistance you might provide them.

Henderson-based group assists Las Vegas Valley's seniors | Las Vegas  Review-Journal

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