Information Pages

Resident Reports of Concerning Neighborhood Crime Activity (article)


Residents Reporting Robberies 

Have You Seen a Vehicle Driving Through Your Neighborhood that Resembles this ?

2017 Ford Expedition Price, Review, Ratings and Pictures |

(Not actual vehicle)

Anthem Opinions recently received copies of notifications that we want all of Sun City Anthem to be aware of. Because this seems to be an ongoing threat, we wanted to bring them to your attention.

Anthem Opinions commends Big Sky Village Neighborhood Watch Facilitator, Jamie Shay, and resident Linda Buckhardt for bringing these concerns to our community.

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Big Sky Village

 We have had three front door kick-ins this past month and have some information which might help identify the perpetrators.

 The below message was received from a fellow resident of Sun City Anthem:

 Yesterday, my friend, who lives on Mountain City, waited outside to be picked up by her grandson on our way to a grad party.  He observed a white, older Ford expedition that followed him after he picked her up. According to police, the driver circled back, kicked in her door and burglarized her home.

The police gave the following advice:

Look for this vehicle and, if seen, take a picture (its license is usually covered)

Be aware when you leave your home and circle back. This thief goes immediately because he thinks older people will only be gone a short time.

He is robbing SCA a lot. Don’t confront, do call the police.

 Do pass this along to your friends and neighbors. 

While I do not have the details from the latest break-ins, this is seemingly an escalating problem. Unfortunately, not all residents are on Neighborhood Watch - so it would be nice if you passed this message to other neighbors (and encouraged them to join Neighborhood Swatch through the SCA website).!  

 Canyon Crest Village

 There was also a break in at Scotts Valley Dr. & Sumter Circle last week. Got nothing. Patio door.

 When confronted by the owner holding a GUN, he fled and ran away.

Henderson Police Non-Emergency Telephone Number
(702) 267-5000
Option 2

Got any additional information to make our community aware of?

Send it to us at:

From Barry & Sherry Opinions

My wife and I decided to install security screens and doors. They are not the typical screens and doors you see on most houses. They are steel mesh that can not be broken with a sledgehammer or crowbar.

We feel very safe at night, even when we leave our windows open.

Since we don’t feel it is right to give the company free advertising, you can contact us through Anthem Opinions.

  1. From Forrest Opinions

    A break into a home is a Burglary not a Robbery. 

    1) A Robbery is...the action of taking property unlawfully from a person or place by force or threat of force. 

    2) A Burglary...entry into a building illegally with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.

    A Burglary can become a Robbery also if a Robbery occurred during a Burglary. 

    A Burglary would be a single felony crime. 

    A Burglary with a Robbery is 2 felony crimes. 

    The main difference is force or threat of force for Robbery inside a building. 

    Outside a building would be a Robbery.

    You might be more specific with details on the actual crime. 

    It is very common to confuse the two unless law enforcement background.




  1. Thank you so much for the additional information Dick, I shared this incident on the Nextdoor website.

  2. Karen, our deepest thanks to you and to the many others who have read yours and others glowing reports of Anthem Opinions.

    We hope this newest edition will somehow make the various Anthem communities a bit more aware of those who seek to bring harm to us in our retirement years.

    Again, thank you...and...tell your friends to join in with any useful information they might provide.

  3. Whenever possible, ALWAYS try to get the license plate number of the vehicle


  4. Greetings! Very helpful advice within this post! It’s the little changes that will make the most important changes.
    Thanks a lot for sharing!
    valentine day status

  5. Henderson Police have arrested a man for two robberies, after he robbed a Citibank branch, located at 10211 S. Eastern Ave., in two separate incidents.

    Thirty-one-year-old Anthony Hylton was arrested Jan. 31 without incident. Detectives were able to identify and locate Hylton based on surveillance video and witness descriptions that captured both the suspect and the vehicle used in the crimes. On Oct. 7, 2016, the suspect entered the Citibank, located at 10211 S. Eastern Ave., at about 10 a.m. He displayed a handgun and demanded money from bank employees. The suspect then fired one round into the ground from a .45 caliber handgun. He stole an undisclosed amount of cash and ran out of the bank. He then entered a black SUV and fled the scene.

    On Jan. 17, 2017 at about 12 p.m., the suspect entered the same Citibank location and demanded money after brandishing a firearm. Bank employees recognized the suspect as the same suspect from the previous robbery. The suspect stole an undisclosed amount of cash from the teller drawer and fled the scene in the same black SUV.

    No one was injured during either of the two robberies.

    Hylton is being held in the Henderson Detention Center on charges of robbery

  6. From a Sun City Anthem Resident

    Warning! Think twice about what you say to Uber/Lyft drivers if you use them to take you to the airport.

    Our neighbors home was burglarized this week here on our very quiet and what we thought was secure street in Sun City Anthem. In 15 years on the street, never had we had a burglary. Then they go away for a week and their chatty Uber drive asking them about where they are going and how long they would be gone is what we all believe now was like a billboard announcing their absence.

    The driver was the only one who knew their house was vacant. In the middle of one night this past week someone shows up with a glass cutter and suction cup to remove the window glass quietly and though the house was alarmed broke in through the master bathroom.. OOPS how many of us have our alarm coverage in our bathrooms or master bedrooms? The crook went through everything in those two rooms including search pockets in the closet and took valuables as they/he were only looking for cash and jewelry. They left the TVs as they/he did not want to be seen walking away with them down the street to where ever the car was parked.

    Point being even with security lights going on and off inside and an alarm, the house was broken into quietly and strategically knowing the people were gone! It sure as heck wasn't one of us close neighbors who also did not know they were gone for a week. Second point is the lesson here is do not go away and not let your neighbors know you are leaving so we/they can be even more watchful. I agree with the neighbors that it is very likely the Uber driver either returned or had contacts he gave the address and even our gate code to so the house could be safely broken into.

    It was also strange the Uber driver was not driving the vehicle they were to pick them up in as well, though his picture was the same. Not sure that matters. I think you will all agree where there is smoke, there is likely a fire so keep your mouth closed if you use a stranger to take you to the airport for a vacation. Who would have thought?. I have reported this information to the police.

  7. From one of our Black Mountain neighbors.

    "I would like to alert all my neighbors to be aware of a black equinox Chevy, license # 379LSP.

    I noticed the car sitting on Merrimack, between Idaho Falls and Sawtooth Mt. at 8:00 in the morning.

    Coming back from aqua swimming class it was still sitting on Merrimack, but had moved down a little past Sawtooth.

    I drove up behind it and it took off.

    He had stop at the stop sign and that was when I was able to get the make and license number.

    I alerted patrol and called 311 and gave the Henderson police the information.

    When I started following him, he took off down Anthem Parkway.

    Please beware of cars or SUVs sitting on Merrimack."

  8. It wouldn't be appropriate for me to advertise for any specific company or individual on AO but in lieu of Uber or Lyft or a cab, there are SCA residents that are licensed and insured that advertise in the Spirit with private car services for rides to the airport at very reasonable rates. We have used and recommended one for years and he has become a personal friend. He meets us at baggage claim upon our return and I never have to be concerned that he will burglarize our home in our absence. When we make our travel plans I advise him our flights and never have to give it a second thought. All our friends have been extremely satisfied as well.
    Regardless - if you bother to have an alarm add a motion sensor in your bedrooms !!!!
