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Friday, December 14, 2012

Dennis Bono Show...A Holiday Treat

Dennis Bono Show Christmas Memories

There is little doubt in my mind that the best entertainment"deal" in town is the Dennis Bono Show each Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm in the showroom of the South Point Hotel & Casino.

Why do I say that?

Two reasons.

It's's FREE.

On Thursday, December 13th, the annual Christmas show was presented, and if you weren't there, you missed a great show. 

We're a senior community and I would think that seniors would love "Old Vegas." After all, our dollars built an awful lot of those hotels on our visits here before we made this town our "final resting place." 

Why not get out that house of yours, jump in the car, and just DO IT one of these days.

If you do, you won't be disappointed, and just in case you're still toying with this thought, here's what you missed on Thursday.

...a hello from Showgirl, Amy, & Pat as you walk in the showroom.

...a free drawing for dinners, free shows, and hotel stays.

...a song from a very special man named Dennis Bono, who has brought this production to you for the past 12 years at various hotels., Corrie Sachs, who weekly graces the stage with her beauty and talent, singing everything from Broadway to standards to country. (She's the star of Country Superstars with a Reba McEntire impression that will make you do a double take....and who, with her husband, Bob, a member of the show band, the Bob Rosario Ensemble), reside right here in Sun City Anthem.

...once in a while, the boss' wife Lorraine Hunt-Bono, former Lt. Governor of Nevada and owner of the legendary Bootlegger Bistro shows up to sing a song.  (She was the former Lori Perry, an opening act for notables "a few years ago" before politics became her passion.)

And at this Christmas show, they were joined by local talents which included... (with some samples of past performances)

Ronnie Rose

(who appears regularly at The South Point, with a voice as smooth as satin)

Deana Martin, daughter of Dean Martin.

The Las Vegas Tenors

Dangerous Curves

McKenna Medley
(daughter of Bill Medley of the Righteous Brothers)

(seen here performing with Michael Grimm, winner of America's Got Talent)

Kalsey Kulyk
(songwriter & performer)

Then there's the band, The Bob Rosario Ensemble, who each week, demonstrate their professionalism by their ability to play anything for anyone, as if they originally recorded the sound tracks themselves.
But there is one more we can't forget.

Our bartender, Kathleen, who puts up with all of us before, during, and after each show with the patience of a saint.

Well, that's what you missed, and as the entire cast closed the show....

...the room gave them all a standing ovation for what they bring to all who are fortunate to reside in this fun town....

The Entertainment Capital of the World.....Las Vegas, Nevada

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