Information Pages

Monday, December 10, 2012

RMI Fitness Manager Deserves Darwin Award Nomination

RMI Fitness Manager Issues Idiotic Swimming Rules
 for Liberty Center Pool

I would like to place the name of Kathy Kline, RMI Fitness Manager, in nomination for a Darwin Award.   

Never heard of a "Darwin?" 

"Google it" or ask your friends, but let's just say, it was her solving a swimming "crisis" by adopting a rule that was considered LAUGHABLE by those who chose to use the Liberty Center pool on Monday morning, that got her nominated.

When people in the lap pool were instructed that they would have to be "in a correct lane" based upon the nature of their usage of the water, the RMI attendant was literally laughed back to the main desk area by those in the pool who "feared" being arrested and having to tell a judge they were in violation of using a wrong swimming lane.

From what was learned, some old geezer who loves to do his laps in the morning had this belief he was somehow "entitled" to preferential treatment over those who wish to use the pool for other means.

Fat chance !   

Last time I paid my dues, they were identical to his, and in the land of COMMON SENSE and COURTESY, that means, FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE to whoever wants to use those swimming lanes.

Evidently, someone came up with the conclusion that a swimming lane for swimming is different than a swimming lane for other activities such as walking or working out in a manner the way the ladies from the"displaced" aquacize class have had to use it in recent days.

Perhaps this FITNESS MANAGER might explain what she means by "swimming" or "doing laps."

Just what is acceptable to use those two sacred "swimming" lanes?
Breast Stroke ?  Australian crawl ?  backstroke ? sidestroke ? butterfly ? dog paddle ? floating on your back ? using one arm instead of two ? using your feet only ?....or perhaps hopping on one foot holding the side of your head with one hand while the other is tied behind your back ?

Sound IDIOTIC?  

Well, it is !

And the next time someone says to you "Stay in your 'swimming' or 'non-swimming' lane," look that person straight in the eye, and in the spirit of the season, tell him...

Dick Arendt


  1. What a ridiculous idea. Just another reason to stop looking at RMI as if they "walk on water" and look for alternatives to management companies.

    It's time for some common sense and change, and getting rid of RMI should be top on the priority poll.

  2. There is an old expression regarding educated people. "They may have all that "sheepskin"(degrees)on their wall, but ask if they have one
    ounce of common sense" In this case, the answer is a resounding-NOT!!!

  3. Responding to residents requests is great, but before you make a command decision, perhaps it's better to talk to a number of people first, before you make one.

    And completing a blue card just doesn't do the job when stupidity reigns from the get-go.

    To make a drastic change at the demand of one person without running this by the people who actually participate, made no sense at all.

    The Fitness Manager would have saved herself a great deal of embarrassment and criticism had she just jumped in her car to see the situation for herself, asking MANY people for their opinions before IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION.

    Being there Monday morning, NOT ONE PERSON agreed with it.

    It was ridiculous and it incensed many who were vocal as to their disapproval.

    The Fitness Manager would have realized that had she taken a moment to THINK, before she reacted.

  4. I like so many others are critical of “what were they thinking” when our leadership make decisions that lack common sense, good judgment, and knowledge of the issues at hand.

    This was the case two weeks ago regarding the Liberty Center Fitness Gym.

    In an attempt to provide more space in the weight machine area, Kathy Kline decided to remove the existing bench/small dumbbell storage, add a small bench across the room, and move the large dumbbell rack to an area making it difficult to get the dumbbells.

    Many others using the gym, including me, complained about the new layout. I filled out a blue card and within a week Kathy contacted me to assist with the gym layout.

    As a result, Kathy listened to my suggestions. We (Kathy, Holly, and I) moved the large dumbbell rack in front of the mirrors for easy access and discussed rearranging the weight machines.

    In addition, I suggested having Woodchips build three eight foot benches with lower shelf to store gym bags, purses, etc. and upper coat rack with shelf for coats and place water bottles during exercise.

    Tomorrow, Kathy and I (with muscle power from others) will rearrange the weight machines for efficiency and location to provide extra needed space for those of us using the gym facilities on a regular basis.

    It was rewarding to me that Kathy took the time to listen and respond to resident requests.
