Information Pages

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Know Who You Hire

Are You Unknowingly Endangering Yourself 
and Your Neighbors ?

Many of us in Sun City Anthem utilize the services of landscapers whose efforts are tireless in keeping the outsides of our homes GREEN and beautiful; but like any occupation, there are "reputable ones" and then there are the "not so reputable" ones.

And it's the "not so reputable" ones who are at times, difficult to recognize.


He may appear to be this at first glance....


You really don't know for sure, do you?

Not knowing just WHO, can be a mistake that unknowingly can endanger YOU as well as YOUR NEIGHBORS...especially in a Senior Community.

Many burglaries and robberies can occur as a result of not taking that extra step of precaution.

Think about it for a moment.

A stranger comes to your door, asks you to quote your landscaping for perhaps a lesser cost than you are currently being charged, and not long afterwards, a crew arrives to do various jobs.


Is that crew merely doing your landscaping, or are they actually scoping out your home ?

Of course, you always "hope for the best", but what happens if you get home one day and your home is RANSACKED, the back sliding doors pried open, and many of your belonging gone?

Could it have been avoided?

Possibly, but one precaution will greatly assist your safety...

Namely...checking the firm out before you hire them.

Any GOOD business obtains the best customers through REFERRALS, but when you ask a friend or neighbor for one, ask an additional question; namely, How long have you been using them

Any period of time less than a year should raise a concern as to the value of the referral.

Assuming the above passes muster, get the company's business card and LOOK for a city business license number on it.  Often, REPUTABLE FIRMS will include that on their card in order to encourage earning your confidence.

If no license number appears on the card, prior to contracting them, ask if they are insured...and if told, "yes", ask that they present you with proof of such coverage BEFORE WORK COMMENCES.

Finally, if none of these items are available, yet you still wish to utilize their services, call the City of Henderson and VERIFY if they have a business license.

Anything less than the above, and I can promise you that YOU ARE ASKING FOR A FUTURE PROBLEM, not IF, but WHEN one occurs.

Now to the subject of being a good neighbor and responsible resident.

If you see a landscaping truck WITHOUT A COMPANY NAME on the side of the truck, call:

The business license division of the City of Henderson at (702) 249-0461, and ask for "Robert" during normal business hours TUESDAY thru FRIDAY.  The office for some reason is closed on Mondays.

This is the Office of Investigation for the License Division for the City of Henderson.
So let's rid ourselves of potential problems and employ only those who have the proper credentials and insurance coverage ANY REPUTABLE BUSINESS should have to operate in our community.

Dick Arendt

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