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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Thanks Making Me a "Good Guy" Channel 13

Yup....It Was Me on Channel 13s Investigative Report Commercial

Recently Channel 13 started running their TV Investigative Report ad touting the many HOA Hall of Shame segments that have shown over the years.

In countess times,  they have provided many of the residents of the Las Vegas valley assistance in a number of areas to curb the continual abuses some Homeowners Associations....including Sun City Anthem...were guilty of committing.

Over that timeframe, two of our "very own" have been singled out for HOA abuse; the first, former Association President Jack Troia, the "star" of two separate reports; and then Association Vice President, Roz Berman, for hiding behind her door, refusing to speak with reporter, Darcy Spears, about the matter.

I found it rather ironic that of all the people who reside in our community, there were two of us who "made the cut" for the commercial; myself, and former association president, Jack Troia.

And though I have been consistently painted as "the bad guy" over and over again on another Sun City publication run by the husband of Mrs. Berman, it was rather refreshing to have a MAJOR ABC-TV affiliate, take quite a different view, and consider me as one of "the good guys" instead.

Over the past few weeks, I've lost track of how many people have called me, sent me emails, stopped me in casinos and restaurants, and in one case, even gave me a kiss on the cheek (a woman--thank goodness) for being a person who stands up for homeowner rights...

...when all I have ever done, was write articles over the past years...

...and in this particular case, happened to be at the right place at the right time at the Grant Sawyer Building in Las Vegas supporting those who have devoted so much of their lives to making our existence a more honest and trusting experience.

So to all of those people who have made those wonderful gestures and given me the compliments, I thank you very much...

..but I'm not one of those who deserve accolades for their devotion.

And so, it is time to say thanks to others who REALLY deserve our  gratitude for standing up to HOA abuses, over and over, despite the continual personal verbal and written attacks they have sustained for years in the process.

First is a man who, as a result of personal HOA abuse, who was finally recognized for his the Governor of Nevada....having been named to a the position of Commissioner of the Real Estate Division, Jonathan Friedrich.

The second & third individuals reside within the "confines" of our very own community; namely Rana Goodman, who has, at personal expense, traveled to Carson City in 2011 and will do so again in 2013 as an unpaid lobbyist for homeowner rights, has years of service as a member of the Henderson Senior Citizens Advisory Commission, is owner of the Anthem Today forum, and in addition, still finds time to be the political editor of Vegas Voice newspaper; and Tim Stebbins, who, since migrating from Minnesota a number of years ago, has championed the rights of homeowners with his expertise in the knowledge of NRS 116, the law that governs Nevada Homeowner Associations.

These are the ones who count...not me.

All I do is try to assist their devoted efforts by making you aware of them.

So, next time you see them, give them the thanks rather than to me.

We owe all of them SO MUCH.

Dick Arendt


  1. Pat yourself on the back for ALL you do and here's another "kiss on the cheek" from another woman who cares!

  2. Hi Dick:

    Just read the anthem opinions and I did not know you were on Channel 13. I guess I'd better start watching that TV station!!! Anyway, you are definitely one of the good guys for sure!!! I, for one, value your input and help as do so many others.
