Information Pages

Friday, February 1, 2013

Goin' To the Candidate's Debate

Henderson Mayoral Election....Better than a Cirque Show 

I wasn't sure just where to place this article. Half of me said it was  "news", but the better half said it should be classified as comedy in our Entertainment Page.

I'll let you readers make that decision.

I love this town, and everything in it, because before I arrived here, I thought I'd heard it all in the Chicago world of politics. 

Then I came to Nevada and discovered we had a former mob attorney as the mayor of Las Vegas, as well as, a former entertainer, Lori Perri, now known as Lorraine Hunt-Bono, as a former Lt. Governor of the State.

The darndest thing though, is that BOTH, in my opinion, were terrific in their jobs, and perhaps the backgrounds both of these people brought to the political world, should be the example for the entire country.

"Oscar" became the best commercial possible for "Sin City", constantly surrounded by his show girls, and a wife, THE CURRENT MAYOR, who had to have had one of the best personalities in the world to enjoy the many happy years they've shared together.

No one, in my mind, could have possibly succeeded Oscar Goodman...except his wife, Carolyn, and my guess is that she will remain in that position until the term limits won't allow her to continue.

But....not to be out done with personalities that run for public office, I'm here to say to the town next to ours....

LAS ain't got nuttin' like we got here in  Henderson !


....because in todays Las Vegas Review Journal, I found an article mentioning that Mayor Andy Hafen, will be challenged by six other individuals for reelection.

Four years ago, Mayor  Hafen barely scraped through by a handful of votes, defeating Councilman Steve Kirk.

But this year...he's going to have his hands full....I guarantee it.


Because, this time WE'VE GOT OUR OWN SET OF CHARACTERS who rival the best Las Vegas could ever offer !

Other than our current mayor, who, if you have never met him, stands approximately "12 feet tall" (just joking),  we have a field that deserves honorable mention.

Quoting the RJ article:

"In his bid for a second four-year term, Hafen will face Eddie "In Liberty" Hamilton, 70; Joe Scala, 54; Clayton Simmons, 3; Rick Workman, 56; Kyler Robinson, 28; and Jerry  Sakura, 73. None of the challengers has held an elected position."

"In Liberty" Hamilton, once campaigned with the nickname "The Frugal" in 2011 for the Henderson City Council.  He was defeated, and to date has run for the US Senate three times...unsuccessfully...two times as a Republican, and once as a Democrat. He's currently registered as a Republican.

He will not be faced with a choice this time around due to the mayoral race being nonpartisan.
Referring back to the article, he " has been campaigning on Twitter, where he uses a photo of his wife, Silvia, for his profile picture. His emails feature a shirtless photo of his son, Adam, taken when the Las Vegas man was a teenager."

Then we have Joe Scala, who is making his first attempt at public office.

Again, referring back to the Review Journal article:

"He said he spent five years in the federal prison system after pleading guilty to conspiracy to distribute cocaine, a felony. He was released in 1996."

"I'm a pretty straight shooter," Scala said. "I've made my mistakes in life."

The candidate then added, "I don't repeat my mistakes."

 Scala said he recently has formed a friendship with former Henderson Councilwoman Kathleen Vermillion, who resigned in January 2012 before finishing her first term. He said Vermillion was "instrumental in his decision to run for mayor."

For those out there who recall Ms. Vermillion, she was the former girlfriend of Steve Sisolak, current Clark County Commissioner, who attempted suicide, and sued him for allegedly ending "their romantic relationship".  Mr. Sisolak is rumored to be a Democratic gubernatorial candidate in the next election.

I'll let you google Kathleen Bouton Vermillian to get the full details.

Then we have our very own Sun City Anthem candidate, Jerry  Sakura.  Mr. Sakura last ran for the US Congress in 2012, losing in the Democratic primary.

...but Mr. Sakura also made an attempt to run for our board of directors as well last year.

His antics were well known in the Anthem Center last year for behavior that frightened residents to the extent that Henderson Police were called to "remove the problem' from our premises.
He subsequently stepped down as a board candidate.

The three other candidates credentials are summarized in the article as follows:

And so we have it...election 2013 via Henderson, Nevada.

...where the candidates appear to be better suited for either an evening at a comedy theatre or a  new Cirque Du Soleil show !

And what better theme song....

Dick Arendt

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