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Monday, February 11, 2013

Traveling Soon ? (Part One)

Knowing your Money...and...Getting the Most out of It When Traveling to Foreign Countries  


It's that time of the year when people begin to plan their travel "ventures", and a GOOD traveler, is a KNOWLEDGEABLE traveler.

No, I am not suggesting any specific travel a matter of fact, I don't use them.  I have nothing against travel agents, but after years of extensive travel.... my opinion, planning a trip yourself, is half the fun...and...can save you a bunch of money as well.

... and this tool we call "the internet" makes it easier than you can imagine.
We're going to do a few articles on "Travel" to give you some ideas as  you make your plans, and first on our agenda is.....


Going abroad ?

If Europe is on your destination chart, that American dollar just won't help you out in most European countries, In all likelihood, you are going to use the European currency referred to as the Euro.

Its value fluctuates daily and you should be aware of the proper exchange rate between the Euro and the American Dollar.

Most people will use a credit card for purchases; however, when doing so, normally there is a 3% charge for the transaction.

Want to avoid that fee?

There are credit cards available that DO NOT IMPOSE a FOREIGN TRANSACTION FEE.

As the commercial goes....

"What's in your wallet"?

Here's a good list to examine...a number of which HAVE NO ANNUAL FEE.

...and know the conversion rate !  

Here's a handy tool which performs the conversion for you.

In addition to the proper credit card, you're going to need some spending money while you're there, so purchasing some of this currency to have a bit of cash on hand is also a pretty good idea as well.

But...WHERE do you purchase it ?

Here, there....where?

...and thanks to one of our readers, and I might add, a good friend, Sun City Anthem former Chief of the Security Patrol, Joe Mihalich...

...we have an answer, due to his experience and research.

Joe suggested that BEFORE you go, you visit this organization:

Foreign Money Exchange, Inc.
101 Convention Center Drive
Las Vegas
(702) 791-2201

We too, did a bit of research of our own, and Joe, if you're out there, let's just say "You were right on the money".  If a better deal out there exists, we couldn't find it.

Thanks Joe.

So...there's your starting point...knowing your money, its worth, where to get it, and how best to spend it.

Next TRAVEL article will cover a few web sites that have proven invaluable in planning that "dream vacation".  Stay tuned.

Dick Arendt

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