Information Pages

Monday, March 4, 2013

Seeking Fairness from RMI Management

Mary Schramski's Petition & the Rationale Behind It

Since our original article regarding the problems uncovered as a result of Dr. Mary Schramski's article in the Vegas Voice newspaper, we were asked if we could obtain the verbiage of the petition she initiated on the part of a number of senior resident/employees who work on a part time basis for RMI Management.

Dr. Mary sent us a copy of the petition approximately 300 residents have already signed asking fairness in RMI employee hiring practices toward those in our senior community.
The undersigned SCA residents AGREE:
All  SCA Community  Center monitors should be  SCA residents. Also, these monitors need to be treated with dignity and respect.  Additonally, a positive, enjoyable workplace and atmosphere should be fostered for resident monitors, using  positive reinforcement, flexible scheduling and encouragement.
RMI Management should work diligently to retain long-time Community Center SCA resident monitors, hire SCA residents as monitors and not hire from outside the community.
Those of you who would like to sign this statement, please copy it, sign it, and send it to Dr. Mary Schramki at this email address:

I would also suggest you read an article that was posted on Anthem Today, entitled "Fitness Center Concerns from a Resident" in order to more fully understand the seriousness of this problem.

We at Anthem Opinions, believe the tireless efforts of our fellow residents who have served our needs and those of RMI over the years, deserve preferential treatment toward certain duties in our community for two reasons:

1. We know they can do the job as evidenced by their past services.

2. The word "community" should be defined as "a band of brothers" working for the common good of those we call neighbors.

We is the RIGHT thing to do, and something ALL OF US should join in and show these people how much we have appreciated their "Good Morning" and "Good Afternoon" and "Good Evening" SINCERE smiles....

...the smiles that seem to have been taken for granted and often sacrificed by those who consider our age group as liabilities, merely old worn out pieces of machinery that require replacement with younger parts.

It is time for our be leaders...and stand up for those residents who have been purged by an organization that all to often, forgets THEY WORK FOR US not US, FOR THEM.

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