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Friday, March 15, 2013

Something New for an Anthem Opinions Author

Our Newest Entertainment Venue...Vegas Voice Radio

We have something new...and...exciting...and...A First for our growing blog.

Dick Arendt, our dedicated writer of so many of the articles published, has taken on another avenue of his retirement...

...IN ADDITION to continuing his columns here at Anthem Opinions.

As of March 16th...

...The new host of The Vegas Voice Radio Show 

... that airs on AM1230, KLAV radio each Saturday morning at 7:00am and repeated on Sundays at noon.

It's a 30 minute show, something Dick has never done before, and in his words, "scares me more than my wife when she's in a bad mood".

"I want to thank Dan Roberts, publisher of the Vegas Voice and current radio host, for the opportunity to succeed  him at this newest challenge, KLAV radio, and the advertisers who support that show."

"I'll do my best not to disappoint you." 

His first show will air on Saturday, March 16th at 7:00am, and repeated again on Sunday, March 17th at 12:00pm.

As his partner, I hope all of you will wish Dick the best, as he interviews some of the most fascinating people in the Las Vegas Valley.

Allen Weintraub

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