Information Pages

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Time for a Change of Management Company ?

A Resident's Comment on the Health & Fitness Meeting
On April 9, 2013 a follow-up meeting was held regarding the matter of the Health & Fitness program.

Below I have reprinted a comment received from resident, Eugene  Federico, who attended this meeting.

Because of the comprehensive manner in which Mr. Federico described this meeting, I feel it is important to share this with all of our readers in light of recent Board Director ballots sent to all association members.

As you read his comments, it has become more than obvious to many residents that this concern is shared by MANY people, in addition to those who have spoken with resident/monitors, who now use the words "hostile work environment" when describing the atmosphere that has been created by RMI Management.

This MUST have a bearing on questioning the renewal of the RMI Management contract, and based on numerous comments, one in which incumbent board candidate Michael Carey, recently stated...

...that if reelected, he would resign if RMI was not awarded our management contract....

One should think twice if a ballot is cast for this particular individual.

It was obvious at the first meeting that he highly favored RMI management opinions over the well-being and work atmosphere of our valued RESIDENT/monitors, and reelecting this man, would appear to spell even greater problems for OUR PEOPLE, as well as, those who use the Anthem Center and Liberty Center facilities

Based on these past actions, in our opinion,  this man has demonstrated  that HE IS NOT WORTHY OF REELECTION CONSIDERATION as a result.

States Mr. Federico:
"Health & Fitness Meeting on April 9th 2013

I attended the Health and Fitness meeting on April 9th.

The meeting failed to shed light on the deficiency of some of the hoist equipment that was purchased .

The person, who was merely a wholesale distributor that sells Hoist equipment, could not answer the pertinent questions with regard to making adjustments to some of the equipment to try and make it more user friendly.

Most of his answers were that he did not know. The consensus was that there were other pieces of equipment to compensate for the deficiencies found in others .

I workout in the gym at Anthem Center 4 times a week . I have been a resident here for 7 years and can attest to the fact that the atmosphere at Anthem Center has totally changed. It has changed from a place that was once considered a very comfortable atmosphere into a hotel style health club. There are trainers all over the gym at all different times. They get in the way of residents, and are trying to sell expensive training sessions.

This is not what most of us signed up for when we came here !

In my view, the committee and the board members who oversee this committee have given too much power to RMI and their surrogates who run the fitness center. We are letting outsiders tell us how to run our business.

Mr. Federico, based on your commentary, we hope you will tell your friends and neighbors about this experience, and if they too have similar concerns....

DO NOT VOTE for the reelection of MICHAEL CAREY.

Reelecting this man would surely more than magnify the current problems that have been exposed.


  1. We apologize to Gene Federico for misspelling his last name on our original eblast to subscribers, and it has now been corrected on the above posted article.

    We also want to thank him for his valuable input, and urge all of our readers to express their thoughts in the professional manner Mr. Federico has demonstrated.

    Thanks Gene.


  2. It should be very clear to all residents, that RMI management cannot manage. They continually cover up, make excuses and utterly fail to address the everyday problems here in SCA. Every manager from Rob Feldman, to Maurice Talley and Kathy Kline could have improved the atmosphere in the fitness center, but chose, instead to cover up and deny the problems. They probably chose to do that because the fitness trainers were making too much money and they didn't want to jeopardize that.

    Mike Carey, who was aware of the harassment toward our monitors at the end of January, sat back and choose to do nothing. And the Board went along with him. They allowed Rob Feldman to oversee the situation, but he has no managerial skills or experience to deal with it. It has even been reported by some Fitness Committee members that Kathy Kline yells at them when they make any suggestion. Who works for whom here?

    I agree with Mr. Federico, do not vote for Mike Carey. In fact, don't vote for any incumbent. But even more important, write to the Board and ask for Rob Feldman to be replaced with an experienced CAM. My hat's off to those residents who confronted the problem, signed a petition and asked for improvement in the fitness center. It's too bad our Board does not have one leader that would stand up for our residents and fix the mess in the fitness center. But, if we keep voting in ex-Unity members the situation will never improve.

  3. I would urge all of our readers to stay tuned for an article tomorrow morning that will shock most residents as it pertains to the RMI matter.

    Someone who will be attending the 10:00AM meeting tomorrow, April 15th, in the Delaware Room of the Anthem Cener, should provide copies of the article and hand it to each firm that wishes to do business with Sun City Anthem.
