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Thursday, July 18, 2013

Let Us Entertain You

Another Proposal for the Liberty Center

This is becoming a VERY serious matter. 

With all those flaws, that bocce court just plain has to go !  That's it, no more's history.

But what should be done with it ?

A private Pet Park for dogs who needn't associate with riffraff ?


A miniature golf course where adults get free heat stroke?


A tennis court where heart attacks would be our answer to population control?


So...we need...

...SOMETHING practical

...SOMETHING that will encompass a number of activities...

...SOMETHING that grandchildren would NOT be prohibited from utilizing...

...SOMETHING that would draw crowds from every corner of our community....

...SOMETHING that would also solve an eatery problem we have had in Sun City Anthem for years...

...SOMETHING that would save thousands of dollars...

...SOMETHING that would make money for the community....

...SOMETHING...that a former board director thought of on another blog.

Yes indeed....


Think this is impractical?  Why? It makes more sense than anything anyone has said to date.

Now... think about this for a moment.

Have we had enough restaurant problems that have cost us a billion dollars by now?


Want a meal that won't cost you a fortune?


Want a meal that tastes great?


Want an eatery that would be convenient to get to?


Now, this entire thing must be properly planned with some realistic assumptions.
Are we all going to die someday?


If you had a choice to die between heatstroke, a heart attack, tension due to young overabundance of calories and cholesterol filled veins after eating a great dog and fries....

What's it going to be? 

Do you care what you look like as that sleek figure you've honed through bocce or tennis, or strenuous putting, is lying in a parlor waiting for the dirt blanket, with some stranger saying "but he looks so good" ???


Would you rather go with a smile having mustard and ketchup drooling down the side of your mouth after consuming a dozen kosher dogs washing them down with a cold root beer or ice cold brewsky...and that same stranger saying, "I wonder if he was eating Grey Poupon?"

So, in order to prepare ourselves for this affair to present to those who need to be convinced of his usefulness, the first thing to do is make sure you have a good plan.
Well here you go...all cost study or architect necessary. It's all right here for you.

Next, you need to have the proper design and there are a number of "models" that may be examined.

There is the "plain old" hot dog wagon.

There are some with eco friendly features.

There are some designed for the comfort of employees.

There are some that are high tech.

You must offer variety in your menu.

Since we live in a retirement community, perhaps a delivery service.

And last but not least, you must advertise the product to attract customers on a regular basis. won't cost you a dime. It would be FREE.

The "Asset Enhancement Fee" will provide the funding for the purchase...

AND....there's so much money in it...that each member would receive up to 25 FREE hot dogs by way of a punch card.

Now how's that for something that would appeal to all of us ?

Have a great weekend.

Dick Arendt



  2. Dick, enjoy your blog immensely.

    We have read with interest and some amusement all of the competing opinions regarding what to do with these bocce courts.

    Can you at some point write a piece that would summarize how the HOA got to where we are? Is the problem with the courts due to a design flaw, construction defect or lack of user demand?

    Who failed to address the issue(s) before the Liberty Center was accepted from Pulte?

    And why can't any issues other than disinterest be remedied for a price that is less than ripping the courts up for the installation of an alternative use?


    1. Scott, great idea.

      I'll put that on the drawing board. It's important, and unfortunately, it has to do with individuals who were elected to past boards who didn't have the experience necessary to know what they were signing--or doing---after it was built.

      A number of us tried desperately to have input, but we were looked at, not as those whose intentions were for the betterment of our community, but rather as "malcontents" instead.

      Sadly, they should have listened to the "malcontents", because that cost Sun City Anthem hundreds of thousands of dollars in your dues money to correct.

      It's a long story, and we'll make sure it gets explained.

      Thanks for the idea.
