Information Pages

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Let us Entertain You...A Special Edition

That Helicopter Could have Bought the Hot Dog Stand

I want to take this opportunity of apologizing to our readers for initially misreading the costs associated with the following article.  I mistakenly believed that the helicopter cost of $12,000 was not included in the total cost. Like most people on this earth, I too am clasified in the "being human" category.

 I was wrong. the total cost including the helicopter is $21,500.

That is still a substantial sum of money; however, it was in error, and again, I apologize.

 Nonetheless, one only has to substitute the gross amount originally posted with the correct amount of $21,500, and the points of the article still remain intact.

Unfortunately, rather than merely stating that this was a mistake, another blog owner made this comment that I believe all who read community publications should read.

It demonstrates the difference between the cordiality of calling a mistake to the attention of a person, and instead, insulting him.

"A further comment: Malcontent Dick Arendt is once again distorting facts and spreading lies in order to support his false claims.

He has written on his blog that the cost of the helicopter shoot this evening is on top of the $21,500 contract for the image video.

The cost of the helicopter is INCLUDED in the total cost of the project, as anyone intelligent enough to read the winning bid posted on the SCA website would have known. While I can't comment on Mr. Arendt's intelligence beyond saying that he is intelligently hateful, I can certainly state without reservation that he has not read the bid."

That Helicopter Could have Bought the Hot Dog Stand

This probably won't come as a shock to most people who read my articles, but I do have a tendency to view things a bit differently than others, and today is no exception.

It's concerning a helicopter taking my picture on Saturday night as I'm lying "topless" in my hot tub, while making the "aqua move" on my wife !

Have you noticed that homes are selling just about as quickly as they are listed ?

Does anyone believe the realtors need help in selling Sun City Anthem property lately?

Is this not, one of the first communities that any realtor will take you, when you contact one, and tell them you're over 55?

The real estate market appears to be improving, as a matter of fact, here in Sun City Anthem...the market is exploding...and prices are escalating on a daily basis...


Obviously, someone believes that our community needs more advertising hype to sell homes. an effort to assist that current increase in sales, our board has once again, figured out yet another way to "efficiently" spend money....'s hired a helicopter to circle our community on Saturday, July 27th, to make some type of video to dramatize our community across the world.

...and...according to another blog, it's "only" costing each resident, about $1.65 to do so.

but...that's only for the helicopter. us realists, we instead view this in another manner. 

That "only" part has another definition.

I couldn't help but notice that this was being filmed by the  "SCA video film crew", which at first glance, I believed were our volunteers....

Then...I got yet another surprise.... about this "SCA video film crew".

They're pros ( Crescent Moon Pictures) and are charging $21,500 or more on top of the $12,000 for the copter !

So...that means we've dropped about $33,500 of dues money on yet another project that makes as much sense as building an igloo on the 18th hole of Revere Golf Course. think about tha while that whirlybird is flying around Saturday evening from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. 
According to an eblast received from our board president...

"On Saturday evening, the SCA Image Video film crew will be utilizing a Sundance helicopter to shoot aerial views of our community. Vantage points will include Anthem Center, Independence Center, Liberty Center, golf courses, and the entire breadth and scale of Sun City Anthem."

 Isn't that Special ? the opinion of those who value a buck....

...Those guys have figured out yet another way to drop over THIRTY-THREE GRAND !

This place is selling itself lately, and an alternative blog is trying to make a case for "hopefully" selling this video to real estate agents.....a video that apparently will be available FREE on when it's completed.

Oh...that's going to sell like hot cakes, isn't it ?

So now, we're in the business of helping real estate agents...and believe they're going to buy this video?

There's a better chance of buying a snow cone from the guy in the igloo on the 18th hole at midnight !

Shouldn't they be the ones paying for this...they're the ones making the dough, right? usual... with this current group of leaders...

What they believe is RIGHT lately, is usually WRONG, isn't it?

Let's get this straight.

When you want to sell your home, you'll pay the realtor 6% commission...

...Sun City Anthem will deduct .33% of the purchase price for the sacred "Asset Enhancement Fee"...

...and now...'ll be paying for a video to further reduce your bottom line. 

Some might say, "What's $1.65 p/head", but others, like me, say....

Here we go again...

...another $33,500 of our money...gone...that accomplishes nothing other than building the egos of some who look for yet another reason... spend your money... if they did not have...they couldn't spend !

And to think...when you see that thing flying around...

...that could have been the HOT DOG stand at Liberty Center for a lot less than $33,500  !

...and to prove my sincerity in that belief...

...I hope that helicopter circles my "hood" tonight, because they're going to catch some old guy with a beer in his hand, giving them a different view of the MOON !

Dick Arendt


  1. Dick,

    When will they be building the igloo and which course will it be on?

    Maybe they should build 2 so that people won't have to cross the street.

    Don't you think it's a little late to be selling sno cones at midnight?

    1. Jeff,

      With all the money in that Asset Enhancement Fee fund, they could build one on every hole...on each course...and staff it 24/7...with real Eskimos driving golfers to the next hole on a dog pulling sled !

      Could you see every golfer stopping by after each hole, and instead of betting longest drive, longest putt, or closest the hole, paying off in snow cones?

      Then, getting over the Hot Dog stand and chasing them with a dog and fries?

      Thanks for the morning smile, Jeff.
