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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Poor Planning Can Only Mean Poor Results

Anthem Opinions is fortunate to have a Mr. Fix-It to give our readers the best tips possible for making your home more efficient, but in addition to his excellent advice, Forrest Fetherolf, is currently Treasurer of the ICCC Club; is an active member and former officer of The Woodchips Club; attends numerous board and committee meetings; and has had a very successful past in owning a real estate construction company, now primarily operated by his son, Scott (with his dad's assistance).  He also owns and manages a number of rental properties here and in other Las Vegas locations.

As a result of that expertise, he's written this article that demonstrates that extensive experience....

...and with pleasure, we present it to you.


Life After Vic's Restaurant Fails

Indicators show Vic's Restaurant will not survive...

...that history will be repeated for the 5th time.

The menu pricing is constantly changing, hours of operation and days of operation are constantly changing; complaints are mounting...

....which means only one thing to me…


Vic’s has been in operation for only 7 months in some way, shape, or form. 

Whether we call it a soft opening or a hard opening, it's becoming apparent..

Vic’s is in trouble, and no matter what they try, my guess is...


Remember the trio of Tirzo, Tubin, and Slark when each of them failed within 3 months of taking over after the previous failure ?

Vic’s is on "credibility probation" after the disastrous Filipiniana catering event with over 300 guests in attendance. 

The Filipiniana Club went "light" on Vic’s when they were promised Vic’s would do better in the future and Chef Jason and the head waitress "left their employ".

The Filipiniana Club was kind enough to give Vic’s a second chance in booking their next December event, but The Filipiniana Club also made one other condition perfectly clear…

...anything less than stellar food and service, and the club is done with them.

So...all eyes will be on Vic’s performance. 

The ICCC , on the other hand, has not been so consoling. It is holding two events this year and will not book Vic’s catering for either; instead a potluck dinner serving about 300 guests will be conducted at each venue.

The Woodchips Club's annual Christmas party will also "pass" on Vic's; and instead, will be held at Buckman's this year, normally catering to approximately 125 guests.

And the word is now out... that other Clubs are rapidly choosing other alternatives to Vic's as well, and instead will follow the potluck idea, or be catered at Buckman's, as well as, other off site locations.

What does all of this mean to our community? 

Are we protected from any losses, should the restaurant default?

When the original lease was signed, all "personal financial guarantees" were REMOVED in order to entice this operation.

A number of concerned citizens warned of the financial dangers of doing so, yet were ignored by the board. 

Those individuals were branded as "malcontents" by those whose desire for some kind of restaurant, exceeded the general business principles of sound financial planning.

Sadly, this has now become a trend in decisions made by those who supposedly "know what to do",  yet "have never done it"  themselves.

The fault then goes to three parties when it comes to yet another restaurant that appears to be failing.

First, there was the lack of any relevant business experience of those who made the financial decision in choosing an individual who had never before owned a restaurant, as well as, allowing this tenant to remove any crucial financial guarantee to protect the association's members in light of the number of previous failures.

Second, there was the restaurant owner who miscalculated his market in pricing a product at a level beyond the average individual's budget...

...refusing marketing techniques used by other successful restaurants ( i.e. buy one, get one free)...perhaps as a result of his belief that being on a television program would overcome the need to provide a "bargain"...

...making changes so frequently as to show his obvious business inexperience...

...providing an inferior and inexperienced catering operation that now has a reputation that few wish to take a chance to explore for their events...

...reducing service hours to reduce the expense of violating the terms of a lease, signed only a few short months ago.
And third, those in this community who chose these board members to lead them.

We can't change the past, but we can make sure we memorize it's history; a history that needs CHANGE from all three guilty parties, if this is not to be repeated.

We therefore need experienced board members, an experienced and financially sound business operator (WHEN this one leaves and if another is chosen), and a more concerned electorate who will choose its leaders based on the individual's expertise in past financial dealings, rather than either asking a neighbor who a vote should be cast for, or believing any blog owner who has consistently advocated those who have been responsible for losses,  or allowing any party to cast a ballot for you.

The time now, is not to continue spending thousands of association dollars on what appears to be an inevitable end to Vic's sinking ship, but instead  exploring other viable options for that large area (over 5000 sq ft) presently occupied by Vic’s, and put to better use for members little continuing expense. 

Forrest Fetherolf


  1. Gotta Eat and Golf with a ViewJuly 23, 2013 at 6:33 AM

    I want a restaurant and Mini-Golf.

    There has to be some middle ground because it would be "free" according to some bearded blogger.

    Imagine an indoor Mini Golf course with a hot dog stand at the 18th hole.

    As you make a putt, you enjoy the beautiful view of the Strip.

    Get a hole in one, and a polka band appears with free sauerkraut for the hot dog.

    Because it would be indoors, you would solve the problem of too hot or too cold to use the facility, and would be used year round.

    Then we could add a slide to the venue for kids to slide down when done with the dogs.

    We could restrict the usage of ketchup on the dogs which would satisfy those from Chicago.

    We could have Thursdays be "ketchup day" for the east and west coast folks.

    Maybe even add Pizza squares on the ketchup days so the midwesterners would not complain about the ketchup.

    With all that space, we could have a separate party room for birthdays.

    If we could find a hot dog slinger with tattoos on his arms, and no hair, he could be our #1 server. Perhaps one who is a television personality.

    Then we could have an incentive program.

    6 punches on your card give you a free golf ball signed by each member of the board.

    Let's pass this idea to some blogger that can start a petition...any ideas?

  2. I enjoy reading the Anthem Opinion blog and loved the "Life After Vic's" commentary!

    Yes.....the board failed to utilize any common sense to the entire Vic's concept (celebrity chef) and restaurant contract. It's obvious that the board and restaurant committee did not analyze what makes Buckman's restaurant located just down the street.......a CONTINUED success!!

    After working in a "high end" catering business for over 10 years, I knew that Vic's was going to become "another SCA restaurant failure" after dining there on (3) separate occasions. So did everyone else that ate there.

    The board appears to accept no accountability for this business failure. Aren't they just elected officials who do not need to answer or explain any of their actions or decisions to anyone?

    Unfortunately this failure has cost all of the home owners a bundle of money for AGAIN nothing.

  3. Col. James A. Silver, RetiredJuly 23, 2013 at 12:01 PM

    Cannot understand why the powers ignore something as simple as a Denny's, IHop, Blueberry Hill--a place with decent and reasonable food where we could go couple times a week, and not be intimidated to bring/meet friends.

    There are plenty of 'gourmet' restaurants within 15 minutes for those who wish and can afford.

    They are simply ignoring the marketplace in this area.

  4. Can the restaurant be used for a miniature golf course with a hot dog stand?

    1. JPD,

      It might as well be, it doesn't seem to used for anything else,

      While at the ICCC dinner on Saturday night, a person told me that at about 5:15pm, they peaked into Vic's and there were only 3 tables that were being occupied.

      That must explain why a board Vice President who has been such a solid supporter of Tirzo, Audra, Slark and Vic, has been seen hovering over the bar on a regular basis lately.

      After all, someone has to suport the place.

  5. Great article about Vic's, especially the part regarding the three (3) at fault persons.

    We have lived in Black Mountain Village for 7 years and have eaten at our restaurant numerous times starting with Trumpets but never eating there since becoming Vic's as I have heard very little praise about the restaurant and a lot of discord.

  6. Why can't we have a "Pub" type restaurant here?

    I don't feel a "gourmet" menu is the answer - and God forbid!! We are too smart to take advantage of being able to have slot machines at the bar area and take in $$$$$ for us!!!!

    I believe Sun City McDonald Ranch has had the same restaurant in their facility for about 20 years!!! They must be doing something right ----

    -- Just saying -

  7. I was totally surprised when the Board decided to yet once again put a restaurant at the Center.

    They absolutely did not learn from past experience or the fact that other home owner’s associations have had the same problem.

    Also as far as the miniature golf – it will also fail. Might be pretty but the usage it will get will not warrant the expense of putting it in and maintaining it. It is obvious that someone has not done their homework.
