Information Pages

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Does Darkness Loom Between the Lines?

Is Sun City Anthem Headed Down a Path No One Can See?

As each day passes, it appears more and more likely that Association President, Jean Capillupo, has no intention of explaining to our community why she decided to smear community blogs.

One has to wonder....was that part of some plan?

Over the past few months, various topics have arisen in Sun City Anthem that a number of people have questioned...saying to themselves...WHY NOW?

First, there was a discussion of AB395, a law in Nevada that becomes effictive as of October 1, 2013 in which individuals may actually be charged with a criminal misdemeanor if harassing another individual takes place,and that includes resident behavior toward board members and members of a management company.

Though it would appear that this law would have its fair share of problems in court; nonetheless, board member, Dan Forgeron, believes we should incorporate it into our association rules and regulations.

Of course this is a two way street. Just as members of a board can bring any action, so can any resident against them; the difference is that the board member will be defended with ASSOCIATION MONEY through an ASSOCIATION attorney.

The individual however, is on his own. my opinion....if passed, does indeed allow for even greater harassment by members of a board toward any particular resident by making any form of comment they, in their minds, believe is harassment.


By making such a charge, and literally dragging that person through the courts as some form of "punishment" for "giving them a rough time".

...but that "fear" that may be instilled, has another ramification....a loss of FREEDOM OF SPEECH...out of "fear".

Then we have the matter of a proposal by board member, Jim Long, who has proposed establishing a group of individuals who would cruise through our neighborhoods, taking note of association violations...for purposes of levying fines of some kind...a "rat squad" as some have referred to it.

Picture an individual who, let's just say, might be a bit fanatical about that job....a BARNEY FIFE type...who would enjoy some personal satisfaction at reporting some minor matter...a person who would "LEGALLY" HARASS...a person who might possibly be an individual who WAS TOLD TO HARASS YOU...because your FREE SPEECH caused them a problem.

Don't think that's possible?  Ask Norman McCullough.

Next we encountered a "discussion" of what is..and what is not...acceptable on a community website...terms that are CONTROLLED, terms that have recently raised the issue guessed it...FREE SPEECH.

Next it was learned that private blogs are BANNED from advertising in any official Sun City Anthem publication.

Does that also involve FREE SPEECH ?

Now add an association president telling a community that BLOGS ARE PROVIDING MISINFORMATION, not answering any specific questions, or giving an explanation of any kind.

See the path on this yet?

Make rules...don't allow people to question them...make sure your publications cannot make a people aware of them..and then kill any source that would allow them to be the name of HARASSMENT. indirect manner of CONTROLLING the MEDIA, YOUR LIFE...through eliminating FREE SPEECH.

Is this that far fetched?  

Don't look foolish of those who profess that belief.

It's taken place over the happened in Europe prior to and during World War II, it happened during the cold war, it happened in China, and it's happening this very day in the middle east as it continues to be dominated by extremism....all of which started on one common way...

Eliminating FREE SPEECH.

You can NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL in protecting perhaps the most valuable American asset...and that involves CLOSELY WATCHING Jean Capillupo and the "silent" ones.


  1. While I enjoy some of your articles, and Mr. Fixit's, as well as other contributors this latest series of posts are starting to look like a personal vendetta. I think you would have much more influence by stopping the ranting and just report facts like you did on the dog park issue. All these rants of censorship and free speech are really over the top.

    1. Anonymous,

      I'm glad you enjoy some of our articles, but I can assure you that these last series of article have in no way, been vendettas.

      Independent community blogs are been attacked for no reason by the Sun City Anthem president. Respectfully (the letter to her was reprinted); and she, nor any other member of our board had the courtesy of answering SIMPLE, HONEST, questions.

      We feel is a RESPONSIBILITY, not a vendetta or rant, to inform our readers of all refusals of leaders to do so.

      Like any individual who may be attacked, independent blogs believe elected officials should be bound to provide information as to why they would use such derogatory comments on a publication that is sent out to 7,144 homes.

      Evidently, this group feels it may make such statements without others questioning the FACTS on which they were based.

      We...and all other independent blogs, DO NOT SHARE that opinion..and I would have to believe that if you personally were attacked in front of 7,144 homes and not given a reason as to why it took place, you too would feel the same way we do.

      You have your opinions about this past article, but two attorneys have contacted Anthem Opinions and had said they are in full agreement with our thoughts based on the past abuses of homeowner association boards not just in Sun City Anthem, but in many parts of the Las Vegas valley.

      Channel 13's Darcy Spears has made a living reporting such HOA abuses over the years.

      What has been reported here are FACTS of laws recently passed with proposals of various board members being made, leading us to state OPINIONS, using PRECAUTIONARY COMMON SENSE about what might lie ahead for homeowners.

      Obviously you do not share that belief, and we wholeheatedly believe you are entitled to your opinion.

      But...unlike the attack by the Sun City Anthem president, our opinions are also mixed WITH FACTS, and we have provided them.

      She...HAS NOT...and to create ill will toward independent blogs without providing specifics, is an UNPROFESSIONAL ACT that we resent.

      Have you taken the time to write the president and ask specifics as to her RANT and/or VENDETTA toward independent blogs as well?

      If you do, and you get a response, send it ot us. We'll gladly reprint it for you.

  2. Bud & Carol McQuillanAugust 21, 2013 at 2:06 PM

    We have just completed our first year of residency in SCA and we are delighted with our decision to move here. As a subscriber to Anthem Opinions for several months we have come to appreciate your daily insight, and wish to say thank you for effort in keeping SCA informed.

    Please keep up the great work.
