Information Pages

Monday, August 26, 2013

Misinformation Goes Well Past the word "Misinformation"

Our Community is NOT Stupid...and No Longer Can be Swayed by Distorted Commentary

If one has any further question as to the reason a copy of the initial email sent to Sun City Anthem president, Jean Capillupo, did not go to one particular community blog, it should be quite obvious by now. 

No...this article in NOT about him...this is about OPEN COMMUNICATION and the ability to THINK FOR YOURSELF.

This is about COMMON SENSE.

This "free speech" matter was directed to the President of Sun City Anthem, to other members of a Board of Directors, and those blog owners who fight a daily battle to afford citizens the right to an honest and financially secure retirement.

In our opinion, common sense says....Mrs. Capillupo IS PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK, that her silence has had many people question her MOTIVES, and subsequent CREDIBILITY and ABILITY to lead.

...that the SYSTEM is now under FIRE, that those who have questioned its leadership for years, and been criticized for doing so, now HAVE A STRONGER  VOICE....

...that a community tunes into each hear FREE SPEECH COMMENTARY and question actions of those who, to date, have gone unquestioned AND refuse to answer many questions...

...and are defended by those who have referred to honest citizens in the most heinous of terms.

...that the system IS SCARED... that THESE INDEPENDENT VOICES are not harming the community, but instead are making attempts to heal wounds that have been brought to it by THIS SYSTEM; that their voices might somehow become so strong as to TOPPLE it and ring in a new era of openness that has not existed for years.

This entire matter was between a Sun City Anthem President's derogatory comments toward blogs stating they provided "misinformation"...and those who chose to STAND UP TO HER ...and...profess a belief in FREE SPEECH, and  say...WHO?... and...WHAT MISINFORMATION?

And this will NOT GO AWAY...until we as blog owners, and you, the residents of this Sun City Anthem community, are provided sufficient answers.

Why are we insisting on this? 

...Because's could be YOU.


One blog, the blog which was omitted from the initial email to the president, has chosen to defend the community president...not by confronting the accusation, but in a typical manner...and formula used over and over again...perhaps successfully...UNTIL NOW.

Rather than discuss the seriousness of the situation...

...instead... make a feeble attempt to DIVERT ATTENTION FROM IT... mocking those who have been the victims...


... from commentary that was designed to MALIGN the efforts of those good citizens who spend hours each day in writing these valued publications.

A week ago Anthem Opinions published an article that involved the word CREDIBILITY...and...that word could never be stronger than in the present.

And in our opinion, CREDIBILITY should cause concern to any intelligent person foolish enough to read distorted accountings of this matter.

Writes a particular blog author: 

"To rectify the problem, Capillupo suggested that folks go to the source whenever possible to get the true facts about various matters.


This is:

"If you hear something that seems unlikely or even impossible, or just doesn’t pass the sniff test, please check it out by contacting someone who has the straight story."

Emails were sent TO EACH BOARD MEMBER asking WHO THAT PERSON WOULD BE....AND... NOTHING...yes, NOTHING...has been received in a response.

That is the issue...nothing more...and nothing else.

...that this matter....could easily have been rectified...HAD A BOARD PRESIDENT OR ANY BOARD MEMBER DECIDED TO ACT LIKE A LEADER....not run like scared rabbits...and answered a few very basic questions ANY PERSON who was accused of something, was entitled to know.

Just remember...the person maliciously attacked tomorrow...could be YOU.

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