Information Pages

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bad News for Bad Drivers

What Are Those Blue Lights on Traffic Signal Poles ?

Look closely...because you're being watched...and my opinion...

It's about time !

I know many of you out there enjoy "putting your pedal to the metal", but there are a lot more of us....the ones who want to stay alive and keep out of harm's way...

...who are THRILLED  by this new contraption attached to light poles under traffic signals.

According to Channel 8 News ....

"That blue mystery light is an indicator that helps police catch drivers who run red lights. A police officer typically waits in a safe location near the intersection, where he or she can observe the blue light."

"When the red traffic signal arrives, the blue light turns on. The officer can then determine if a driver entered the intersection on the red. A big benefit is police can tell whether cars are running red lights from either side of the intersection."
"Most intersections include white lines or stop bars. When a vehicle crosses that line on a green or yellow light, it claims the right-of-way in the intersection. Drivers are following the law as long as they safely enter the intersection on a green or yellow and, therefore, can safely exit the intersection (even on a red light) without breaking the law."

"If the light is yellow before the vehicle reaches the stop bar, stop line, or crosswalk, the driver must reduce speed and prepare to stop. Running a red light can result in a ticket of $300 or more."

Las Vegas drivers are apparently the 5th worst drivers in the nation, and auto insurance premiums are approximately 40% higher than in safer states.

So...for the rest of us out there who want to live a long one piece...

SLOW DOWN...because it's gonna "cost ya" if you don't !

Dick Arendt

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