Information Pages

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Change We Needed to Make

You spoke...and we listened.

When Anthem Opinions first conceived the idea to provide our readers an avenue for home improvements, we looked long and hard to find the right person for the job.

...and when we realized that we had known him all along, we approached   Forrest Fetherolf, to join the Anthem Opinions staff to share the vast knowledge he's acquired over the years with his experience in the construction industry.

What we never realized was just how valuable he would become to residents by writing these helpful articles --- so helpful, that many people now call him "Mr. Fix-It" instead of his real name.

And so...because so many people still ask, "Where's the Mr. Fix-It article?"...

We're Making it Easier to Find Mr. Fix-It


We've changed the name of our Information Page "Tips to Make Your Home More Efficient...$$$$"


"Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

We want to thank all of you for your suggestion. and we want to express our appreciation to Forrest for making us a better publication with his great advice !

Dick Arendt and Allen Weintraub
Anthem Opinions

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