Information Pages

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Going to "The Horse's Mouth" Sometines Gets :Horse Apples

FSR Manager and Board Member....caught in "Pot" of Misinformation

A couple of months ago in the SCA Spirit Magazine SCA President Jean Capillupo was very critical of some blogs providing “misinformation” to their readers and the blog posters should verify the information from someone in leadership that know the true facts.

WELL!!!   Guess what...

We wer given “Misinformation" from FSR Activities Director, Maurice  Talley, and SCA Board Member, Dan Forgeron.

Maybe President Jean Capillupo should ensure that Board Members and our management company, FSR, practice what she preaches to blogger's and blog owners.

Case in point...

Maruice Talley was asked  what is the definition of “Potluck” vs.“Catering” for club events held in the Grand Ballroom ?

He advised me that "potluck" was...

"the majority of this and 75% of that".

Yak, Yak, Yak.

When asked where this information was written, his reply was in the Vic's Lease Agreement.


Misinformation” by Maurice Talley.

His definition is not contained in the lease agreement, but we were able to retrieve a secret document from FSR Community Association Manager, Rob Feldman, 

... prepared by...
Maurice Talley

Dan Forgeron


Vic's restaurant owner Larry Hughes restrict clubs potluck events in the Grand Ballroom and essentially force clubs to cater with Vic's restaurant.

 Dan Forgeron was then asked when the "new definition" of potluck was implemented; and who authorized it...

...without any knowledge or input of SCA Charter Clubs ?

...and when all Club Presidents had received a document redefining “Potluck” to use as a guideline for club events ?

His answer...It was given to Lifestyles Committee, they sent out the definition to all clubs and it is on this months agenda for implementation.


Misinformation” by board member, Dan Forgeron.

At a Lifestyles Workshop Committee Chair, Ralph Saccoliti, stated Lifestyles was unaware of the potluck issue until it was brought it to their attention.

“Potluck” was not on this months agenda, and they did not notify any clubs as implied by Dan Forgeron. is sad...

...our Management Company, who we pay over 3 million dollars per year...

and a Board Member we elected for two terms to look out for the best interests of the community...

 are “misinformed", uninformed”...

or are just plain "untruthful" .

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