Information Pages

Thursday, November 14, 2013

A Change Many Said...We Needed

I Can't Find Your Articles !!!

We can't tell you how many times we'd heard that from our readers, and until recently, our blog software directed you to Information Pages, telling you to "click" the respective topic for further details.

The "computer guru" for Anthem Opinions is a man named Allen Weintraub; who, in addition to being responsible for the lack of time I spend with my wife, Marla;  is also responsible for keeping me sane whenever a computer glitch occurs.

Know this face....This is the guy behind the scenes who fixes all the computer problems associated with this publication.

Allen Weintraub

Over the last year, he is no longer called "Allen"; he is now referred to as
" Techie".

Techie is richer than I am, and often travels the world with his wife Sharon, while leaving his "blog" co-owner, ME, often fending for himself when it comes to technical matters.

I met"Techie"...AGAIN... at the Liberty Center about a year ago, after a swim in the indoor pool. 

Often being accused of being rather "talkative", I struck up a conversation with this individual while in the locker room with the typical pleasantries that included:  Where are you from ?

He was from ChicagoSo was IHe originally attended the University of IllinoisSo did I. He lived in the same area that I did.

...and then it hit me....Allen

...and he looked at me and said...Dick?

Well, we were fraternity brothers who hadn't seen each other for 40 years, and ironically we both also had successful insurance careers as well.

He however never did answer one question I asked him as to why he got old and I didn't ???? !!!

So a rekindled friendship began with 40 years in between that has evolved into Anthem Opinions.

Now with that explanation...I want to emphatically state...IT'S TECHIE'S FAULT if the blog doesn't work right !

So...he fixed something while vacationing in Europe...that I'm glad to pass on to all of you.

Information Pages will remain...BUT...the articles will be...

For example, if you look at the latest "What's Up In Weekend Entertainment" article just below this post, you will be something new....something that says...


Just click on the that, and the article will "miraculously" appear without you having to look for it.

So...we hope you like this new change, and we hope this will better assist all of you in finding "our stuff" !

Thanks again for reading Anthem Opinions.

Dick Arendt and "Techie" Weintraub

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