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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Let's close the year with something new...TELLING THE FULL STORY

When Lies are Believed

Do you know what happens when you lie most of the time?

I'll tell start to believe the LIE is the TRUTH !

...and a perfect example is this MINIATURE GOLF COURSE when they realize the FULL COST of this venture and how it's being disguised with a bogus petition that conveniently leaves out the FULL TRUTH with FULL COSTS.

Our community has been LIED TO again and again, the latest of which are a bunch of people gathering signatures about a Mini-Golf course.

700 people signed this thing and yet there is not ONE who can actually tell you how much the total cost is going to be !

These people haven't a clue as to the total cost of this venture...yet they have the audacity to ask you to sign something that you haven't any idea as to its cost. 

This is what they should be giving any person who signs something without knowing its full cost.

There's another word that can be used...SCAM.

Talk about "seniors" being "easy marks"......these petitioners are SCAMMING their own neighbors...

...and whether it's intentional or unintentional....

...a SCAM is a SCAM.

No one knows the full cost of this venture....yet people have blindly signed it.

Why ? 

Because someone told them it was if anything is free in this world ??? 

That's right...LIES...who some might look at as "stretching the truth", but nonetheless,  A LIE IS A LIE.

We did some homework trying to find out just what people were being told BEFORE they signed a petition that supposedly has close to 700 signatures.

When they were approached for signature, they asked, "What about the cost?"

And the answers came back similar to the nonsense that was spewed at the Property and Grounds Committee a number of weeks ago.

"It's in the budget"

"It's free"

and...that's A LIE  !

When Anthem Today's Rana Goodman confronted the Mini-Golf sponsor about cost at the previous Properties and Grounds meeting...he danced around the answer like a bear in a circus tent trying to come up with anything that avoided the word "cost".

"Asset Enhancement Fee" ...cried the blogger.  It's there to be spent.

Therein lies the LIE...and a board member clearly stated...


It's big money when you sell your home...and..


...and people that want your money who don't tell you the full truth...are also HUCKSTERS in addition to being LIARS .

They're LIARS because they know that they can't get what they telling the full TRUTH !

And there is only one way to fix this form of LIE...

...something I've preached for deaf those who are being duped about how much is spent by FOOLISH PEOPLE for FOOLISH and costly projects.... remove obstacles which create LIES...

...the best example of which is...

Telling the full truth...and letting the cards fall as they will.

Tell people the TOTAL COST of construction,  architectural feesconcrete, demolition, landscaping, irrigation, insurance, annual maintenance, association liability, etc.

Don't let someone tell you that you can't be sued if someone is injured.... matter who wins or costs money to defend a lawsuit.

Just WHY was that not placed on the petition?  

Simply stated, the individual who SPONSORED IT DIDN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW, and those who don't disclose those costs when they ask you to sign any such petition are either UNAWARE of the costs, or when confronted with the what they might actually be....WON'T GIVE YOU AN ANSWER.

And you know what words come up again, when people ask you to sign something without knowing all the facts ???


In this particular case these "scammers" cling to....


This fund has been abused for years and all it accomplishes is "legalized" waste...decisions in the hands of 7 people---actually only 4 of seven people.

Is there ANY PERSON in this community who enjoys an association grabbing .33% of the proceeds of a house sale?

Just how much is taken from YOU when you SELL ?

At $200,000, that's $660.00.
At $300,000, that's $990.00.
At $400,000, that's $1,320.00
At $500,000, that's $1,650.00.

...and the amount of the actual fee paid grows as a home appreciates ! 

Is that FREE ?????

Each and every year, approximately $300,000 is received...and spent on questionable new items, when it is placed into a capital improvement fund, when it could be used for day to day operating expenses.  IT COULD ALSO BE USED TO REDUCE OUR ANNUAL DUES ASSESSMENTS...or...ELIMINATED COMPLETELY.

And we are only one of a FEW COMMUNITIES who assess this fee !

And now...there's this Liberty Center project that is going to tap that CURSED FUND's just a matter of how much !

Want to stop lies about spending and put the decision of what is, and what is not, a proper expenditure, in the hands of those who are making the deposits...namely YOU and ME ?

Easy...elect a board that will CONSIDER IT A TRANSFER FEE, and VOTE that they WILL NO LONGER ACCESS IT.

Then...when questionable items need approval, the decision is NO LONGER IN THE HANDS OF a FEW,  but requires a VOTE of the ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP for a SPECIAL ASSESSMENT !!!

That would mean Finance = Efficiency.

...AND completely eliminates LIES as to where the money comes from to build senseless projects when it's spent !

Feel as I do?

Then make this question the first one you ask of any candidate that will run for our board. 

Dick Arendt

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