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Monday, January 27, 2014

There's a Correlation Between Rita Rudner and the 2014 Grammy Awards

Rita Rudner...Class...Funny...Clean...and Prophetic

On Sunday evening I saw Rita Rudner perform at the Venetian, and I asked myself, "Why isn't she performing on a regular basis as she did years ago?"

She entered the stage looking like a "lady", acting like a "lady", and sounding like a "lady". 

For 90 minutes Ms. Rudner went on and on about life...talking about her being a woman who is aging......she's 60 now, believe it or not, still looks like a million, and unlike so many others, she's not only accepted it, but seems to love being that age.

And those of us who can relate to being “of a certain age” will enjoy every minute of it too ! look at the trials and tribulations of a woman who has gone through 25 years of marriage with the same man....she stresses that as a major accomplishment in her life...

...accepting each other's faults, and finding humor in them, must make for a fun experience for what appears to be a very successful marriage.

Ms. Rudner and her husband have a twelve year old daughter who they, according to her, adopted....

...and when a person in the audience asked her if she still toured the country with her comedy, she said she was too busy as a mom.

Too busy as a mom...what a refreshing and unselfish attitude, I thought !

That 90 minutes whisked by as if only 10 minutes had passed....and she, dressed in a beautiful gown, speaking in proper English, and never using profanity in any way...brought back comedy that in my mind, will last forever.

It was CLEAN.

And I miss that type of entertainment.

The next day I awoke and saw a headline in the Review Journal regarding the Grammy Award winners, and noted that the album of the year was won by a group called "Daft Punk" and then I thought about some words that were part of Rita Rudner's act.

Now---my problem isn't with "Daft Punk"...because their music is more of a 70s disco beat...which I've always enjoyed.

My problem was with lyrics...lyrics that send out a message as to how we have "evolved" as a society.

Ms. Rudner, in jest, made a comment that 20 years from now, what we now know as "elevator music" will greatly change...

And if the lyrics of Daft Punk's song, "Get Lucky" are any indication of what a five year old kid will hear as he/she is riding up that elevator, or as they "groove" to the oldies of the '10s,  this is what they're going to hear...

"We've Come So Far..
So Let's Raise the Bar"


"She's Up All Night in the Sun
I'm Up all Night to Get Some
She's Up all Night for Good Fun
I'm Up all night to get Lucky
We're Up all Night to Get Some"

And if those are the lyrics that win Grammy Awards....

Then I'm sure glad that I'm as old as I am, and won't have to listen to it while they push me in and out of that elevator some day.

... that hearing such trash, will somehow give me the strength to walk the stairs instead !

At any rate, the next time Rita Rudner performs, make sure you see her...and...take your kids and grand kids without worrying about what they're going to see and hear.

And one more thing...forget the Grammy's...

...if that's how they determine "quality" musical entertainment deserving to be the "Best Record" and "Best Album" of the Year."

Dick Arendt


  1. From Dave Nall....Wilmington, North Anthem Opinions

    An Excellent Article, Dick!

  2. From Jill from Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    Yes, times they are a changing...

    The world in which we grew up, was not our parents world, and certainly not our grandparents world.

    Each generation claims the New World as theirs with their music and fashion and even there comedians.

    Fortunately the rest of us still have choices to watch- or not -listen -or not -wear the fashions -or not ...
    Lucky us who lived and grew up in a time when the world was happier, safer, and more trustworthy.

  3. From Sarelle Povitsky of Opinions

    Right on !

  4. From George Jacobs of Cleveland, Opinions


    Good comments.

    It's interesting - class is always in style. I doubt that "Daft Punk" and their songs will be around forever.
