Information Pages

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Is This is a Fair Demand of any Board Candidate ?

Should Harassing Commentary be Condemned by Board Candidates?

Board candidates have announced, and as the saying goes...
"Let the Games Begin"
It would certainly be refreshing if any candidates for our upcoming board election would make a statement that such degrading and/or harassing behavior by any person or blog is unacceptable in any way.
Silence....on this matter...should create suspicion as to their character and how they might look at fellow constituents should they be elected...whether they will lead through example, or through intimidation.
Making crude and harassing commentary designed to merely demean another person, yet boasting a 100% track record at choosing candidates who have been victorious in past elections, should raise eyebrows as to those candidates who have remained silent toward such behavior directed at their fellow neighbors.
Just what does that say about the character of the person making such a demeaning comment, or even worse, the character of the individual endorsed, if they cannot subscribe to any civil form of conduct?
Good moral character combined with competence must be the standard by which a leader should be judged and chosen.
Missing either, means settling for less than what you deserve, and the results of electing any such individual, can only bring results of less than what you are entitled to receive.
In my estimation any board candidate who refuses to chastise any person demonstrating such activity, should be eliminated from consideration by any person casting a ballot. 
When "winning" involves sacrificing the golden rule....

Is a "WIN" really a WIN?
I am merely asking each candidate....
Will you demonstrate your moral fiber by rejecting  harassing behavior ? 
I hope each and every candidate asks themselves this question as this contest proceeds...
...while the good people of this community pay close attention to those candidates who reject or remain silent to such behavior prior to their voting for any person.
Dick Arendt



  1. From resident...Dorothy Opinions

    I agree!

    Bully should be considered as a form of abuse!

    Everyone is entitled to one’s own opinion about any topic; yet, there are so many choices of words that may be said, be written, be expressed.

    No one should be subjected to an abusive manner in any form!!! Specially, if there is no truth to the subject matter.

    We live in an adult community. the word “ADULT” to this English as second language "old me" should be translated as a Matured, Seasoned, Loving, Caring individual.

    We should be cautious to guard our well beings, not be in combating atmospheres all the time!

    Thanks bringing this subject up.

    God Bless!!!

    1. Thank yoiu Dorothy.

      Wouldn't it be nice if all the board candidates, blog writers, and residents subscribed to your beliefs?

      ...and your definition of "ADULT" should be in Webster's Dictionary. It's the best definition I've ever heard.

      Dick Arendt
