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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Mini Golf....LOL !

Mini-Golf...Common Sense Says
 It's Ridiculous

Gotta have it...

Gotta do it....

Gotta say...

Forget it !

Other than the immense financial commitment associated with that project, one of its strongest criticisms is the belief that it will not be used with any regularity...especially in the Las Vegas heat !

The Sun City Summerlin Activities Department verified that an average of only TWO people p/month use it, yet proponents are trying to convince residents that one has nothing to do with the other... argument... even if weakened even further with something we were made aware of ...

...that those who do believe this project should go forward, would have a problem explaining and justifying the costs of its construction and maintenance !

The cost estimate submitted for the project was from an UNLICENSED firm, and a recent article written by our Mr. Fix-It, confirmed that "there was more to the story."

A subsequent comment on an alternative blog from an individual whose son sought licensing in Nevada met with a great deal of opposition.

"...I wish getting a contractors license were "straight forward and simple" sorry to tell you, at least in this city it is not so. Getting a contractor's license is quite complicated here, as my son-in-law found out when he and my daughter moved here from NJ. He had only been licensed there 35 years. With test, paperwork, etc. it took him many months and mucho $$$."

Did you know that  such an "amenity"  that existed in your own backyard...CLOSED ITS DOORS not long ago?

No matter what you read elsewhere, common sense says....

If it would have been that successful, it would have stayed AND opened a second location elsewhere !

King-Putt Indoor Mini Golf

This "state of the art" INDOOR and AIR CONDITIONED facility was located at 9230 S. Eastern Ave.....less than 4 miles from the Anthem Center in Sun City Anthem.

It included an ARCADE; the theme had an "Egyptian" motif, and included every "bell and whistle" available. 

The cost was $8.50 to play an 18 hole course, with the final hole offering a free game, if you got a hole in one.

If the entire cost of the project were $200,000...and when ALL COSTS ARE CONSIDERED...DON'T BE SURPRISED IF IT IS....

... it would make more sense to GIVE  $8.50 vouchers FREE OF CHARGE to each resident to play at any such location than build one !

...because 23,530 residents would receive such a voucher, to equal that total sum... be fair...

(only 11,765 residents if $100,000)

...AND... at the Summerlin facility average of only 2 people per/month utilizing it, the break even point wouldn't be reached for

980 years. be fair...

(only 490 years if $100,000)

I previously put out a "cost" challenge to proponents of this idea and the original cost figure published....between $80,000--$100,000


in giving them the benefit of the doubt with the HIGHER figure of $100,000...

I put forth the proposition that...




...even by the supposed 700+ supporters who signed a petition saying they...



As always, it's easier to...

SPEND OTHERS MONEY...rather than your own.

Here are a few pictures of what was available to patrons.

Now compare this to the bland "vanilla" proposal without any such elements that has been proposed.

You might also view this video of King Putt Min-Golf, shot in January, 2013. It is a bit dark, but it's a short 2+ minutes, and  you will see what a "real" miniature golf course SHOULD LOOK LIKE...that KIDS WOULD LOVE TO PLAY.

This beautiful facility was not only available to kids, but ALL WHO WOULD COME....yet it ceased its operation over a year ago.

So, the question is simple...and those who are proponents of the mini-golf expenditure at the Liberty Center should be easily able answer as they continue their quest for this project....

If a detailed beautiful indoor air conditioned facility that included an arcade for children and open to the entire public would close.....

WHY IS THERE ANY BELIEF that a modest facility in the OPEN AIR without any traditional "mini-golf" decorations, succeed?

And if one can satisfactorily answer those questions...

This entire community would LOVE TO HEAR IT !

And tell your friends in other communities that this project is under consideration.

See if their reaction is similar to EVERY ONE
I've ever mentioned this to over the months...

What is it ?


Anthem Opinions


  1. From Tony ....Anthem Opinions

    Dick, I just saw on another blog that there were 17 comments in favor of the mini-golf project. Do you thnk if they told us who they were, that we could send them the $8.50 each totaling $144.50 they might take it and stop wasting our community money?

    I did notice that none of them mentioned any concern for the cost to their community, and I'd love to see how many of them were the group who walked around asking people to sign the deceptive petition.

    1. To Tony S....from....Dick Arendt

      I agree. Why privacy is a concern if you support something that much, makes no sense. My guess is that almost the entire list of them also signed the "less than accurate" petition, and if they did, they had to use their real names, so why would that be confidential ?

      A good question, Tony, and without a real name, as far as I'm concerned, has zero credibility.

      If we could ever knew who they were, we'd love to hear from them so we might ask them if money was ever discussed at the time the petition was signed, and if so, just what was said to them.

      We'd also like to ask them if they are willing to sign the promissory note for costs above the original figure that was provided to the committee.

      I can tell you personally that in every case, and I mean every case, when I mentioned this idea to people, if they did hear about this idea, they were either unaware of it, or laughed, saying "you have to be kidding me". They thought it was a joke and a waste of money.

      That's why we don't accept posts without knowledge of the person who sends them. They could be phony and we check every post prior to publishing them.

      I loved your comment about sending them the money, but that would require a real name and address to do so.

  2. From Sam Opinions

    He has requested we reprint an email sent to the Mini-Golf email address provided ty the Property and Grounds Committee.

    to express his opinion regarding the Mini-Golf Proposal.

    "I have previously expressed my opinion about this mini golf course on Anthem Opinions and I wish to express my concerns directly to you. WE DO NOT NEED A MINI GOLF COURSE. Questions should be asked of the supporters of this needless expenditure of our money, on how many times any of them used a mini golf course anywhere in the Clark County Area. Ask them to provide proof of their use of such facilities. I bet they can’t. The aim of these individuals is to build an entertainment center for their visiting kids/grandkids. Of course, most of those visitors won’t use such facilities, because of the extreme heat and most of the young ones go to bed early.

    In the past few years, we have had enough problems with kids using the Anthem indoor pool and it wasn’t until Kathy Kline came and enforced some rules, that any semblance of order was attained in the pool. Unfortunately, during the past few years, I have heard comments such as, “It would be nice if the kids could use the pool anytime, not just during designated hours and it would be nice to build slides at the outdoor pool and even a playground for the little ones, so they can be entertained”.

    We are not an entertainment center for visitors. We have already passed rules on visitors using the tennis courts and athletic equipment in the fitness center, because visitors were infringing on the time available to residents. Unless you are blinded by your local politics, you know that most residents do not use the tennis courts or bocce courts about eight months of the year. It’s too hot. Then there are few cold months, when most people do not use either facility at night because it’s too cold. So what makes you think they will use the mini golf course more then the other facilities?

    Dick Arendt rightly pointed out that an indoor facility in a nearby area closed because of lack of support. Summerlin hardly has more then two persons per day using their facility. I am sure our mini-golf course would see the 700 supporters show up the first week, but as soon as the novelty wears off, it will die a natural death. I would say, about a month.

    Let’s avoid the building and maintenance costs of such a facility. If you want to entertain your kids, get rid of Vic’s and build a video arcade. Even I would be happy to spend my quarters playing ATARI games. Tells you how old I am.

