Information Pages

Monday, March 31, 2014

Entertainment Club News

Resident Takes on Entertainment Club Guest Policy Discrimination

Jim Long (Past SCA Board of Directors President and Current Board Vice-President) displayed his authority to discriminate against the newly formed SCA Entertainment Club.

Jim Long was successful in recruiting three followers (Mike Carey, Dan Forgeron, Jerry Gardberg) to modify our clubs Bylaws as he saw fit in direct violation of the 2014 Charter Club Guidelines, 2014 Club Bylaws, and Lifestyles Mission Statement.

SCA President Jean Capullipo,  Jim Mayfield, and Bella Meese strongly apposed the amendment.

The restrictions imposed ONLY on SCA Entertainment Club disallows any guests to attend our functions unless they hold a valid SCA Membership Card.

This means...

Special guests such as Veterans Treatment Court Judge Mark Stevens cannot attend our clubs Veterans fund raiser event.

Special guests such as representatives for the Philippines Disaster Relief Effort cannot attend any event.

Special guest speakers are disallowed to speak.

Your Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Children, Grand Children, Great Grand Children, other Relatives, Friends, Neighbors, Business Associates, Girl Friends, Boy Friends, Visitors...and the list goes on and on, are disallowed.

This action by Long, Carey, Forgeron, Gardberg clearly demonstrates they can make up their own rules and regulations at will whenever they have a personal axe to grind with the participants of SCA Entertainment Club.

I doubt very much these four individuals are ignorant of the rules and regulations they passed only two months ago in January 2014.

So...What was their motive?   Not one of the other SCA 50 plus Charter Clubs have these restrictions.

LIFESTYLES Mission Statement:

It is the mission of this committee to fulfill its duties to the community, the Chartered Club Program and the Board in such manner that interests and rights of all are respected as equitably as possible. These duties will be fulfilled in a timely manner.

The committee shall treat all Clubs in an equitable manner, showing no bias. Decisions regarding the
Clubs will be made in reference to the Charter Club Guidelines and will reflect what is deemed to be in
the best interest of the Clubs and the Community at large.
SCA Charter Club Guidelines and Rules Approved by Lifestyles Committee and the BOD
January 2014:
2.5 Guests:

A. Clubs may exercise autonomy when establishing a guest policy as long as it does not contradict the governing documents of the Association. They may impose more stringent, but not less stringent, rules than those included in the Association documents governing guest policy.
Club guests may use Association facilities if they meet all respective club requirements for safety, training, and individual decorum.
Clubs may require a guest fee. All club guest policies should be clearly stated in club bylaws.

B. Eligible Resident Guests are defined as individuals who hold valid activity cards and are not members of the chartered club.
Eligible Resident Guests may attend a club’s activities no more than five times per calendar year without joining the club. Clubs may adopt a more restrictive policy.
C. Non-Eligible Guests are defined as individuals who do not hold a valid activity card and are not Association members.
Clubs may allow Non-Eligible Guests at club events, but they do not qualify for club membership.
Non-Eligible Guests must be accompanied by a club member at all times when participating in a club event at any facility/amenity of the Association.
A Non-Eligible Guest may attend a club’s events no more than five times per calendar year.

D. Club guests are defined as non-eligible guests invited by the Club Board/officers from other communities who wish to interact with similar clubs in our community.
Example: Tournament guests from like clubs participating with SCA clubs. These types of activities must first be approved by the Lifestyle Committee.

E. In planning events where space is limited, clubs should first accommodate their members, Eligible Guests, and then all others.

Charter Club Bylaws Approved by Lifestyles Committee and the BOD January 2014

Section B: Guest Policy:

Eligible residents and non-resident guests may be extended privileges as long as they meet the Chartered Club Guidelines and Rules of the Association. Resident Guests are permitted to attend functions a maximum of five times per year and must then become members in order to continue enjoying benefits.

Non-Eligible Guests do not qualify for membership, must be accompanied by a member at all times, and not attend more than five (5) functions per year. Such guests may be charged a fee.

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