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Monday, April 14, 2014

April 16, 2014.....Spirit of 45 Day

Anthem Opinions is proud to salute Dan Roberts of The Vegas Voice for Mayor Andy Hafen's Proclamation naming April 16, 2014 as the official..

Spirit of 45 Day


WHEREAS, the people of the United States received word August 11, 1945 of the end of World War II and greeted the news of the Allies noble victory with joyous celebration, humility and spiritual reflection; and,

WHEREAS, the victory marked the culmination of an unprecedented national effort that defeated the forces of aggression, brought freedom to subjugated nations and ended the horrors of the Holocaust; and,

WHEREAS, these historic accomplishments were achieved through the collective service and personal sacrifice of the people of the United States, both those who served in uniform and those who supported them on the homefront, and the nearly 300,000 Americans who gave their lives in service to their country during World War II; and,

WHEREAS, August 11, 1945 marked not only the end of the war but also the beginning of a great era of rebuilding led by the United States to restore the societies of both their allies and former foes alike, and the formation of an array of organizations and institutions that helped to strengthen American democracy by promoting civic engagement, volunteerism and service to community and country; and,

WHEREAS, the courage, dedication, self-sacrifice and compassion of the “ordinary heroes” of the WWII generation continue to inspire our nation, especially the men and women who are currently serving and protecting our country around the world; and,

WHEREAS, the entire WWII generation, military and civilian alike, has provided a model of national unity and community that will continue to serve as a source of inspiration for current and future generations of Americans to come together to work for the continued prosperity of the United States and the world; and,

WHEREAS, the Spirit of ’45 is a nationwide nonprofit initiative to remember, honor and celebrate the achievements of America’s Greatest Generation with a goal to support a national Spirit of ’45 annual commemorative event on the second Sunday in August; and,

WHEREAS, The Vegas Voice will host the first Nevada Spirit of ’45 event April 16, 2014 at the Henderson Pavilion with Honorary Grand Marshall Marty Allen, Host Mark O’Toole and entertainment that includes Lou Gazzara, Dangerous Curves, Corrie Sachs, Denise Clemente, Gary Anthony, Genevieve and others; and,

WHEREAS, the City of Henderson has the mission to provide services and resources that enhance the quality of life for those who live, learn, work and play in our city;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Andy Hafen, as Mayor of the City of Henderson, Nevada, do hereby proclaim

April 16, 2014 

to be


in recognition of the courage, dedication, self-sacrifice and compassion displayed by the ordinary heroes of World War II and encourage our residents to support the Spirit of ’45 events leading up to August 10, 2014.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the City of Henderson, Nevada, to be affixed this 16th day of April 2014.

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