Information Pages

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Offensive Commentary on Sun City Blog Must Cease

Community Election Commentary

Want to know WHY Anthem Opinions made attempts to contact board candidates to endorse a CIVILITY CODE against harassing comments toward others?

Here's why...

To avoid this Type of TRASH that is allowed on David's Anthem Journal.
Is this to be allowed in a civilized retirement community?

Do you find this in any way ENTERTAINING or INFORMATIVE when addressing the qualification of ANY board candidate ?

"The big lie repeated many times. An old propaganda trick that may influence some. David, I usually read your blog during breakfast. With that picture posted there, I think I will wait until a little latter in the day when I have an empty stomach."

"Based on her over-the-top campaign rhetoric, Frank unwittingly portrays herself as a narcissitic, delusional, and paranoid senior who trusts no one.

Insisting that no candidate except herself can be relied upon to properly serve the community tells us all we need to know about this fatuous, mean-spirited, self-serving crank.
Of course, I could be wrong in my assessment. The vote tally will be the final word from residents on her candidacy."

or how about this from...


Dear S:
Here is the big mistake you are making. You are assuming she can think! That's when you went off the rails.

We at Anthem Opinions consider this BEHAVIOR ABHORRENT and find it not only disrespectful toward ANY CANDIDATE running for our Board of Directors, but OFFENSIVE as well.

What in ANY WAY does this have to do with a candidate's platform ?


Mr. Berman, have you NO SHAME to allow such commentary to remain on your publication ?

Are you not aware that allowing such GARBAGE is merely a REFLECTION of your publication?

Just another reason as to WHY, we at Anthem Opinions, called for  Candidates to Endorse a Code of Conduct.

...a plea that was totally ignored by...


and even worse by a publication that boasts ...

" you are free to express your (respectful) opinions"

We suggest you keep this in mind when you cast a ballot.

Is this form of commentary ENDORSED by YOU ?

1 comment:

  1. From a Opinions

    Mr, Berman should be aware that when he points one finger at someone, the other 4 point to him. It's just a shame that new people that have moved to SCA do not know of his history of malicious reporting and might believe some of his deplorable journalism.
