Information Pages

Monday, April 21, 2014

Stained Results When You Don't Report the Full Truth

Laughing at a Poll Result

Why is it so difficult to allow people an opportunity to cast a ballot without THE FULL TRUTH before asking for a choice?

"I like him, I like her, I don't think he or she should be elected" and throwing suble derogatory remarks at those who you personally dislike.

That is NOT journalism.  

That's all you seem to hear from the author of a ridiculous poll that never addresed the real meat and potatoes of the issue...


For some reason these types of FACTS where never reported before you were asked to make a choice.


Afraid to tell the FULL STORY ?


Ashamed to tell it ?


Ask yourself THESE QUESTIONS !

Are you in favor of financing a private business with your dues money?

Are you in favor of paying outrageous sums of money for repair projects leaders have made that will not allow any oversight?

Are you in favor of sanctioning management company employees harassing residents who are your neighbors?

Are you in favor of sanctioning people who are UNLICENSED to perform services for our community?

Are you in favor of using a (disguised) Carver method of management where most decisions are placed in the hands of a management company?

Do you favor candidates who refuse to endorse a civility code?

If you do....then you must have been one of the 90%+ who voted to retain that form of management according to what was recently published elsewhere.

And if you were....


..then you either merely listened to someone who told you how you should vote...


You care little about the financial well-being and integrity of your community !

Dick Arendt
Anthem Opinions


  1. From resident...Yun Opinions

    Residents are really sick and tired of hearing David Berman moan and groan, childlike, about the Miniature Golf Course not being approved and it seems like daily there is another editorial with an attempt to justify. He has offered criticism to the Property & Grounds Committee, to the other proposed projects, and never once shared the "exactly over all cost" of this project.

    He's like the energizer bunny that refused to give up. I am hopeful that this committee weighs ALL factors, and put "cost to build" at the top of the list as the usage vs cost will shock many. The pickle ball court and paddle tennis court at Liberty Center is in use EVERY day (various times) and they didn't submit a proposal, I'm surprised. The tennis court is never full.

    The Shuffle Board proposal, would could serve a DUAL purpose and be unbelievably inexpensive will, hopefully, have full consideration of this committee. I would like to thank the committees for their volunteer efforts and am hopeful that, sometime soon, we won't have to read articles about Berman's Miniature Golf and Rancher Bundy, enough already.

    1. From Anthem Lee

      Very typical Yun Lee, Though your comment may not have to do with the topic at hand, it merely magnifies the continual form of reporting from that publication that does little other than make attempts to influence people in a contuning quest to cover past mistakes---and keep his beloved "system" intact.

      Just when was the RECORD of Mrs. Cappilupo EVER published there?

      Don't bother looking, it never was.

      How does one always look at a "system" as being beyond reproach ? Simple, when you have always been a part of one, you can't exist outsdie of one.

      Look at the support for Don Schramski. A few years ago, he wrote a damning article that essentially blamed the Woodchips for having been responsible for a man's suicide.

      Now, he fully supports him. Why? What changed?

      I personally find it impossible to comprehend why Mr. Schramski is campaigning with individuals who never took the time to defend his Woodchips club in any way at that time, and find it even more confusing as to why he would seek support from a person who wrote such a damning article. To my knowledge, the author has never apologized to that SCA club.

      What makes this most hypocritical is...he was finally rebuked by the "system" that he needs to exist.....annd now, in fear of losing that mystical control, is striking back at it by degrading the Chairman of the Properties and Grounds Committee for "bucking the system"....and...using a publication to cause others to beat up on a man who has done his best to be impartial...because he didn't get his way.

      We at Anthem Opinions will always tell the full story, not just a part of it.

      We believe that telling only a part of it is poor journalism, and we know that as time passes, our increasing readership, along with EVERY OTHER blog in Sun City Anthem, has looked at results of recommendations made by him more closely than ever---and the failures of those he has recommended.

  2. From Marty Anthem Opinions

    Hi Dick,

    This one touched a HOT BUTTON so I thought I'd answer it as it seemed
    important! Besides I haven't said "Jack" in the last few months. I'm
    hoping it wasn't rhetorical in nature because all the questions are so
    important...and, you are so good at what you do.

    marty winger

    Are you in favor of financing a private business with your dues money?
    Absolutely not.

    Are you in favor of paying outrageous sums of money for repair projects
    leaders have made that will not allow any oversight?
    Absolutely not.

    Are you in favor of sanctioning management company employees harassing
    residents who are your neighbors?
    Absolutely not, don't "they" work for us?

    This one needs to be nipped in the bud if it happens. This one needs to
    make all of us aware that it has happened.

    Are you in favor of sanctioning people who are UNLICENSED to perform
    services for our community? No, they need to provide all documentation for
    their credentials for the submittals, and the people requesting the work
    verify it first.

    Are you in favor of using a (disguised) Carver method of management where
    most decisions are placed in the hands of a management company? I am
    against CARVER...period. All this does is allow the board folks a
    "slippery slope" to not make decisions and create committee's.

    Do you favor candidates who refuse to endorse a civility code?
    (Not sure what you are asking) but I don't like "pussy footing." Sorry?

    1. Marty.

      There are times when blog software will run articles a second time. Don't ask me just happens.

      This was one of those times.

      The commentary is however as valid now as it was when the original article was written.

      The "chosen" ones were elected despite the article.

      As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but if the horse doesn't drink it, it deserves to die of thirst.

      And those who chose the route in voting the way they did, only have themselves to blame when the inevitable problems occur as a result of the many unqualified and incompetent individuals elected over the years.
