Information Pages

Saturday, May 3, 2014

If You Haven't Already Done So.....

Just a few reminders about water usage.....It's time to change the watering timer in the garage !
 Summer Watering Restrictions Began on May 1st
Watering restrictions allow watering any day of the week from May 1 through August 31..
While daily landscape watering is permitted, landscapes can stay healthy and look great with less water. Monitor your landscape closely during the hot summer days and adjust watering times or add watering days only as needed.
 Time-of-Day Watering Restrictions
Mandatory watering restrictions prohibit sprinkler irrigation between the hours of 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. from May 1 until Oct. 1.
During the hottest hours of the day, water is often lost to evaporation from the heat and high winds. Watering during restricted hours is considered water waste and may result in a water waste citation.
You may hand water your landscape at any time of day, but use a hose with a positive shut-off nozzle.
 When to Water
Water your landscape after sunset and before sunrise to reduce evaporation caused by wind and heat. Mandatory watering restrictions permit watering any day of the week until the end of August.

 Take a Day Off

One way to keep your water bill down during peak temperatures is to cut one watering day per week out of your daily sprinkler schedule. Taking just one day off can reduce your water use by as much as 10 to 15 percent.
 Sprinkler Watering Tips
Use the cycle and soak sprinkler irrigation method, which allows the soil to absorb water slowly and reduces the risk of runoff. Water four days per week and increase the schedule only if your landscape needs more water.
  • 3 times a day
  • 1 hour apart
  • 4 minutes each watering

 Don't Water on Windy or Rainy Days

Winds can send sprinkler water in unintended directions, saturating the sidewalk more than the lawn. Watering during rainy periods can cause soil over-saturation and wasteful runoff. Shut off the sprinklers on windy or rainy days and save as much as 500 gallons of water a day.
 Problem Areas

If you have a lawn the notice brown spots, check your sprinklers to see if any of the heads are broken or twisted. Also check to see that your sprinklers are popping up 4 inches above the grass. You may water by hand with a hose.

To break down surface tension and allow for better water absorption, add a tablespoon of liquid soap to a gallon of water and drench the brown spots with the mixture.
Drip Watering Tips
During summer, Southern Nevada Water Authority recommends running your drip irrigation system in a single cycle of 30 to 90 minutes, three days a week.
The length of each watering should be determined by the emitter flow rate, soil type and weather conditions.
Experts agree that running drip irrigation less frequently is much better for plants than daily watering. 

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